°•❁𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓❁•°

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 let out a small breath through his nose and nodded his head lightly, looking at the floor for a second before averting his eyes to the end of the room. he honestly couldn't understand, how the way soobin looked at him could mean something else, how the way soobin smiled to him could be meaningless, how everything they had could be nothing. maybe not nothing, but for sure not as much as it was for him.

the demon didn't cry, didn't felt empty or sad, didn't asked why or questioned if soobin was sure. the truth was, he wasn't surprised. the red haired was rejected his whole life, he was disinherited, he was discarded by his brother, he was left by his mother, even if the woman didn't want to do so, he was looked down by every single person in limbo, he was explored by the council and now, rejected by the only person important enough to make him fight for something.

he felt pathetic for genuinely thinking he could be loved.

"dan-" the younger called hesitantly and yeonjun's eyes looked at him. soobin stopped middle sentence when the gentle and caring stare was replaced by a cold and empty one. he didn't know what to do, or what to say, how to react or explain something that didn't have explanation to the other. in the end, it was useless to talk.

"i will ask for taemin to take you to heaven. he will explain things to the royal family and take the spell from you." the red haired said calmly, putting both hands in his pockets while looking at the taller. he decided into convincing himself he didn't mind, he didn't feel any pain, and to ignore the hate, for himself.

yeonjun deep down hated himself, for the first time, for being who he was.

"danny, i-i-" the black haired stopped again, not really knowing what to say, simply because there was nothing to be said. he wanted to, he really did, wanted to be able to say the three words, but he couldn't. and saying them as a lie was worst than not saying them at all.

"you?" the demon tilted his head, scoffing softly when soobin kept quiet. he wasn't mad at the angel, he couldn't even blame him.

yeonjun was a monster, after all, wasn't he? a creature, a curse, a freak, something to be feared, something to be looked down, something not deserving of love, something to not be trusted, something to be discarded. soobin was just doing what everyone else did, leaving.

the older got closer, holding the crimson crystal on his hands. the necklace made of his mother's crystal, the necklace he gave soobin because he loved him, cared for him, wanted to protect him, because he was important enough to carry a piece of the only thing his mother left him after dying.

"you can keep it." his eyes went to the angel's ones, he saw how they were teary, how soobin was the one almost crying when he was the one who got his heart broken. he would've hated the male now if he could. "i don't have anyone else to give."

it was true, because he didn't love anyone like he did to soobin. no one beyond the black haired was worthy enough of having it, and keeping it himself would be more painful than losing it. yeonjun didn't want something he gave to the other, it would be almost as a cursed object, reminding himself over and over again he wasn't, or did, enough.

"i d-don't-" soobin felt stupid, he couldn't say anything, only stuttering like a fool. he didn't felt stupid because of the way he couldn't speak though, but because he wanted, needed, to say something, but didn't know what. it was like something was stuck on his throat, words that had to be spoken, but he somehow couldn't bring himself to discover which were.

"no need to say anything, soobin." the younger didn't felt his cheeks heating or heart racing this time when hearing his name, not when the older's tone was void of emotions, as if soobin was a stranger. maybe he ended up being, yeonjun thought he knew him, but it seemed to not be the case.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now