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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 sighed, looking at the male walking beside him, who was fidgeting with his fingers while looking at his feet. the red haired knew he had been quiet for a while and soobin probably found better to just stay silent too, instead of starting to talk and maybe bother the older. he sighed again, raising his lips to a small smile and nudging the other's arm softly.

"what's the pout for?" the angel furrowed his brows, turning to the older.

"i'm not even pouting." soobin turned to the front again, remembering why he wasn't looking at the demon in the first place. dangerous. it was way too dangerous to look at yeonjun with a cropped black shirt and black cargo pants, way more with the serious face that was hotter than it should, and even more with the now red nail polish and rings on his fingers. but the real problem? it would for sure be the bellybutton piercing the demon had, or the foxy eyes adorned with dark makeup, or the red and silver long earring on his left ear, or the beautiful wings on his back, or maybe the way he walked like he was about fuck someone's life.

soobin wanted the other to fuck him, not someone's life.

the angel blinked, feeling his cheeks burning, he shouldn't be thinking that type of stuff. daniel was his friend, nothing more, and it should stay like that instead of having sexual desire ruining everything.

"what are you blushing for, darling?" soobin almost jumped in place when hearing the other close to his ear. he was so distracted he didn't even realize yeonjun got closer, way too closer for his cheeks to not get redder. it was a strangely familiar scene.

"i- i'm not blushing." the red haired smirked, raising his hands and running his fingers on the male's cheeks. both now standing in place instead of walking.

"of course you're not." yeonjun tilted his head, biting his lips and averting his eyes to soobin's ones. "want me to give you a reason to? i can get your cheeks pretty red if you want." he held the younger's chin, raising it slightly and licking his plump lips.

"n-no i don't want. there's no need to get my face red." soobin scoffed, trying his best to not show how he was falling for the demon's words and stare like a puppet. yeonjun pouted, pulling a little away, but looked at the angel with a smirk, a way too mischievous smirk for the taller's liking.

"oh, i wasn't talking about your face, darling." the younger blinked a single time before widening his eyes, he felt his entire face burning, so much he even hid it behind his hands.

"s-shut up, d-daniel."

"i'm just saying." yeonjun sneaked his arms around the other's waist, pulling him to his chest. he used his wings to cover them a little and brought his hand down, stopping on the angel's ass and squeezing it. "don't you think it would be nice?"

soobin bit his lips to not make any sound and pushed the older away, going back into walking without sparing him a glance. for anyone, including the demon, he seemed annoyed, but in fact, the angel was trying with all his will to not get turned on by the other. it was hard. he never had a problem with it before, controlling himself that is, but with yeonjun it seemed one of the hardest things to do.

"so you're gonna be mad at me?" the red haired received no answer, which brought a smile to his lips. he didn't know how far they were from soobin's house, nor he cared for it, so in the first chance he got, the demon pulled the male to an alley and pressed him on the wall. "if you're going to ignore me i might as well give you a good reason to."

"i don-" soobin's words got stuck on his throat when the red haired started to suck his neck. it took less than a minute for him to even forget what he was supposed to say, letting out a soft moan when feeling yeonjun's tongue on his skin.

the older breathed in the sweet smell, craving for piercing his fangs on the other's neck, but still not doing it. yeonjun could still feel how good the blood would taste just by the smell though, it was dangerous how he wanted to eat soobin in more than one way. he felt the taller wrap his arm around his shoulder, throwing his head back to give him more space.

the demon's breath hitched, it was so familiar how soobin lolled his head to the side, how yeonjun stared and ghosted his nose on the male's throat, how he could feel his fangs coming out, how he was almost drooling over the smell, how he was ready to drink his blood. the male pulled away a little, wrapping his hand around the other's neck so it would be covered somehow, that and because he liked the sight, just as much as he liked when the male let out a small moan.

it was surprisingly predictable that the angel would have a thing for choking.

yeonjun squeezed his fingers on the side of the younger's neck, and oh, how amusing it was to see the male arch his back and grind his hips foward, wanting more. the demon would fuck soobin on the stop if be could. he enjoyed it, just watching the angel getting almost desperate for more, his blushed cheeks and half lidded eyes. it was something close to a masterpiece, one that couldn't be fully displayed yet, not when soobin wasn't naked and under the older.

the red haired pushed soobin harder on the wall and the male whimpered, raising his hands to hold on the demon's wrist. he should've take the hand off, but he liked it too much to do so, his lace choker was nothing compared to yeonjun's fingers. the older ran his free hand on the male's side, secretly annoyed he wasn't wearing a skirt again so he could feel the soft skin, his hand went up and when he saw the white wings, he got too tempted, running his fingers on the soft feathers.

soobin widened his eyes, letting out a way too loud moan that caught the demon off guard. he bit his lips, embarrassed.

"t-they're sensitive." yeonjun licked his lips, still able to hear the moan and feel the softness under his fingertips. he found himself liking the white wings a little more than he should.

the red haired pulled his hand away and got closer to the angel instead, nipping on his glossy lips, the same taste of raspberries reaching his taste buds. soobin could feel the sharp teeth on him, just like last time, and even if in not the right mind to think about it, he still loved the feeling. the angel grind his hips foward again, moaning softly before the other kissed him.

yeonjun tightened his fingers, feeling the other moan in the kiss. his tongue slid inside soobin's mouth, making both able of tasting raspberries. the taller felt the other taking his hand off his neck, bringing both to his ass instead and squeezing it harshly. the red haired picked the male up, who wrapped his legs around his waist while still rolling his lips, but now feeling way more than before.

the older's hands went up to his waist, sneaking under the angel's shirt and making him feel the silver of the rings on yeonjun's fingers. he pulled away, needing to fill his lungs with air, which made the demon go back to his neck, not giving a fuck about not marking the pale skin like he did in tenebris forest, way more after soobin didn't oppose him when he gave him a glance for consent.

yeonjun sucked his neck, making purple-ish and red marks start to appear. he licked the male's jugular, receiving a moan in return, and ghosted his fangs over it. he wanted to bite the flesh so bad, so much it was almost obsessive. soobin started to grind on the older, moaning again and scratching his nape, and the demon lost it. he pulled back, grabbing the younger's face between his finger's softly, and licked his lips with a smirk.

"can i bite you?"


°•𝒂/𝒏 • not me disappearing for three days and finally coming back lol. sorry okay? i had to process that TXT IS HAVING A COMEBACK and it looks even more emo than chaos chapter era, i stan (not me actually afraid of yeonjun's concept photos, if i never give sign of life again, just know he is the reason)•°

°•oh and as u can see, yes, i have a thing for piercings to the point all my ffs have someone with them, bear with it•°

°•ugh i missed writing TT i missed u all too obviously<3 DROP UR FAV CHARACTER, cmon its been 10 chaps, u should already have one•°


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