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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • blood, violence•°


𝑻𝒉𝒆 king scoffed, finding almost funny how yeonjun thought to have the upper hand, or that he was smart. hyukjun would always be smarter, he was the king, after all, and he wasn't sat on the throne for so many years because of nothing.

"the crown don't belong to you, the kims don't need someone like you in the family."

"you're right." the red haired nodded his head, a sly smirk on his lips. "that's why i'm taking the crown as a choi, a shame for the kims i would say."

"you're not taking anything." the older said almost dismissively, as if the person in front of him was saying nonsense that shouldn't be taken seriously.

"you see, hyukjun." yeonjun said coldly, starting to walk while looking at the castle walls, it didn't seem as a threatening move, so the king stayed put. "sorry to hurt your ego, but you're not rightful of the throne. law number one, article forty two. it says the strongest will always be the rightful owner of the crown, and you're not the strongest, father."

"just because you discovered to have a useless royal power, doesn't mean you're better than me. we both know there is no one better than me." the king watched the younger carefully, ready for if he would make a sudden move against him.

"do you even know what my useless power is, if you're so sure of everything?" yeonjun chuckled when hyukjun took more than a second to answer. it was enough to understand, no, the male didn't know what power he had. the red haired turned to him, lightning his own hand on fire and looking at it. "you probably remember how grandmother was the best in her fire powers."

the prince's eyes seemed to get so intense, it would be almost unbearable to look at if a normal person. it was the souls, the pain, the begs and the screams. staring at yeonjun's eyes was like staring at hell itself. scary, intense and deadly. the male put the fire out, suddenly the same black smoke from before appearing, and out of nowhere yeonjun was behind the king.

"or how your father could teleport himself easily." the red haired chuckled going back to his previous spot and picking a vase supposed to serve as decoration. he didn't even stared at it, only feeling the solid object morph into liquid and drip from his hand. "this one was from your grandfather i suppose."

"what are you doing?" hyukjun didn't show any sign of it, but he was taken aback. it didn't make sense for yeonjun to have the powers of the kim family, how could he even change from one to another?

"i'm simply showing you my useless power." the male gave his father a side smile, fangs getting on display to be seen. "mom gave me her crystalian of blood genes, i can say it definitely influenced my powers a lot." yeonjun licked his lips, as if he was tasting something he craved for years. in the end, he was; power. "let me make it clear, hyukjun. may i call it blood tree? doesn't matter. the thing is, i can access my own blood, that carries the whole family genes and therefore, use each of their powers."

"that's ridiculous." the older scoffed, finding the whole thing a delusional joke.

"are you that sad i can use the power that gave you everything? your little mental manipulation trick?" the red haired faked a sad face, letting out a chuckled after. his father was nothing compared to him.

"don't be overconfident, yeonjun. i'm still the one with a crown on my head." hyukjun smirked, as if knowing the comment would annoy the other. it surely did.

the truth was, yeonjun had been postponing attacking his father so he could heal soobin. all the talk, showing his powers, it was all to distract the king to the fact he was secretly and slowly healing the angel sat on the corner. he needed to think about everything, and of course, his queen's well being was on the top of his list of priorities.

"soobin." the red haired froze for a second, but didn't let it be shown. hyukjun smirked, as if he knew about it all. "come here."

yeonjun was ready to thrown a sly remark but was interrupted by the angel actually getting up, now almost fully healed, and walking in the king's direction. face blank, eyes empty. he stopped beside the oldest, his clothes and wings dirtied in blood, but not bleeding anymore.

"your mistake, was giving me your mother's crystal." the older's smirk grew while he tucked a strand of hair behind soobin's ear. "i can get inside your pretty boy's head because of it. i must say it feels delightful to finally take over a royal."

yeonjun pressed his tongue on his inner cheek, annoyed. he had to be extremely careful now, otherwise his father could do something with soobin, and he wasn't about to let that happen. hyukjun pulled a knife out of his belt, taking the angel's hand and putting the blade on it.

"you know, yeonjun. i didn't have any expectations on you, since you're just a bastard, but i must say, it's disappointing for a demon to have a relationship with something like an angel." the king tsked, looking at soobin as if he was the most disgusting thing he ever saw. "let me help you with this...problem, yes?"

the red haired didn't let his face change, keeping the cold and sly expression he had since the start. he didn't know what exactly his father would do, but it was sure to not be any good.


"yes, your majesty?"

"stab yourself, don't take the knife out." yeonjun breath got caught on his throat, if the blade stayed inside, he wouldn't be able to heal it. hyukjun wasn't dumb, and the fact the prince had healed the angel was more than obvious by now.

soobin held the knife up, his face blank and void of hesitation, like the puppet doll the gargoyles who tortured him were, or like taehyung was minutes ago. said demon just stayed in the corner, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything against the king. the angel raised his hand a little more, before bringing it down at once, but more to the side than planned.

yeonjun smirked.

the king bled.

"i know my angel, father. he wasn't in your domain, you wouldn't think i would be so careless, right?" the male stepped foward, holding soobin's arm and pulling him closer, hugging him from behind. he stared at hyukjun, who held his now stabbed stomach.

"you fucker! how?!" the oldest asked through his teeth, grabbing the knife and pulling it out after, blood dirtying his clothes and floor. he didn't have healing powers like his son, so the only option was pathetically bleed.

yeonjun ran his nose through soobin's neck, smelling the sweetness he missed so much, eyes always glued on the king. the angel leaned back, his now healed wings getting pressed on the demon chest while he too stared at the other.

"doesn't matter." the red haired smirked, satisfied to watch his father bleed, way more when the black haired was the one to cause it. the truth was, even if hyukjun was stronger, soobin still carried a piece of the crystal on his necklace. the little crystal was the only thing that stopped the angel of turning into a marionette. yeonjun didn't give it to him only because it was pretty, after all.

"sorry, your majesty." the youngest scoffed, a cunning smile on his lips as he looked at the king. if one thing, he regretted not stabbing him more. the male tilted his head, giggling while with one of his brows raised. "does it hurt a lot?"

soobin pulled away from his boyfriend, stepping closer to the king and staring at him. no fear, no hesitation, no sign of vulnerability. the angel looked down at the other, as if this time, he was the dirt to be stepped on, a perfect opposite of what happened when he was bleeding on the floor earlier.

"maybe danny should help. i think is clear enough that you don't feel much, right?" the black haired smirked, a safe distance between him and hyukjun. "so pain shouldn't be a problem."

the king couldn't know, no one could. it was hard to know the male shouldn't have born as an angel. especially with the ethereal beauty and soft features, or the delicate way he moved himself, but even with all that, soobin was nothing like an angel.

he was like a demon with white wings.


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