Chapter 84

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Parth's POV

" You are such a spoilsport. What yaar, you are not even getting teased. " Sid said. I just smiled.

" Since we are your seniors in this department, don't hesitate if you need any suggestions or ideas... " Bhai said.

" Bhai, I am like a younger brother to you. I am not comfortable in talking all that." I tried to make him back out but he was Gautam bhai.

" Oh, don't feel shy, Sid has been taking romance tuition from me. Ask him, he still calls me his mentor. What is the use of so much talent if I can't even help my brothers? " He said with a wink.

" Thanks, Bhai, you should have come to my help when dado Sa was not allowing me to meet her. Now I don't need your help. I will manage. "  Before he could say anything I ran out of that room and went towards mine.

Oh, no!!! 

The girls were standing there right in front of my room. Shit!! How could I forget this ritual? I should have been prepared for that. I would have to do something.

" Hey, beautiful ladies... " I said.

" Hi, handsome man! " Shruti said.

" What are you doing here Sid and Bhai are looking for you? "  I said.

" Don't worry, they know very well, where to find us. But you seemed to be in a hurry. " She said.

" Yeah, kind of... Please let me go." I said sweetly making a puppy face.

" Of course, you can go... "  Shruti said.

" You are the sweetest girl in the world. "  I said with a big grin and turned to go to my room when she caught my arm.

" Don't act smart.. you will also have to give me a gift. Right now! "  Shruti said.

" I will get it tomorrow, I promise. " He said with a cute smile but how could I forget that she was very stubborn.

I looked at Maurvi to help me but she shrugged her shoulders and smiled at my condition.

Just then I saw Sid and Bhai coming.

" Sid, please yaar, tell her to let me go, I will give her a gift tomorrow. " I said.

" What is the hurry, spend some time with us, let's play some games. Shruti, don't let him go, he will give you anything you want to go to his room.  " Sid said laughing at me.

" Are you out of your mind? "  I glared at him.

" Tables have turned, brother. You wanted to spend time with me on my wedding night, now it is my chance. " He smirked.

" You idiot, I was not married to the love of my life at that time,  but you are. Do you really want to spend time with me instead of getting lost in her arms? C'mon yaar, go and take your wife with you. Let me also go!! "  I whispered to him and he thought for a few seconds and he understood what I meant.

" Shruti, let it be na, let's go I am feeling sleepy. " He said though anyone could see that sleep was the last thing in his mind.

" No!! I want it today... He would give me anything today for letting him go to his room. "She used the same dialogue he used just now.

" Oh, God! Ok, you keep my credit card. I will get you whatever you want. Please!! "  I said but she was extremely stubborn as usual.

" Sid! Bhai!! Help me!! " I said, Bhai laughed and picked up Maurvi in his arms and went to his room.


I looked at Sid and dared him silently to do the same. He nodded and bent to pick up her, she told him to leave her.

But it seemed, he was in a romantic mood as well and didn't want to spend the whole night in arguments.

" Bye, have a good wedding night. Use the gifts I gave you wisely..."
He said going to his room and carrying his struggling wife in his arms effortlessly. 

I went into my room and saw her standing near our bed, touching the beautiful flowers.

She looked beautiful in her wedding dress, looking like the most beautiful flower all around her.  I smiled and went near her,  took her hand in mine and kissed the back of her hand. She looked a bit nervous.

" You are looking so beautiful today.  My heart also skipped a few beats. I was losing my mind." I said and she blushed even more. I pulled her a bit towards me.

" Hey!  Are you not going to say anything? " I asked and she smiled a bit.

I just couldn't believe that we were already married. I took her in my arms and kissed her forehead and made her sit beside me on our bed. I could not take my eyes off her.

She was wearing a big nose ring... Which was connected to her hairdo. I could see that she must be uncomfortable.

"  Though you are looking out of this world, still you must be uncomfortable in all these heavy jewellery and this wedding lehenga. If you want you can change into something comfortable. "  I said and she nodded and smiled.

She went near the dressing table and started detaching her nose ring from her hairdo. I went towards her and did it for her. I also helped her to remove the dupatta and jewellery.

I was getting affected by her standing so close to me. Her subtle fragrance was driving me crazy.  I just wanted to have her in my arms and make her mine forever. But I controlled my urge to savour her as I didn't want to scare her with the intensity of my emotions.

Her long beautiful hair was now free from any restraint. It made a beautiful frame around her angelic face. She was facing towards the mirror and I was standing behind her looking into her eyes in the mirror.

Riya's POV

I was really getting very nervous. He was standing so close to me. His hot breath was tickling my neck and ear.  I was feeling very good but my heart was beating frantically.

He touched my bare midriff lightly, as he had just removed my chunri. I felt lots of sparks going into my body, I closed my eyes.

He slid my hair aside and gasped when he saw a  low cut back blouse of my lehenga set. His hand brushed the bare skin of my back and I inhaled a deep breath.

He looked at me and kissed my bareback.  I was getting weak behind my knees with this intimacy.

I was blushing so hard that I could not utter a single word. He held my hands and started to find his name in my Mehandi. After a few minutes, he finally found it.

He showed it to me and I nodded. He held my hand in his and started removing the bangles from my hands.

I was getting conscious under his heated gaze. He snaked his arms around my bare waist and pulled me more towards him. My back was pressed against his chest.  He kissed my neck and I gasped.

" Oh, Riya... You are looking so pretty. " He said with a hoarse voice.

He seemed to love doing it as he peppered many kisses along my neck and then he started nuzzling on my neck and shoulder. I was getting aroused and all the inhibition of being together for the first time was leaving my body. I moaned as his heated kisses were making me go crazy with desire.


Good morning friends 💓

Happy Ram Navami 🙏

Here is my today's chapter, I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Take care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi 💞💞💞

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