Chapter 1

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Riya's POV

After parking my car, I was going to the hypermarket in the mall. And just then my phone started buzzing. My heartbeat increased and I got scared as usual. 

Then I realised that I was in Chandigarh and this number was a new one. No one had this number except for my parents and my best friend here. I looked at the screen of my phone was my mom, so I took the call.

" Hello, mom!! "

" How are you, baby?? "

" Mom, I am a young lady, a doctor now... Please stop calling me as baby. " I said. Actually, I have been saying this for years, but it was of no use.

" You will always be my baby, no matter, how old you get. Anyway, have you packed everything?? All set to move to your apartment? "  My mom asked.

" I am doing it. Will have to vacate before 6 in the morning and reach the hospital by 10 AM."

" Oh, beta you should be a bit more organised. "  My mom was quite aware of my unorganised way of living.

" I know mom... I am going to the market to get a few things, I will need them in my apartment, got to go, will call you later. "  I said.

" Have food first... "  She said.

" Yes, Maaa!! Bye. " I said and disconnected the call before she could say anything more.

I shifted to Chandigarh after completing my MBBS in my hometown.

I missed my parents and home but I had to come here to do my internship because I could not bear to live there anymore and at the same time could not even tell my parents.

So coming here for an internship was a perfect way to get out of my hometown. Life was getting normal and I could breathe again.

Once the internship would be over I intended to do my Masters from here itself. 

For the last 25 days, I was staying with a friend as her roommate had gone to her home for the vacation.

My parents objected to my coming here all the way from Meerut. Dad asked me why can't I do my internship and Masters from my hometown.  But I had my own very strong reasons... I didn't feel safe there.

My parents have been very liberal with me but I didn't know how to tell the reason to my father... He would have become paranoid and would not have allowed me to come.

Anyway, I persuaded them that it would be better for me if they allow me this exposure. My mom persuaded my dad as well. I had thought many times that at least my mom should know something about my reasons but I didn't dare to tell her.

I knew they would not have taken the risk of sending their daughter to another city. But I knew, I was not safe there in Meerut.

I could feel his eyes on me all the time. Whenever my phone used to ring, I used to get scared, I felt that he was always watching me.

He kept calling me and sent messages and left gifts for me which I never touched. I was really scared.

Finally, my dad allowed me to come, provided I live in a well-protected environment. They sought a service apartment for me to live in. But it was to be vacated in a few weeks at that time.

I persuaded them that it would be better if I stayed with a friend of mine for a few days so that I get used to of the new city before living on my own in the service apartment.

They came to drop me here and saw the apartment and the place where I was living with my friend in the meanwhile. She was my friend since childhood and we studied in the same school but then she got admission here in the medical college while I got in Meerut.

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