Chapter 42

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Parth's POV

Siddharth pulled me out of there.

" What were you doing there?? You stupid, how can you behave like that? " He scolded me.

" What did I do? "  I asked.

" Did did you see the way you talk to her? Have you told her about your feelings? No!! You are not even accepting your true feelings for her. Then how can you shout at her? " he shouted at me.

" Sid, stop it. It's not like that. I care about her. Though I accept that I am very much attracted to her, I am not in love with her. I just like to spend some time with her." I said.

" Ok, I believe you. But it is a lunch break, she can have lunch with anyone. Why are you getting annoyed? You don't get annoyed when I spend time with others or have food or even spend the night with them. What is different in her case? She is not your girlfriend, why are you getting jealous and shouting at her like a positive boyfriend??"  He asked me.

" I care for her. He is not a good man, you know, he lied and manipulated her and took her to watch an adult movie... I wanted to beat him to a pulp. How can she share food with such a man? " I asked.

" Maybe she likes him... " He said.

" Don't talk rubbish! " I shouted at him and wanted to punch him for saying that.

" Don't shout at me... Behave yourself or I will punch you, or even better, I will ask bhai to punch you. "  He raised his eyebrow.

" Sid, please... "

" Talk to her and bring her with you in the evening. I got to go and meet Shruti. "  He said and went away. I went back to my department.

Riya's POV

Dr parth was behaving weirdly, I was asking him why he was behaving like that but Dr Siddharth pulled him away with him.

The break was about to get over but I excused myself and came back to the department, absolutely confused and hurt by  Dr Parth's behaviour.

Why did he talk to me like that?

I had just entered the department and saw that no one was there. I started looking for some books and just then Kunal came in. I didn't want to talk to him. So kept looking for the book.

" How are you? "  He came towards me and asked.

" Fine! "  I said without even looking at him.

" You do look fine to me, in fact, you are looking very pretty today, but you are behaving weirdly? "  He asked me coming in front of me.

" No, there is nothing like that. " I said and turned to go from there.

" There is something about you today, you are looking very... Good. " He said coming towards me again, but I moved away immediately.

" Why are you behaving like that?? "  He asked.

" Please Dr Kunal, I don't want to talk to you or anyone. Please stay away from me. "  I said and held out my hand in front of me. But he caught my hand and I panicked again. I don't know why, but I felt as if he was like my stalker.

I pulled my hand out of his and pushed him as I was disgusted with him for what he did to Shruti.

" Riya, what happened to you?? I am Kunal, we are friends, right?" He asked. 

" No, we are not... Get away from me, I can't be friends with someone who could do such a heinous thing with a girl. Don't ever talk to me again. " I shouted at him and he tried to catch hold of my upper arms to make me stop from moving away again and hear his lame story.

The very next moment, a punch landed on his face and he fell on the table.

I turned to see who did that and saw a furious Dr Parth. He was raging like a bull. He pounced on Kunal again.

" How dare you touch her? I told you never to even look at any of the girls. Get out of here before I  complain against you. It will ruin you forever. " Dr parth yelled at him.

" No, sir!! I was just talking to her. She is my colleague, we work in the same department... "  Kunal looked scared to see him.

"Doesn't matter, I don't want to see you near any of the girls. You may have forgotten what you did that night, I have not.  How dare you come near Riya? "  Dr Parth roared.

" I swear, I was just talking to her as she was avoiding me. Sorry, Riya!!" He said.

"  She is right in avoiding you. Every girl should avoid you. Listen, Kunal... You will not talk to her if you want to continue in this hospital. You know what I mean. Don't you? " Dr parth said standing between me and Kunal.

" Yes. "  Kunal said.

" Yes?" Dr Parth said with a raised eyebrow.

" Yes, sir. "

" Now get lost before I lose my cool. If I ever see you near Shruti or Riya, I swear, you will regret that you were born. "  Dr Parth said. Kunal nodded and went outside.

" Are you alright? " Dr Parth came near me and asked.

" Yes, I am fine... He didn't say anything to me, he was just trying to talk... but somehow, I felt like it was not Kunal, it was... Him. I got scared and overreacted. "  I said and as usual the tears started flowing from my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him but I felt relieved to see him and tears rolled out of relief.

" Don't worry... Riya, I will not let anyone harm you. " He said and pulled me in his arms. I felt so safe being held, that I hugged him too and buried my face in his shoulder.

" Riya, here is your lunchbox, you came here without... Oh!! What are you doing Dr Parth? Leave her immediately!! She is not those regular chicks you have been flirting with. "  Dr Vidyut said rudely to Dr Parth, as he came back to return my lunchbox, I had left it in the cafeteria as Tanvi and Dr Vidyut were still eating at that time.

" Why?? What is your problem? " Dr Parth asked in his annoyed tone.

" I have a problem, you can't take advantage of your assistant like that. " Vidyut said glaring at Dr Parth.  I was shocked at what he said.

" What the hell? Are you out of your mind? You just proved it again that you have a filthy mind. " Dr Parth clenched his fist.

" Dr Vidyut, you are getting it wrong, he is not doing any such thing as you said. I was crying because of something and he just hugged me. " I said.

" What? Why were you crying? Why didn't you tell me?" Dr Vidyut came and held my hand.


Good morning friends 😍

Here is my today's update, I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi ❤️😍🥰

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