Chapter 14

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Parth's POV

She fell on the hard floor.


" Oh, No!! Are you all right?? " I rushed to her side to see if she was fine and to help her to get up on her feet.

But I saw that her foot was twisted badly and she could not get up. She tried to get up but winced badly.

"  Wait!! I will help you. " I held out my hand for her to hold it and wrapped my other arm around her waist so that I could help her in standing but she winced again.

So I left her hand and put my arm under her knees to pick her up.

" What are you doing?? " She yelled.

" What do you think, I am doing? Of course, I am picking you up. " I said.

" No!! You can't do that. "  She said with her eyes bulging out.

" Are you telling me not to do it or you are saying that I can't pick you up?? "  I asked.

" B... both! "  She said.

" You think, I can't pick you up?" I asked.

" I am too heavy to be picked. "  She looked embarrassed.

" What nonsense?? I can easily pick you up. "  I bent again.

" Don't!! You will hurt your back." She tried to push my hand away.

" What is your problem?? Do you want to spend the whole night on the floor?? " I asked her and started to pick her up again.

" I will get up myself, you please leave. "  She said pushing my hand away.

"Oh, shut up! Not another word!" I said and picked her up and took her to her bedroom as I knew the layout of her apartment very well, it was exactly like mine.

She was not heavy, as she claimed, in fact, she was so soft and cuddly like a soft toy.

I liked carrying her to her room. I saw that the belt of her robe had opened and I could see her wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts beneath that robe.

Her skin was like silk, soft to the touch. Her fragrance was intoxicating, I kept breathing it deeply, letting the delicate floral scent fill my senses.

Oh, God!! She had long soft silky and shapely legs. I controlled the urge to caress them while I carried her to the bedroom.

I  also noticed how her bosom was rising and falling whenever she took a  breath.

You idiot, you should not look at her like that.

Yeah... I know.

I saw her bare midriff as the lapels of the robes had opened. Her skin looked so soft and silk-like. I was tempted to...

Shit! Shit! Shit! Stop it!!

What was happening to me all of a sudden?? This was not fair...

I  laid her on the bed and wanted to run away from there but she was in pain.

" Where is the first aid box?" I asked. She was wincing in pain and being a doctor, I could not leave her like that.

She pointed towards a drawer. I opened it and took out a box. I applied a block of ice on her foot first and then patted it dry before spraying the pain killer on her foot and tying a crepe bandage over it. I looked at her, she looked absolutely different right now. Beautiful!!!

You have lost your mind!! Just said the same thing for the fifth time. My inner voice said again.

Shut up!

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