Chapter 73

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Parth's POV

I looked at Dado sa to help me but he stayed quiet. It was clear he didn't want to interfere and influence her dad's decision.

I looked at her but she looked at me pleadingly. I just nodded and went outside. She came after me.

" Parth, please!! " She pleaded with me. I just nodded.

" Ok!! I am sorry to leave like this but I need to go to his wedding! " I said.

" I understand!! Please congratulate them on my behalf as well. " She said.

I hugged and kissed her and went to the helipad. I had already informed the pilot to get the chopper ready.

I reached the location and landed safely. I went in and saw everyone present there.

After greeting all of them I went to meet my best friend, who was getting ready.

I punched him the moment I saw him.

" How dare you to even think of marrying without me?? " I said glaring at him.

" I am sorry, It was a sudden decision, Parth. "

" Don't talk nonsense!! I can see the arrangements, you managed to get clothes for the wedding for both of you, without any planning?? Don't lie to me, I will break your jaw. And don't you dare to threaten in the name of Gautam bhai, even he would be on my side. Why didn't you tell me? " I was very happy and annoyed at the same time.

" Maurvi arranged all this, I had not thought about all these. Sorry, it was a desperate situation. " He said.

" It's ok, I understand, I am very happy for you... Just a bit hurt, that you didn't include me in your plan. I will also not share my secrets and anything that is happening in my life. " I said.

" Sorry, Parth!! See even my parents are not here, only Maurvi knew it. All of them followed us. I didn't invite anyone even Gautam. " He said.

" Fine!! It's ok, we will talk about it later, now get ready fast. I am here now, no need to keep everyone waiting. "I said.

" Hey, but what were you doing here in Rajasthan all of a sudden?? I didn't expect you to be here as you didn't say anything about it. " he asked.

" I came to meet my grandfather. "

" Oh!! All of a sudden? Is he fine!! " He asked.

" He is super fine now! " I said with a smile.

" What does that mean? "

" He is excited as he met Riya and liked her a lot and right now, Dado sa and her parents are fixing our engagement and wedding dates. " I told him.

" What!!! Wow!! Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me?? " He grinned and hugged me.

" I wanted to give you a surprise, I told you when you called that I was planning to call you after this meeting. "

" Riya was here as well?? "

" Yes! We had the Roka ceremony instantly."

" What?? Wow!! Why didn't you bring her with you, idiot? " He asked.

" I tried but her father didn't allow it. She sent her best wishes for both of you." I said.

" I am so happy for both of you. " He said and we both went out as he was ready. We were waiting for Shruti to come, she came into the room walking shyly.

We all clapped and whistled when she entered.

She looked at him and he kept looking at her as if he was mesmerized. I was so happy to see them like this.

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