Chapter 23

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Parth's POV

We reached the hospital in our separate cars as she said she had to go out with Tanvi as she wanted to go shopping.

We had a busy day, I was coming after taking the lectures and was going to my department when I saw Shruti going to the cafe, I went to her.

"  Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

" Nothing !! That irritating patient... "  She was annoyed as hell.

" Did someone say something to you? Tell me, I will beat him for you. How dare he behave like that?? "  I said to her.

" I am talking about a woman,  she is flirting with Your friend. " She said and I grinned.

" OH !!!! Don't worry, Sid can take care of himself. "  I said assuring her.

" I know, but I want to push her away.  Why can't they leave him alone?  "  She said.

" Someone is getting possessive over my best friend. Not bad... " I teased her.

" Oh please, I am not being possessive. But you know what did that Dr Isha did?? " 

" No !! He is spending all his time with you. How would I know ?? Tell me. " I said and she told me how she sent doctored pictures to her to create misunderstanding between them.

Dr Isha has always been after Sid to accept her one-sided obsession as love.

" What?? This is too much. And Sid has never even talked to her for more than two minutes. You know what?? Accept it loud and clear in front of everyone that you love him. That will keep them away from him. " I suggested her.

"  No !! How can I do that?? "  She shook her head.

" Then keep getting possessive over him. While girls will keep flirting with him.  Mark your territory, woman !! Don't worry, I am with you. " We were talking when  Siddharth came.

" Hey, what happened?? What are you both doing here?" He asked her.

" We were planning someone's murder. " I said.

" What nonsense?? Whose?? "  He asked me.

" That patient, who was flirting with you. And of course, Isha's too. That was too much. " I said.

" Yeah !! That is why I want her to come to the party as my date. We will tell Everyone that we are in love with each other. " Sid said.

"  But... "

" No arguments with your seniors, Dr Singh. " I said and Sid nodded. She just rolled her eyes.

" Just send me the pictures she sent to you. We will teach her a lesson. " I said.

" What will you do?? "

" Don't worry, I will not misuse them but someone needs to teach her a lesson. " I said with a naughty smile and went to my cabin.

Kunal was taking the samples along with the nurse while Disha and Riya were talking to patients. I looked at her, she was totally engrossed in her work, oblivious of the fact that I was ogling at her.

Oh, I wanted to spend some more time with her but it was not possible, so I made myself busy too.

I looked at the pictures and smiled. I would teach you a lesson, Dr Isha.

I also did what she had done and made a few pictures. It was already lunch break and I went to have lunch with Siddharth. I heard him shouting before I even entered the cabin.

Dr Isha, leave before I make a complaint against you.  " Siddharth said while glaring at her.

I looked at Shruti with a raised eyebrow. She came out and told me everything briefly.

" Can I  beat her? Or add hair removing cream in her shampoo?? " She asked in a fit of anger... so cute.

" Great idea !! I liked it, I am sure we will become good friends in future.  " I gave her a hi-fi.

" Let's go inside, I will deal with her. " I said and we both went inside.

" What complaint are you going to make?? That I love you?? That I asked you to come with me as my date? So what is wrong with that?? " Isha was crying. Enough of her drama.

"  Excuse me, I need to talk to you, Dr Isha. All of you, please leave the room. "  I said to all the interns.

" I don't want to talk to you. "  She said.

" You have left me with no choice.  Will you stop your drama or shall I start mine?? " I said glaring at her.

" What drama are you talking about?" She asked.

" Leave him alone or you will regret that you started it. He is too sweet to be harsh, but I am not him. I don't spare those people who harm my loved ones. "

" You are threatening me, Dr Parth?? "

"  Not at all,  it is a friendly suggestion. Because if you don't stop your drama right away, I will start mine. Believe me, my drama will have more audience. I will make sure that it is very interesting. " I said with a warning glare.

" What do you mean?? What are you going to do?? I have proof that we are together. " She asked.

" I have a few pictures too. Care to look at them?? "  I said and went very close to her and showed her the ones I photoshopped in my phone.

All the colour on her face faded all of a sudden and she looked almost white like a ghost.

" What the hell?? How can you?? "  She shouted at me.

"Why?? You think, only you can do it??  I have done it too. Want to see more?? Have a look. Hey, one request... Please tell me which one you liked the most? " I said with a cute smile and then I smirked. My expression changed from cute to cruel in less than a minute.

I was ready to go to any extent to fight for Siddharth.

" I will complaint against you. How can you use my pictures like that?? "  She shouted at me.

" In the same way, you can use pictures of Sid and create new fake ones. You sent those pictures to his love interest to create problems between them. We still have those pictures on her phone, sent by you.  And we can prove in a minute that they are fake. So if you don't leave my friend and his girlfriend alone, I will send all these pictures to everyone. With the sensational news. It will be the gossip of the year in the hospital. Now decide on your own and leave from here right now. I am hungry. " I said and she turned to leave but saw Shruti and went towards her.

" You !!!  I will see you... "  She said to Shruti.

" Talk to me, not her. Do you want me to start my drama?? " I went towards her. Siddharth came to stand in front of Shruti and then tried to calm me down.

" Let it be, Parth. "

" Why?? Why should I let it be?? If she comes between the two of you now, I will destroy her reputation. How can she do all this?? She tried to add fuel to the fire by sending those fake pictures.  If she can make them, so can I. "

" She spoilt everything between me and Siddharth. She came between us.  "  Isha said looking at Shruti. 

" There was nothing between us. There was no us... We were not even friends. "  Siddharth started explaining.

I had enough of her nonsense.


Hello again😀😍🥰

Well as it is valentine's day, I posted another chapter.

Here is another update of the book, I hope you liked it, please let me know.

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Enjoy your day 🌺💕💕💕💖💖💖


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