Chapter 41:

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Don't mind my song choices, iHeart Radio playing all the old songs.


Thursday night.

"You and Mr. Celibass tryna send me off." I shook my head.

We just so happened to run into him at the grocery store. I asked him about using the break to ask Asia to prom and say happy birthday. He didn't mind at all and said he'd even get the rest of the choir in on it. I'm just like cool.

Now, I only sing to Asia and my little cousin Lola, and half the time I'm playing around. You are not gone catch me acting a ass in front of a bunch of people. But Cam's punk ass suggested that I sing to her in front of everybody. I wanted to punch her ass out.

Celibass gets all giddy and shit, talking about that's a great idea.

Apparently she has a solo but he's gonna make it a duet. They real life tryna play me.

Dude had a song in mind and everything. Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra. I've never heard of this song or the artists a day in my life, and now I'm singing their song. Cam is definitely the one to blame for this.

"You'll be fine." I rolled my eyes.

"We'll have private rehearsals leading up to the concert, and we'll have you work with the band to find your comfort zone."

"Great." I spoke with sarcasm evident in my voice.

"This should be great. I'll see you soon, enjoy the rest of your spring break."

"You too." He waved and went on pushing his cart down the aisle. Once he was out of sight, I pushed Cam. "Rashad, loosen up. You'll do fine."

"If you can ball in front of hundreds of people, then there shouldn't be a problem singing in front of them." Jax added as he placed something in the cart.

"It's different. I don't sing while I play basketball. This is not High School Musical, I'm not Corbin Bleu and y'all will not have me showing my ass."

"Shut up and stop whining. What better way to say happy birthday and ask your girlfriend to prom than this? Right."

"Y'all on some bullshit." With all the effort going into this, I swear to God nobody better say anything.

I fanned them off and continued down the aisle.

- - -

"Bruh, are you ready?" Jax asked Cam. We were getting ready to endure this beastie ass drive to Berkeley which is about six hours out. And you got me fucked up if you think we're driving back tonight.

We got a room for the night and we're coming back in the morning or early afternoon. At first our parents were skeptical but what do they think is going to happen with two other people in the room? Nothing. After two hours of debating with them, they gave up.

I went to the doctor again yesterday and I got the okay to drive. Lord knows I was happy as hell. Don't get me wrong, I love riding with my baby but my other babies need attention.

My mom has been driving the Audi, since somebody scratched up and dented the door on her Range. She was full force snapping on everybody and as bad as I wanted to laugh, I couldn't.

My dad still drives his car, but my Bentley was just sitting and so is the car I got for my birthday, which I have yet to see and drive. It's been at my grandparents house this whole time.

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