Chapter 53

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Riya's POV

" How does it matter if you... what? "   I asked.

" Leave me alone!! Go and meet him. "  He said with his back turned towards me.

" Dr Parth, what were you saying?? You know, I tried to convince my parents not to come here to meet him but they are adamant that as he invited him, they would come. "

" It's ok that they want to meet him, as it is, you like him too... "  He said bitterly.

" I don't want to get married to him. I don't even like him that way. " I said.

"  Then tell it to your parents, not me. "  He said standing with his back towards me.

"Dr Parth, what were you saying?"

" Nothing! "

" We need to talk... Why did you say that you me? Why did you say that you want to get married to me? "  I turned him to look at me.

" What is bothering you?? Is it that I said all those things or that if I really feel that way? " He asked.

" Both. "

" I don't know... I like you and want you in my life. I am going crazy with the thought of you getting married to someone else."  He said.

" What? "

"  I think, I love you as I have feelings for you and want you to share your life with me."  He said looking into my eyes.

" Dr Parth..." I wanted to ask him about Dr Siddharth.

" Excuse me, sir, Dr Riya's parents have come and want to meet her. " A nurse knocked at the door and came in.

" Ok, please make them sit. Dr  Riya, you must go and meet them we can talk later. " He said.

" But... "

" Do you want to marry him? "

" NO! "

" Then tell your parents about it. I have already told them that I want to marry you. "  He said.

" But dad thinks that he is more eligible than you."

" How??"

" He has a family and is related to Tanvi, our families know each other forever.  Plus he seems to be belonging to a well-known business family hence he is financially more sound. My father says that though money can't buy everything still it is very important."  I said.

"  See, you leave all that to me, just stick to the point that you don't want to marry him. They would not force you. I will not let them. Tell them that you like me. You can't marry him just because he is Tanvi's cousin. What if..."  He was saying something but stopped again in the mid of the sentence.

" Hmmm... Ok! "  I said and went out to meet them.

Parth's POV

She went to meet her parents. I took a few deep breaths to think of some way to handle this situation.  I would not let that Vidyut marry her.

I went out and saw her parents, greeted them again. Her mom smiled at me but her dad was as stern as he was in the morning. Just then Vidyut came and touched their feet. His dad smiled warmly at him.

" Oh, how sweet... You are such a humble man. It shows the good values that your family must have taught you, it comes with living in a family atmosphere. " Her dad said looking at me.

I took a deep breath to keep myself calm and not retort anything.

Being Riya's dad, he was going to be my father-in-law soon when I would marry her. It was okay, to be scolded by him. I just smiled at my thought.

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