°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆❁•°

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 angel was seaten in the garden, looking gloomy. it wasn't like it had been too long since he last saw yeonjun, but the four days already seemed too much, and sitting at the garden wasn't the best way of taking his mind off the demon after all.

"why are you looking so down?" yunho furrowed his brows, sitting beside the other on the small table.

"i'm just missing home, your highness." it wasn't a lie, he truly missed kai, the fairies and kaya, along with the cozy cottage he lived at. he missed walking through the streets and going to the market too, or kissing yeonjun in secretive places and have the male to walk him home after.

"that's good news." the prince nodded his head, looking at the flowers with a smile.

"how's that supposed to be good?" soobin frowned, partially annoyed and partially confused. his tone still soft, though.

"i came to call you, you have a visit waiting in the hall." the older clapped his hands, looking at soobin after, who jumped from his seat in an instant with a bright smile on his face.

"really?! thank you, your highness!" the younger grabbed both of yunho's hands, shaking them excitedly and smiling at him, dimples showing on his cheeks.

soobin almost left running with how excited he felt, he didn't even stop to think he didn't know who came to visit him, leaving before the prince could say such information. the angel walked quickly through the halls, remembering inside his head the way to the entry so he wouldn't get lost in the big and endless corridors of the castle. when he opened the entry hall's door, the male was met with dark blue hair and purple fairy wings, the smell of wisteria hitting his nose almost instantly.

"kaya!" he squealed and the girl turned to him, smiling brightly and running to hug the male. the fairy kissed his cheeks multiple times, repeating over and over how she missed him and cried when he disappeared.

"don't ever do that again! do you know how worried i got? it took me ages to convince kai to tell me where you were, way more for him to want to ask the queens if i could see you" she furrowed her brows, but the expression got quickly replaced by a smile and the blue haired hugged soobin again.

"i wasn't my fault! are you okay, though? how's jay and mushu? what about the fairies? and kai? is he dating the reaper girl already?" the angel looked expectantly at the other, that blinked with so many questions thrown at her so quickly, trying to get all of them.

"calm down, bin." kaya put her hands on both male's cheeks, looking at him in the eye, who nodded softly, taking a breath. "now show me your room and then i will tell you everything."

"okay, but don't forget anything when telling me!" soobin grabbed the fairy's hand and started to drag her around the castle, explaining and showing a couple of interesting, or pretty, things in the way to his room. the woman looked at everything in awe, finding the building to be extremely beautiful.

the angel opened his room, putting kaya to sit on the bed and closing the door, joining her after. he stared expectantly at her, wanting to know everything that was going on in limbo and maybe, be able to still share the happiness his friends probably felt at some point. even if away, soobin still wanted to be there and smiling with them in some type of way.

"your room is so pretty! matches you a lot actually." the blue haired looked around, stopping her eyes on the big window with view to heaven and getting up, standing before it. "oh my! you can see all heaven from here!"

"yeah." it was all soobin could muster, he was well aware of the view, yeonjun made him take a good look at it and he wasn't going to forget that soon. his cheeks still got red though, but fortunately to him, the girl was with her back turned to him, and therefore, couldn't see the blush. the angel was glad, since kaya would probably comment about it and manage to get information out of him. "come tell me everything already! you can look through my stuff after."

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now