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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈blood•°


𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 shot his eyes open, gasping for air and sitting on the bed, sweat was dripping from his face and when raising his hand to his lips, feeling a way too familiar metallic taste, the male realized his nose was bleeding. he got up, holding himself on the wall when dizziness took over him and stumbling his way to the bathroom.

the red haired stared at himself in the mirror, his skin was pale as if he was sick and blood was running down his nose. the truth was, his situation was way worse than what he showed to beomgyu or ruby, the male was way more sick than he let be seen. he was dying, slowly, but after years of drinking the potion, the consequences started to appear and his time to get shorter.

yeonjun averted his eyes to the small crystal hanging on his ear, holding the want of hiding it, away from everyone, or worse, use it. letting the earring so close to him was almost a way of torture, making himself see and feel the power from it but not actually using it.

eleven years of hiding, of pretending he didn't have abilities and of killing himself while doing it. though he didn't simply ignored his power, he wasn't even close to reaching it's potencial, small training sessions made him able of having a grasp of what he could do, but he was far from knowing it all. his power was so vast he probably wouldn't learn it all even if he spent his whole life training to do so. in the end, with the constant ingestion of the potion, he got weaker every time he used his abilities, the want of using it more and more growing along with it.

it was dangerous. the demon had to control himself as much as he could to not use too much and risk crossing a line he knew hadn't a way back.

he closed his eyes, lowering his head while putting both hands on the edges of the sink, feeling too tired and weak. the male took a deep breath before turning around, taking his clothes off and getting inside the shower. yeonjun stared at the grey titles of the wall before turning the water on, as cold as possible, starting to feel his body tremble with the low temperature.

'just one more' he thought, his lips shivering and teeth chattering together, 'just one more time and i will stop'

the red haired knew he wouldn't, he simply couldn't stop, but pretending like it would happen was enough for him at the moment. it was the whole problem of being exactly like his father, didn't matter how much he tried or hid, power would always made him feel complete and satisfied.

yeonjun closed his eyes again, knowing they were probably already in their natural color, crimson. he took a deep breath and focused, taking a few minutes until his body stopped trembling and the temperature stopped affecting him. he felt like in a dream, unconscious even, his body too light and his mind too foggy. then he felt it, the burn in his veins and the heavy headache. it wasn't enough to stop him though, he needed this, he craved for it, and so he kept on going, falling more and more in an abyss he could only hope to come out later.

the red haired held his breath, knowing he was almost there, almost deeper than the last time he did the same thing, but opened his eyes forcefully, starting to cough and painting the water in red. he felt like throwing up, quickly reaching the toiled and doing so, but the only thing coming out of his stomach was blood. yeonjun started to sweat, feeling his body hot while starting to tremble, his nose starting to bleed again while he kept on coughing blood. it was bad.

the male realized he couldn't go further anymore, not when his body was too weak to handle it. it made him curse, hating the fact he couldn't have more power if he kept on hiding. but he couldn't, he couldn't stop drinking the potion, he couldn't let himself get lost in how pleasurable having power in his hands felt like, he couldn't be like his father. but wasn't he already? wasn't he a monster like limbo people insisted to say? wasn't he a curse? a shame? a creature?

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