Chapter 37

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Riya's POV

I turned and came face to face with Dr grumpy.

Was he my imagination?

I don't know why and how but I was very happy all of a sudden.  He was looking into my eyes and he asked, " Hello! Having trouble? " 

Oh, my God!  He was really here. But why?? Was he here to see me??

Did he follow me??  But why?

" You didn't tell me that you were coming to watch the movie here, tonight. "  I asked him.

" Why do you think that I am supposed to tell you everything?? Are you my wife, mom or girlfriend?? "  He said raising an eyebrow.

"  You are impossible... I just asked as you were asking me who I was coming with. "  I said.

" Impossible?? I will remind you of this, when you will come to my place at night, begging me to help you as you can't sleep alone. " He said and smirked.

" What?? What did he say??" Dr Vidyut asked as he was shocked. I turned to look at him, I had thought that he had left.  His mouth was opened.

"  He seems to be shocked, you didn't tell him, how you cook breakfast for me wearing my shirt in my kitchen?? "  Dr Parth said with a smirk. I was shocked as hell.

" What the hell is he talking about?? "  Dr Vidyut seemed to have the shock of his life.

"  He is mad and making me go mad too. Ughhh I need to go home. "  I said to Vidyut.

" Yes, I am mad and I do bite people, I don't like... Do run for your dear life, leave us alone if you don't want this one to be your last birthday. "  He said and Dr Vidyut glared at him.

" I am not leaving her alone like this. "  Vidyut said.

" I don't need your help, I am perfectly fine, please leave. "  I said and turned to go out.

" Riya, let me drop you home. " Vidyut said but I said a firm no.

" Dr Vidyut, leave before I break your teeth or bones or both. " Dr Parth glared at him as if he would kill him the very next moment. Vidyut glared back but left.

I was about to call a cab when Parth came and stopped his car in front of me.

" I don't want to go anywhere with you. " I said.

" Why, changed your mood?? It seemed you have decided to watch the movie finally. Let's go, or my ticket would be wasted. It was not that bad... It was hot and sexy. I don't mind watching it but didn't know, you liked the genre. Why did you spoil his birthday??  "  He kept speaking.

What?? He was there watching the movie?

" Will you please shut up? " I asked.

" I will if you come and sit in the car. "   He said.

" I am not going with you. "  I said.

" I will not let you take the cab. " He challenged me.

" You are the most irritating man in the whole universe. "

" And the same award for females goes to you. " He said with a grin.

" Leave me alone!! I am sick of your mood swings. Are you pregnant by any chance? "

" Not till now, trying to find a perfect girl, with whom I want to have and raise kids. By the way, do you want to apply for that role in my life? "  He asked.

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