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𝑻𝒉𝒆 royal demon walked through the cold hallways of his castle calmly, his elegant posture making clear he was the one owning every brick supporting the building up. his dark wings touched the floor slightly, adding to the intense aura around him, an aura that seemed darker than before.

he was king now.

yeonjun was crowned days before, just like he had last seen soobin days before too, inside his mother's greenhouse. he didn't have time to think about how he got his heart broken or how he couldn't seem to forget the angel, he had to rule hell and had to be a king.

the male had sent soobin back to heaven, where taemin had explained everything to the royal family, that hesitantly, and without much choice, took the male in. apparently, the black haired's powers were free to be used too, but there was no sign of what it could be or do.

the demon had took his duties as king extremely serious from the start, already gaining respect from hell's population in a way bigger amount than the one his father's had. yeonjun cared for it, his people, he truly did, he wanted to be a great ruler and he was. but some things never seem to be enough, right?

the red haired slowly went down the immense amount of stairs, that didn't look like they would end any time soon. he didn't mind, he had time, and patience, and intelligence enough to know he would still get what he wanted didn't matter if he went fast or slow. when the apparent endless stairs came to an end, yeonjun walked through the dark and narrow halls, just a couple of lights hanged on the walls and making him able to watch where he was going.

yeonjun turned into a corridor, then another one and another one, the way engraved on his head like a curse, or a bless. then he stopped, facing the black door for a moment before opening it. the male grabbed the chair in the corner of the room, dragging it to the middle, before sitting, one of his elbows going immediately to it's arm and resting on it.

he smirked, a way too dark stare on his crimson eyes as he looked at the figure in front of him. the silhouette was made of something similar to metal, but way darker, almost black, and it stood as if a sheet put over someone's head. it didn't have eyes, lips, nose or anything similar. only metal.

"hello, father." yeonjun tilted his head, his fangs getting displayed by a sly grin. there wasn't any answer, but the red haired expected that, and so he continued.

"i'm here to make a deal."


•𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒐𝒏𝒆•


°•𝒂/𝒏 • surpriseee?!?!?!•°


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