Chapter 76

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Riya's POV

" Dado Sa, I know whatever you are saying is right, but please try to understand, I need to be with her, can't leave her alone there. " He said looking at me. He was worried about the stalker but could not say anything in front of our families.

" Why?? It is a matter of three days only. And just now Mr Verma said that they are staying with her for 2-3 days. " Dado sa asked.

" I know, but... "

" No arguments, Parth! You are staying here for the next three days. " He said firmly.

" Dado sa, you are not getting my point, I need to be there with her as... " He was so tensed for my safety that he was about to tell them about him. I didn't want all of them to worry over me.

" Parth, it's ok... I will manage... at the hospital. " I said looking at him, wanting to assure him that I would take care of myself, he need not worry about me.

" Riya, you... I can't... I need to be there. " He said looking into my eyes.

" Dado Sa also need you. It's a matter of three days only. I will manage. My parents are also there. Don't worry! " I assured him.

" Sir, ma'am!! Please stay with her till I come back. " He said with a bit of apprehension.

" What is the matter?" My dad asked.

" Nothing, dad!! "

" Tell us, Parth!! You are behaving weirdly... " Dad asked him ignoring me. Parth looked at me and I shook my head discreetly.

" Nothing sir, Vidyut tried to misbehave with her after she refused his proposal. So I usually keep an eye on him and keep him away from her. " He said and I glared at him for taking Vidyut's name.

" Is it?? How dare he?? He seemed to be a good man, with good family values and characteristics. " Dad got very angry.

" Looks can be deceptive, sir! Please, if you feel anything weird, just give me a call. Please don't hesitate however small the thing is. " He said again. Everyone looked a bit tense.

" Parth, you are overreacting. I would be fine!! I will keep away from him. " I said.

" And don't go anywhere alone..." He said as if I was a child going to school for the first time.

" Parth, you are creating tension unnecessarily. I can take care of myself. " I said and he caught my hand and went out, saying, " Excuse us, please! "

" Don't panic, Parth!! I will be cautious. " I said the moment we came out.

" I am worried as hell, you should let me tell them. Then, dado Sa would not stop me here. I need to be around you. Do you think, I will be at rest if some stalker is roaming around you?? " He argued.

" Parth, you are scaring them, I didn't tell them till now as my overprotective father would take me home till I am married. Moreover, do you want your Dado Sa to be tense? I am not a child, I will stay away from Vidyut as well if you are jealous about it. " I said.

" Yes, I am jealous, ok?? Stay away from him and Kunal. Take help from Sid if you want. I think he would reach there by tomorrow evening. "

" Yes, sir !! "

" Don't go anywhere alone! Pick up my call within 3-4 rings. Stay away from anyone you don't know, tell me or your parents about anything and everything. Please be safe or I will kill that man when I find him. " He was getting paranoid.

" Don't worry, Parth!! " I said and he kissed me very hard as if he would not let me go.

" I love you, Riya. " He said looking at me with so much love that I just wanted to cry.

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