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°•𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈this chapter contains smut scenes. feel free to skip it if you're not comfortable, there's nothing relevant to the plot•°

°•𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 • blood, unprotected sex, agoraphilia*, exhibitionism•°

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*agoraphilia • arousal for having sex in public and/or open spaces

keep in mind this is a basic and short explanation of the said kink/fetish/sexual act and so, please google it if you want to know more information

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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 bit his lip and nodded, not wanting to ever admit he was turned on by the idea. how filthy would be to get fucked by a royal demon while inside the castle, giving up on his wings and drowning in sin while the royal family slept in the same building. he would be ashamed if he wasn't actually anticipating it.

yeonjun pulled the taller by the hand, opening the door of the small and hidden garden quietly. he narrowed his eyes while looking around, making sure they weren't about to get caught, and pulling soobin outside when doing so. both walked carefully, the angel with red cheeks, not able to take off his mind he had nothing under his skirt, and the demon with a sly smirk.

"soobin? what are you doing here? it's late." the said male froze, looking to the side and staring at one of the palace guards. he widened his eyes, staring back at yeonjun, but being welcome by nothing, as if the male was never there.

"i-i couldn't sleep." the angel cleaned his throat softly, glad the darkness hid the state he was in, looking all fucked and disheveled. "so i went for a walk. i'm going back to my room already, don't worry."

the gargoyle guard nodded, looking around for any suspicious sight, but not seeing a thing.

"please be quick, it's not a good idea to walk around this late." he gave the angel a small smile. "good night." the male turned around, walking to where soobin thought to be the route of his watching shift, and disappeared from his sight.

the male blinked a couple of times, not knowing what to do, before doing as he was told and walking to his room. he didn't know where yeonjun was, but assumed the male was smart enough to follow him, which was exactly what happened. when soobin passed by one corridor, already inside the castle, he saw the demon coming out of it with a smirk on his lips.

"why are you walking so fast, darling? there's no one in the hallway." the red haired's smirk grew, already having an idea of the reason.

"s-shut up." the taller turned to the side, glaring at the demon for a second before looking back foward. the truth was, the thought of almost being caught, while having no underwear and looking like he just got fucked excited him a lot. soobin was living for the adrenaline running through his veins and the want to just get to his room, where he hopefully would get railed.

yeonjun held the other's wrist, making him stop on his tracks, and pulled the male to him. he didn't care about being caught, the demon knew he could take care of it in case it happened, but that didn't mean he wasn't liking the feeling too.

the red haired held soobin close, his soft and white wings touching his chest while the angel held his breath. yeonjun ran his hands on the other's sides before taking soobin's sweater out of the skirt, sneaking his hands under it. he kissed the taller's neck while looking at the empty hall, bringing his hands up and touching the male's nipples.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now