°•❁𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆❁•°

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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 woke up and moaned in pain almost instantly, he turned his head, looking for the red haired, but was welcomed by an empty bed. it was weird to wake up without yeonjun beside him, but the male would probably comeback soon, so he didn't think much of it, deciding to call his name for if he was in the bathroom instead.


"i'm here." yeonjun answered from the bathroom, trying his best to make his voice normal. he stared at the mirror, seeing the blood on his lips and the sink.

the demon had woke up coughing uncontrollably and it was way too familiar for him to not go to the bathroom as fast as he could, there was where he confirmed he indeed was coughing blood again. yeonjun rested his hands on the sink edges, looking down for a moment, he knew it was because he used too much of his power the day before, it was obvious enough that his body wouldn't be a hundred percent after he poisoned himself for years. it was something that couldn't be healed with abilities, not when his power itself was responsible for it.

soobin didn't need to know, though.

yeonjun cleaned the blood quickly, not leaving a single trace of crimson behind, and took a deep breath, leaving to the room after. he saw the angel laid on his stomach and barely moving, probably so he wouldn't hurt, wings slightly open and eyes closed.

"hey, darling." the red haired said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and leaving a kiss on the younger's shoulder, before rubbing his hand on his back, slowly healing him. "better?"

"yes, thank you dan." soobin moved himself to the male's lap, hugging his shoulders and burying his face on his neck, glad he could finally move without hurting. one of the best parts of getting fucked by daniel, was the fact he could go all in without worrying about his well being after, because the older would always heal him.

the angel straddled the other, humming in contentment when feeling his warm skin against his own. yeonjun caressed his waist, but didn't say anything, seeming too distracted, which made soobin raise his head and stare at him with furrowed brows. it wasn't common for the male to be that much quiet, normally being the one to start conversations or simply ramble about things that usually included how hot or pretty soobin was.

"what happened?" the older smiled, shaking his head while tucking a strand of hair behind the other's ear. the gentle stare on his eyes was a huge contrast to the cold ones from the day before, it was like the one in front of soobin now was dan, his boyfriend, and the one chaining and fucking him was choi daniel, hell's king. fuck himself for being luck enough to have both.

"nothing." yeonjun pecked the taller's lips, moving his hand to his white wings after, and running his fingers gently through it. "i want to show you the castle."

"yes!" the younger straightened himself in a jump, already excited and forgetting the way the other seemed strange. "let's go, let's go!" soobin smiled largely, dimples adorning his cheeks and eyes turning into crescents. yeonjun smiled, caressing his cheek for a second before tapping his thighs.

"let's clean you first, i will ask for taehyun to get you some clothes." the taller got up from yeonjun's lap, taking his hand and pulling him up too.

"okay, ask for a dress. i want to be pretty for this."

"you could just walk around in panties." the red haired shrugged, a smirk on his plump lips. soobin turned around and glared at him, silently telling him to shut up, before going to the bathroom and turning the shower on.

the room was probably a random one, but it was completely different from the one he had in heaven. the walls were grey and the bed black, dark furniture decorating the place that seemed elegant and expensive, but in a different way heaven's one was. the bathroom had black and shiny titles and dark silver faucets and metal adornments, a pretty sink that was something similar to a mirror, but not really reflective.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now