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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 felt his cheeks getting red, he for sure wasn't expecting such remark. he bit his lip softly, trying to contain himself to don't think how he would actually like if the demon in front of him did what was said. instead, he scoffed, sending a glare to the red haired.

"come on, angel, don't be shy." yeonjun smirked, watching as the younger passed by him, walking in the front. he wouldn't admit out loud, but he checked the male out from behind, who would've thought a boring and apparently pure angel would be so tempting. the red haired felt like looking at a sin itself.

a sin he couldn't commit, not when he had so much at risk.

"stop calling me angel, you don't see people going around and calling each other by their species." the taller pouted a little, feeling annoyed, while hearing the demon's steps behind him.

"should i call you what then? lily or lotus? maybe moonstone or amethyst." yeonjun pretended to think, putting his hand inside the pockets of his pants.

"what? why would you call me that?" soobin stopped and turned around, a confused expression on his face. he found one name weirder than the other.

"they all represent beauty." the red haired smirked, satisfied when seeing the other's cheeks colored in red. yeonjun chuckled when the angel's face morphed to an annoyed expression. "don't worry, darling, i will just call you by your name."

"you shouldn't call me at all."

"yeah, and then leave you here to get killed by some psycho who lives in tenebris." the angel widened his eyes, staring at the older.

"we're in tenebris?" soobin had only heard of the place, people didn't hesitate to say how scary and dangerous the dark part of limbo was, along with the 'never go there' type of thing. "were you trying to kill me?!"

the angel wasn't a coward, but he was far from stupid too, so he slowed his steps, getting closer to the demon. if daniel wanted to kill, or hurt, him he would probably already have done it, so soobin decided it was safe to stay closer to him. he unconsciously held on the older's arm gently, looking at the dark forest, that seemed even creepier now that he knew where it was.

yeonjun blinked, smelling the other's blood more strongly now, he would seriously consider shoving the male away, if he didn't think it was actually better for the other to stay closer. angels were rare there, and pretty, perfect for sick people to put their hands on.

"you were the one who followed me." the red haired shrugged, the sound of leaves being stepped on complementing his voice and making the atmosphere comfortable.

"well, i didn't know you were coming here!" soobin turned to the side, staring the the male's side profile, before widening his eyes, realizing he just admitted to follow the demon.

"oh so you were following me, after all." yeonjun looked at the other with a side smile on his lips. he almost regretted doing it though, silently cursing on the other for being too pretty. "you know, i guess since we're already here..." the demon turned fully, putting a hand on the younger's waist and pushing him on a tree, not hard enough to hurt. "we should see if angels taste like heaven or not."

soobin widened his eyes again, feelings his cheeks getting insanely warm and his heart beating fastly. the red haired was way too close and the hand on his waist made hard for him to think straight, even if the real problem was the foxy eyes staring at him. the angel bit his lips, feeling hot, and saw when the other averted his eyes to the place before getting even closer.

the younger held his breath, anticipating daniel's next move. the demon stopped millimeters away from him, their lips almost touching, and soobin felt the hold on his waist getting stronger, making him sigh in content. yeonjun smirked, ghosting his plump lips on the other's, almost not feeling the soft flesh, then he stepped back.

"too bad you lied when i asked the first time, don't go lying to a demon, darling." soobin released a breath he didn't realized he was holding, missing the warmth of the other's proximity. "next time i might make you regret." the angel felt hot, he cursed on the red haired at least a million times inside his head, and then the double on himself for wanting the kiss to have happened. worse, wanting the other to make him regret.

yeonjun stared at the black haired in front of him, who was breathing heavily, with red cheeks, a disheveled shirt and biting his lips. the angel's neck was even more exposed now, all the skin till his shoulder out of the demon to see. the red haired breathed out, the sweet smell hitting his nostrils, the state the other was when he almost didn't touch him, the white and soft wings adorning soobin like he was an ethereal being. the skirt showing his long legs, the gloss that made his lips rosy, the delicate necklace around his neck.

fuck the risks, yeonjun wasn't about to waste the chance of tasting the angel in front of him.

the red haired went back to where he previously was, close enough to feel soobin's breath on his face. before the angel could say anything, yeonjun pulled his waist with a hand, the other going to the taller's nape while he finally connected their lips. the black haired almost moaned in content, feeling the plump and soft lips on his own, and wrapped his arms around the older's neck, pulling him even closer.

yeonjun licked the other's lips, who opened his mouth in return, and slid his tongue inside soobin's mouth. the angel's glossy lips tasted like raspberries and he almost decided it was his favorite taste on the spot, going against it when smelling the sweetness of the male's blood. he pulled the taller closer, sliding his hand down to the other's ass, who whined softly when feeling it being squeezed.

soobin was sure now that the red haired was indeed from hell, it simply wasn't possible for someone like that to be from other place. the demon holding him felt like a crime, the most sweet and inviting crime he ever knew of, one he didn't mind committing multiple times. the angel raised his right leg when feeling yeonjun's hand going even lower than his ass, wrapping it around the other's hip and moaning softly when the demon ran a hand through his naked thigh, just to squeeze it after.

the red haired disconnected their lips when the need for air made itself present, averting his lips to the angel's neck. a dangerous move. the sweet smell made yeonjun almost feel drugged, his fangs coming out without hesitation, wanting to get pierced on the skin for the older to get a taste. he licked soobin's neck, right on his vein, and ran his fangs softly on the place, receiving a pull on his hair and a sigh in contentment.

yeonjun kissed the soft skin, sucking on it gently to not leave any mark. when he did the same under the angel's jaw and close to his ear, where he knew the carotid artery was, soobin moaned, using his leg to pull the male closer while arching his back lightly. the red haired smirked, kissing the place one last time before going back to the younger's lips.

soobin felt the male's fangs biting his parted lips gently, not even realizing he never saw fangs when yeonjun smiled or smirked before. he pulled the demon's hair, feeling another squeeze on his thigh before the older's hand went up, touching his ass under the white skirt. the angel let out another soft moan, and the red haired cut the small distance, kissing him deeply. the taller felt his skin burning when the pointed teeth brushed gently on his tongue, lightly rolling his hips foward to get more contact with the other.

yeonjun tightened the grip on the angel's waist, drunk by the sweet smell, soft skin and glossy lips, but when he felt the burning in his veins, he realized it was already too much, and parted from the other. he couldn't lose control. soobin breathed heavily, his arms still wrapped around the demon's neck while the male still held his thigh. the red haired closed his eyes and pulled himself together, making his fangs go back to being hidden.

the older let go of soobin's leg and pulled away, appreciating the sight of the angel's red and swollen lips. yeonjun ran a hand through his hair, pulling it back and staring at the other's eyes, he smirked and pulled the angel by the waist, so he would stop being leaned on the tree.

"come, i still have to drop you on the market." soobin blinked slowly, still feeling dazed, and nodded, letting yeonjun led him by the waist through the dark trees and dead leaves.

the angel couldn't believe he just made out with a royal demon in the middle of the woods. just like he couldn't believe he wanted to do it again.


°•𝒂/𝒏 • im feeding u all after not making anything happen in last chap•°


𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now