Chapter 32

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Parth's POV

Why did she have to accept the flowers and give a lift to him?? When will she learn not to trust people so easily??

But why am I so annoyed??  I was thinking.

You like her... my inner voice said.

Of course, I like her. Anyone would like her.   I replied.

You Like her as a man likes a woman.

I am attracted to her. That all...

It is much more than that. Inner voice said.

As in??

The way, Sid likes Shruti. My inner self said.

He is crazy about her, I am not that crazy.

Correction!! You are crazier than him.


Let's see... Then why do you want to beat that doctor who came to meet your clumsy girl next door?

I don't know... I was just annoyed that she accepted flowers from him.

You must send her the flowers too, you idiot or are you planning to give them when she gets married to  Kunal, Vidyut or someone else?

Flowers?? But she might think that I am serious about her.

You idiot!! Let it be... You just sit back and watch others woo her.  My inner voice said.

I stopped my car and picked some flowers for her, added a note saying,

Thanks for your trust in me. I will never let you down. Sorry that you got scared because of what I said."

I felt a bit awkward in carrying them to the hospital, so asked the florist to deliver them. After an hour.

I wanted to see her reaction when she would get them.

She was just busy reading a book I had recommended earlier. Disha was looking for another book.

I walked into the room and they both greeted me. I nodded and smiled at both of them. Kunal had not come till then and I was sure, he would not come today. We all got busy and all of a sudden, the delivery man came with the flowers for Riya.

I was excited to see her reaction after reading the message and getting flowers. I wanted to talk to her about last night, wanted to go out with her on a formal date... Spend more time with her.

He asked for Riya and when Riya saw that a man came to deliver flowers to her, her face became as white as a sheet. She placed a hand on her mouth and then closed her eyes.

" I d.don't want it. T.take it back." She said with difficulty.

What happened to her? Why was she looking so scared??

" Ma'am, I can't take it back. We have been paid for it. I have to deliver them. "  The man said.

" No, I don't want any such thing, throw it in the trash. " She said. Her face was still as white as a paper.

" What? Why? The flowers are so pretty. Why do you want to throw them in the bin?" Disha asked.

" Because I don't want them. "

" So don't take them, at least, don't throw them in the bin. They are looking so pretty, let them be here in this room. It is pleasant to have the flowers in a room. "

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