Chapter 25

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Parth's POV

I was getting irritated so tried to calm down myself and decided to enjoy the party. I didn't want to spoil my mood as well as Sid's as he was going to announce their relationship to the rest of the people.

I reached the party and saw Mayank enjoying a drink, after grabbing a drink, I joined him.

" Where is your date?? Don't tell me, you are short of options. I heard you have two female assistants. " Mayank asked.

" The one I thought of asking had already committed to someone else. Actually, asked at the last moment because I was very busy."  I said.

" Awww... Never mind. There are many beautiful girls out there, enjoy. "  He winked at me and I nodded with a smile.

Just then we saw Sid and Shruti entering the hall. We went towards them.

" Oh my God !! Someone is looking very pretty today. " I said to Shruti.

" Hi !! " I said shyly, I smiled at both of them.

" So, my dear lady, can I have the honour to dance with you tonight? " I asked.

" No sorry !!! " Siddharth said.

" I asked the lady, not you. Just one dance, please. " I said.

" Her dance card is full. "  Siddharth said.

" Will you please let her talk, Mr butler? " I said and Shruti was trying her best not to laugh at that.

" Butler?? Me? You idiot!! " Siddharth glared at me and the very next moment we burst out laughing.

"  Well jokes apart, she is looking very pretty. Sid, you need to be like a watchdog. " I said to him

" Hmmm, that's what I was thinking. "  He nodded looking at her lovingly.

" Don't you have any friends here?? " I asked her.

" No they all opted for their cities. I intend to do my MD from here. So... "  She said.

" Hmmm. Bad luck. Anyways enjoy yourself. "  I said and I thought of leaving them alone.

My eyes were looking for the intriguing beauty.

Where was she, more important question was, who was with her? 

After about 5 minutes, I saw her coming. She was wearing a long black, almost conservative but a beautiful evening gown that covered her from neck to toe. Her long tresses were tied in a neat stylish bun that lay elegantly on her nape.

She looked beautiful even though she had tried to hide behind her demure exterior.

Just then I saw Kunal walking right behind her and they both were talking with smiles on their faces.

I could feel my jaw clenching. She came with him?? I told her to stay away from him, but she didn't listen to me.

Her friend, Tanvi rushed towards her. And they started talking like two school girls. I tried to control my urge to pull her aside and put some sense into her mind.

Kunal looked at me with a smirk and then he turned towards her to ask for a dance. I wanted to wipe off that smirk from his face.

She shook her head but he insisted and placed her arm on her back to push her gently towards the dance floor. She looked a bit uncomfortable by his gesture. My fist was clenched too. 

He pulled her in his arms and started dancing. I could not control myself and asked her friend to dance with me,  she nodded and we went there.

He placed his arm around her waist and I don't know why but, lost my temper. I went near them and purposely stomped my foot on his. He winced.

" Oh, sorry!! " I said to him but looked at her.

" Do you mind dancing with my partner, I need to talk to Dr Riya urgently. " I said and pulled her with me without giving any of them any time to react.

I didn't leave her hand till we got away from Kunal and Riya's friend...

Riya's POV

" Sir?? What are you doing,  where are taking me??"  I asked him as he was pulling me outside the party hall.

" Riya, I need to talk to you. "  He said.

" We can talk later... And there is nothing to talk about. " I said trying to get my hand free but he didn't till we were out of the hall.

" There is something to talk about. See I know you are annoyed with me for saying that. I don't know, why I said that, I didn't even mean it. I was worried about you."  He said looking into my eyes.

" Dr Parth, please calm down!! I know, I overreacted, but I can't help it if I am over sensitive.  But I think you are getting a bit paranoid about Kunal. He is not a bad person. I think there is some misunderstanding. "  I tried to tell him. But he shook his head.

" How much do you know him??  He is bad news. Why did you accept his offer to come here with him?? " He was getting a bit angry. If I didn't know about his feelings for Siddharth, I would have thought that maybe he was getting jealous.

But why would he feel like that?

" He asked me before you and though I refused, he was persistent. "  I don't know why, but I explained to him.

" Riya, I am your well-wisher. Please stay away from him. I am your... Friend apart from being your neighbour and senior. Please trust me. " He said holding my shoulders.

Just his mere touch was creating havoc in me. Why was he behaving like that??

" Sir, I had seen him asking another girl called, Shruti in the cafeteria. She refused to go with him. I saw that he felt bad and I didn't want him to face another refusal so finally, I agreed. "  I said again and was amazed at my behaviour too.

" He knew very well that they were in love, he was creating problems between them. If he was genuine, he should have stepped back from Shruti.  It is a sin to create a problem between a couple. "  He said.

" You would have backed out if you knew that the person you love the most is in love with someone else? "  I asked him, though I knew very well that he had done that already.

" Maybe, if that person was better than me if that person could keep my love happier than me. Yes, if they both love each other like Shruti and Sid!! " He said and could feel his pain. He thinks that Siddharth would be happier with Shruti as their relationship would be socially more acceptable.

" Well, everyone is not as good as you, Dr Parth. "  I said.

" I don't know about all that, just stay away from him or I will beat him to a pulp. I don't know about you, but I consider that you are associated with me,  so you are my responsibility. I will not let anyone harm you. " He said and tears started flowing from my eyes.

I wished he loved me, not Siddharth.

" Hey, stop crying!!! I hate to see you cry. I am sorry if I said anything which you didn't like. But I tend to get overprotective about people, I like. " 

" Thanks, for keeping me in that category. " I said with a smile.

" The pleasure is mine... But one thing is final, I was right about you being a bit crazy. "  I said.

" How mean!! Why are you saying that now?? "  she asked me.

" You are the only one who cries and smiles at the same time. I don't get to know if you are happy or sad. "  He said.

" Keep guessing... I am going to enjoy the party. " I said and went pushing past him.


Good morning friends 😍

Here is my today's update I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi ♥️😍😀

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