Chapter 10

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Surprise !!!!!😍😍

Parth's POV

She opened the door and looked apologetic.

" Sorry, sir!! "  She looked embarrassed again.

" Sorry?? Just a minute ago you threatened to call the police. Please do that. " I said as I was very angry.

" No !! I thought... It was..."  She started saying but I was agitated.

"  You thought again?? I told you not to think at all. "  I frowned at her.

" Sorry, sir."

" Don't say the damn word!!! I am sick of you and your sorry. What is the point in saying sorry if you find yet another way to torture me?? "  He said pressing his head.

" But I didn't disturb you now. " She said meekly. 

" Who in their right frame of mind sing at the top of her voice like that?? Your voice can make even dead people uncomfortable in their graves. Please have mercy on me at night or you will pay for it during the daytime. "  I threatened her.

" This is not fair!! You... "  She started speaking again but I glared at her.

" Not fair? I am just trying to sleep since early morning and you are making too much noise. Have you ever heard about civic sense?? " I asked her.

" Sorry, I could not sleep. "  She said.

" So??? You will not even let your poor neighbour sleep too?? Why should I suffer for your insomnia?"  I roared.

" No! I can't sleep here as this is my first night in this house. I can't seem to sleep alone in this new house. Is it safe?? "  She asked and looked a bit scared.

" It was absolutely safe till you arrived. Now if you continue to do what you usually do, I don't guarantee your safety. Someone might just kill you out of frustration. Now, listen carefully, if I hear, another noise, I will kill you with my bare hands. "  I threatened her, she shrank back.

" But... I am scared. I can't sleep alone in the house. "  She repeated.

" That's not my problem. Just don't make another sound to disturb me. "  I was so frustrated that I turned on my heel and went to sleep.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and slipped between the sheets. After about another 10 minutes, there was a knock on the door.

I literally cursed and dragged myself out of the bed and went to open the door to see the most irritating girl standing there.

" What is your problem now? "

" I can't sleep... "  She said though she looked embarrassed.

" So?? "

" Please, help me."  She asked hesitantly.

" You want me to sing a lullaby for you? "  I was annoyed as hell.

" No!! "

"  What the hell do you want from me? " I asked.

" I can't sleep alone. " She said and I was shocked at what she said.

She was asking me to... O, God!!

" WHAT? So what do you want? Oh, my God!!  You want... ? Sorry not possible. " 

" Please !! "  She insisted.

My eyes were about to come out of my skull.

" No way!! "  I said firmly.

" Please, try to understand... It will help me to sleep. "  She said sweetly.

" Are you crazy?? I mean, I was almost sure, you were crazy but why are you hell-bent to prove it? "  I asked.

" Please!!! "  She tried her puppy face looks. She looked cute but no way!!

" Get lost! "  I said shaking my head.

" It is just a matter of one night. "  She said again.

Oh, God!!

" What do you mean, just a matter of one night? "  I asked her. My jaw had almost touched the floor at her weird request.

" I will get one for myself tomorrow. "  She said.

" Are you out of your mind? I am not that kind of a man. "  I said immediately.

" What does that mean? I know you are a good man. "  She said.

Oh, at least she thought of me as a good man, so she wants to sleep with me. Just sleep may be... But I could not do that. No way!!

" Shut up!! Go back to your home. "  I said and was about to close the door on her face but she held it.

" C'mon it is not a big deal. Just a matter of a few hours. I will return the favour very soon. "  She was literally pleading me.

She was definitely mad...

" What?? How??  Shit!! I mean, why am I even asking you? I don't want any such favour from you. "  I said shaking my head.

" Ok, anything you want, see tomorrow I will get a new one for me, I promise, I will bring one for you as well. Absolutely new! "  She said.

" What?? Wait a minute!! What are you talking about?? "

" Your headphones... What else could I ask for??  I thought you already understood.  I can't sleep in a new home like this, I am very scared. I need some voices so that I don't feel that I am alone. So I thought of asking you so that I don't disturb you. "

Oh, thank God!!

Stupid girl!! Could not she ask for it properly? I was shocked beyond a limit.

My heartbeat had increased as much as I dislike her, I was getting turned on, with her pleading me like.

Couldn't she simply say that She needed my headphones??

I went inside and got my headphones and gave them to her.

" Thanks a lot, sir. But I didn't understand one thing... You were arguing with me, without even knowing, what I was asking for?? And you call me weird? What did you think, I was asking for?? "  She asked.

" Take it and leave... Immediately. "  I said.

" Sir please, I am very curious to know... Tell me what did you think, I was asking for?

" Dr Riya, I am not in a mood to give you any answers. You got what you wanted, now please leave. I want to sleep have mercy on me. Good night!! Don't come back to knock even if some earthquake comes. " I said glaring at her and she nodded.

" Thank you so much, sir, I will return it back tomorrow. "  She said with a smile.

" There is no need, take it.  Just stay away from me. Don't disturb me again or I will murder you. Not another word. "  I said and closed the door on her face.

I leaned on the door and took a few long breaths to calm down.

Thank god!! She was asking for headphones... Stupid girl!! She gave me a heart attack.

She was crazy for sure and I was getting there very soon if she comes knocking at my door like this.

I was shocked as hell and now I was laughing at my assumption. I shook my head and went to sleep.


Here is another chapter for all of you. I hope you liked it. Please let me know.

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Have a nice day.

Chhavi ❤️😃😍

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