Chapter 34

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Riya's POV

" Isn't it the same bunch which I threw in the bin? "  He asked.

" Hmmm!  " I smiled.

" What are they doing here, I threw them? " He asked and picked them to throw them again.

" Wait!! What are you doing? "  I asked.

" Throwing them. What is it doing here? "  He shrugged.

" You have no right to throw them. They were meant for me. So I got them here. "  I said and pulled them from his hand.

" I don't want to see them. "  He said making a face.

" Ok, I will keep them in my room. "  I said.

" Why this sudden change? You wanted to throw them in the morning. "  He asked.

" I didn't know, who sent them at that time. " I said and smiled at him.

" What? But to know, who sent them, you had to read the card, but you never bothered to read it, even when Disha reminded you. " He said.

Oh, God !! I don't want to tell him in this mood.

" Oh yes, the very smart, intelligent and perfect Disha reminded me but I thought someone else sent them so I didn't want to accept them. Why could you not give them to me directly?? " I said.

" In the hospital?? "  He raised his eyebrow.

" Could have given me at home..."  I said.

" Would you have accepted them?? " He came closer to me.

" Of course!! " I said with a smile.  He. Started smiling immediately.

" So you thought, they were from someone else. Right? Mind telling me, who do you think, sent them to you?? "  He took another step towards me and I stepped back.

" Let it be ... " I said and he took a long step and came very close to me again.

" No! I need to know. Tell me." He said placing his hands on either side of the kitchen counter.

" Dr Parth..."

" We are not in the hospital. " He said bringing his mouth very close to mine.

" What do you mean?? "  I got confused at what he said.

" I am your neighbour here. Call me by my name. "  He said, there were only inches between our lips and I don't know why, I wanted him to go ahead and kiss me.

" No!! "  I said.

" You call Kunal by his name, accept flowers from Vidyut. But can't do the same with me, right? " He was getting angry about that.

" Hmmm, you can smile at Disha, laugh and joke with her, but only shout at me, joke about me and make sarcastic remarks. "  I said

" Uff!! Are you jealous?? "  He smiled all of a sudden and asked.

" Are you jealous that I call Kunal by name and took flowers from Vidyut?? " Instead of answering him, I asked the same thing.

" Why would I get jealous??  "

" Of course, why would you?? "  I said and pushed him.

" And see you called even Dr Vidyut by his name. Why? He is your senior too, then why? "

" Leave me alone! "

" No ! Tell me who did you think, sent those flowers to you? Kunal? "  He asked looking into my eyes.

It is better if he thinks like that. 

" Y..yes, that's why I wanted to throw them. " I said.

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