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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈blood•°


𝑩𝒆𝒐𝒎𝒈𝒚𝒖 turned to the older, scrunching his nose when seeing the brown liquid, he honestly didn't know how yeonjun was capable of drinking it. the long haired was worried though, it seemed like each day the potion had less effect.

"daniel, you already realized it's stopping to work, at this point, right?" the male didn't know much about the red haired, just his family story, basic information and the reason of the potion. beyond that, daniel was a mystery to him, even if being his best friend.

"i know, but at least it works a little and it's better than nothing." yeonjun had to do it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live in peace, and maybe not live at all.

"what was that though? you're good at controlling yourself with smell of blood." beomgyu looked around the dark forest, it seemed like something would jump and kill him any second, tenebris wasn't a pretty place after all.

the area was almost the scary and cursed part of limbo, no one usually went there and if someone did, the person would probably be not so friendly. it was the only place yeonjun could live without being tormented by frequent gossiping and judgmental eyes. beomgyu turned to the side, opening the door of daniel's house and stepping inside.

"i don't know, it smelled so sweet." yeonjun furrowed his brows, he was basically a professional in ignoring blood smell, but when the angel was in front of him, he could only think of tasting the crimson liquid. so much even his fangs came out, and that was worrying, they were supposed to stay hidden, always.

"what was sweet?" the two males turned around, finding yeonjun's sister looking at them with a strange smile on her face.

"r-ruby! so, dan, i have to go! you know, work and all." beomgyu widened his eyes when seeing the girl, stepping back and turning to leave, that is, until a knife made of blood was thrown at the door, making the male jump. ruby's royal ability was blood manipulation, she could turn blood into anything she wanted. courtesy of her and yeonjun's mother that was a crystalian of blood, her representative crystal being the one from the crimson liquid, it influenced her power since she had the mother's blood running inside her veins.

"where are you going, beom?" ruby stepped closer, her red eyes staring at the long haired while her half red, half black hair adorned her face. "don't you wanna have some fun?" the girl laughed hysterically, loving how beomgyu was pale, as if all the blood rushed out of his face.

"okay, rue, leave him." yeonjun rolled his eyes, he knew ruby liked to scare the long haired, who was terrified of her for some reason.

"you're no fun, danny." she pouted, the crimson knife stuck on the door turning into liquid and sliding it's way towards the royal girl. as soon as it happened, beomgyu opened the door and left.

"i heard you were locked up again, why's that?" the red haired sat on the couch, patting the snake that went after him. kalila, it was their mother's snake before she died, then turned into ruby's.

ruby was the only person from his family that cared enough to see him after he was disinherited, therefore, the only family he had. yeonjun cared about his little sister with all his will, but he couldn't protect her much, not when she lived in hell and he in limbo, with no contact with his previously home.

"i killed another teacher. he was saying this bullshit about how i needed to act like a lady otherwise i would have the same fate as you. then he called you the shame of the kims and said you ruined the bloodline. he literally asked for me to kill him!" ruby was mad, she hated how people talked about her brother, like he was a scum. she thought the actual scum was seokjin, who abandoned yeonjun like he wasn't his brother at all.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now