°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • blood•°


𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 looked at the familiar dark walls he spent so much time without seeing, the majestic and high corridors with their gothic architecture and stone floor welcoming the male as an old friend. the castle was always chilly, colder than the outside, but it never bothered it's residents, demons had way higher tolerance for cold than other species, and the temperature embraced the male in nostalgia.

the entry hall had a large corridor leading to the main hall, where big stairs faced the visitor, a type of winter garden in the middle of it and more corridors in the side walls. the male stepped foward, his eyes landing on the indoor garden in front of him, the plants were grown and pretty, it's dark set of colors complementing the surroundings, the ceiling had an opening above the green space, letting the natural light bath the flowers and plants, that hanged delicately from the opening as green shallow waterfalls. the small piece of garden was made by his mother.

yeonjun ignored the nostalgic feeling that came to him when looking at the plants, specially the tulips, which his mother used to plant for him, saying they were his flowers. he passed the garden and went to the door between the two set of stairs, opening it and facing the throne room. of course the palace was designed for the throne room to be seen as soon as someone stepped in, implying immediately the visitor wasn't dignified enough, good enough, or powerful enough to be in there.

the red haired had expected to see his father sat on the throne, imposing his power even when war was being held outside the walls, but was found with nothing. it would be satisfying, if not actually worrying, there wasn't many places where the king could be, way less with yeonjun knowing he wouldn't be outside fighting for his kingdom as he should, which meant the male was probably planning something.

yeonjun pulled his communication crystal, narrowing his eyes and looking around while calling beomgyu. it all seemed sketchy. it took a while for the gargoyle to accept the call, but it was expected when a battle was currently happening.

"yeah?" beomgyu's voice was heard from the other line, he sounded a little tired, probably from fighting against too many people.

"is there any news of soobin?" the demon spoke while walking through the castle, trying to find his father, sister or soobin himself.

"no. he's not out yet."

"why? the time, beomgyu, he was already supposed to be with you. why didn't anyone fucking tell me this?" the male stopped in his tracks for a second, annoyed that no one thought about warning him his boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

"exactly for what is happening right now, not happen. we don't need you losing control over anger, pull yourself together." yeonjun tsked, ignoring the words. the castle was way too silent for his liking, not a single step or sound that didn't come from him, echoing throughout the halls.

"taehyung. did you manage to talk to him?" the demon was supposed to get soobin and take him out the castle, he had a determined time to do so and the time was already over, it could only mean something happened.


"am i supposed to do everyone's fucking job? you better pray for your little boyfriend to already be with my sister, because if i discover ruby is still locked up i will put a fucking knife in his pretty face."

"daniel, calm the fuck down, taehyun has nothing to do with this. your father wasn't the king for years because he is stupid, just put your brain to work and figure something out. i can't stay here hearing your threats while there is people trying to kill me, just fucking make it work like you always do." the gargoyle spoke at once, feeling on edge and worried about his boyfriend.

"remember who you're talking to, beomgyu." yeonjun said coldly, his eyes running through the walls and doors, ears working to catch any noise.

"right." the male sighed, not wanting to stress the royal more, and knowing the demon could actually hurt him if mad enough. he wasn't even supposed to talk like that to yeonjun. "i have to go, be careful."

the red haired only hummed, hanging up after, he needed to think. taehyung had said soobin was in one of the rooms, so at least he knew the angel wasn't in the dungeons and therefore, was somewhere from the second floor up. as a valuable prisioner, i wouldn't make sense to lock him in an easy accessed place, so yeonjun figured he would be in one of the towers.

taehyung and soobin were nowhere to be seen, hyukjun was missing and the castle was too quiet. the only option of what could've happen was the one the red haired dreaded the most: his father went after soobin as soon as the war started. it was logical to, he couldn't let the angel get taken, not when he was the bait to attract yeonjun.

the demon cursed, realizing the worst possibility had most definitely happened, and hoping he could find soobin in time, maybe even before his father. yeonjun decided to follow the first and main route given to taehyung, starting from there to see if he could encounter the two at some point. his feet walked hurriedly through the corridors, going up stairs and more stairs, but stopped when a specific smell reached his nostrils.

soobin's blood.

the red haired tensed, before starting to follow the smell. he was welcomed with a room which the floor was dirtied in a considerable, to say at least, amount of blood. clearly the room where the angel was locked. yeonjun could see the black ink painted on the barrier, just like his plan determined, which meant taehyung managed to free soobin.

the royal would've felt relieved if it wasn't for his blood starting to boil in anger. he had seen it, through his visions, that soobin was incredibly hurt, but staring at his blood wetting the floor was completely different. the male was in front of a part of soobin, a part of someone who was his, a part of the diamond who could give people immortality. it became impossible to control his temper when looking at a proof of what his father had done with his boyfriend.

yeonjun crouched down, touching the wet floor with his fingers and feeling the crimson liquid on his fingertips. he tilted his head, tongue pressing on the inner side of his cheek, and let out a smirk. it wouldn't even be possible, or appropriate, to say all the things he would do with his father when he got his hands on him. he would make the older beg for every drop of blood soobin lost, he would make the male bleed for every second soobin felt pain. he would make his father wish to be among the dead souls imprisioned in hell to get punish by their sins.

the red haired got up, suddenly way more calm than before, almost relaxed. yeonjun hummed a song while leaving the room and following the track of drops of blood that painted the corridor's floor, a clear sign of where soobin and taehyung went to. his fingers ran through the cold walls while he walked, feeling the saliences that decored the stone surface on the tip of his fingers.

it felt fun, it felt alluring, it felt exhilarating even, how he was about to show his father everything he didn't have. how he would show the king how he wasn't as powerful, as threatening, as smart and as deadly as he thought.

yeonjun felt his mind start to drown in ecstasy. he was about to turn into the monster everyone insisted he was, and he couldn't wait to do so.

after all, like father like son.


°•𝒂/𝒏 • sorry for not updating yesterday yall, i had a massive headache and couldnt write the chap :( im all good now tho ^^•°


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