Chapter 86

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Riya's POV

The alarm was ringing continuously and the Irritating sound dragged us out of our Dreamland.

I tried to stretch my body to get out of the bed and tried to get out of bed but he was not helping me.

" Parth!! "  I shook him.

" Hmm? " he nuzzled against my neck.

" Get up, please... "  I said.

" No sweetheart, I am tired... "  He said. Holding me even tighter.

" Please get up... "  I said trying to get out of his arms.

" Why?? "

" Some alarm is ringing continuously. "  I said.

" Let it be... Nothing is more important than a good sleep after such a good workout. I am enjoying my sleep with you in my arms. Please shut up and sleep. "  He said.

" No!! I can't sleep with this sound. "  I said.

" Shut it down and come back to the bed, I am sleepy. " He told me.

" I can't! " I said.

" Why?? "

" Two reasons!  One you are literally sprawling over me and the second is that I don't have anything to wear. " I said.

" Your clothes are in my cupboard, go and wear them," he said still in a sleepy voice. The alarm had stopped ringing by now. So I decided to sleep.

Barely ten minutes had passed when another alarm went off.

Oh, God!!  I could not sleep like that, But when I tried to get up and wrapped a sheet around me, he opened his eyes with a naughty expression.  He was holding the corner of the sheets that I had wrapped around me.

" Leave that sheet. "  I said.

" No, either come back to bed or go without this. " He said.

" No!! Behave yourself! I want to take bath.  "

" No ! We already took one last night. "

" Parth!! Let me go to the bathroom."

" No! You come here, it is just four in the morning.   "  He pulled the sheet.

" You are so shameless. " I was saying when he tugged at the corner.

" Think before you speak... Baby.. don't say that unless you want me to show how shameless I can be. " He was smirking at me. My face turned red just the memory of his way of showing me.

" Awww... Recalling our passionate moments. Come we will create many more. " He pulled the sheet again.

" No way !! We created a lot of them last night. You made love to me all night, we must have slept just an hour ago. Who set this alarm at four in the morning? "

" Oh, I don't know, maybe Sid or Shruti. C'mon, don't pretend that you did not enjoy our wedding night... "  He said pulling the sheet so hard that I fell on him. 

" Parth !!  Oh God, Please stop it...." I hid my face again and he nuzzled on my neck and shoulder.

" No! See we have not made love on that bed on my balcony. "

" Shut up!! I am not going to do that. "  I said with my eyes wide open.

" Why not?? I got it ready, decorated on my own, for our special night. "  He insisted.

" Have you lost your mind?? "

" What is the problem? "  He asked.

" Someone might see us. "

" It's dark out there. "  He argued.

" No! And that is final. " I said glaring at him. Finally, he burst out laughing.

" Ok, love!! Then come to the bed here. You have only two choices, this bed or that bed. " He said. I shook my head and he got up from the bed.

Oh, no!!  I turned to see him standing with another sheet covering his modesty. 

I blushed to see my love bite on his shoulder.

" What?? "

" Nothing !! If you don't stop teasing me. I will not talk to you. "  I said to distract him.

" I have a legal right to tease you for the rest of my life. Be ready sweetheart... It is just the beginning. " He said and tugged at my sheet.

" Stop it!! "  I glared at him.

" What if I don't?? "  He smirked.

" I will spill hot coffee on you. " I said. He looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

He caught my hand and we went to the bed he decorated for us on the balcony. He asked me to lie down there, I shook my head but he made me lie next to him. We both were looking at the stars.

" I still laugh at what had happened that day. I was so tired and stressed. On top of that, you kept shouting at me though I apologised. "

" I swear, I was so annoyed by you when you threw hot coffee and cold drink over me that day and was shocked when you banged my car and bike within a gap of one minute and then came to live next door to me. I wanted to get away as far as possible from you. "

" Hmm... You made fun of me in front of everyone and told me to stay at least six feet away from you. " I said making a face.

" Thank God, you didn't take that threatening seriously. " He said and kissed my hand.

" You hated me?? "  I asked him.

" No, love... I didn't hate you,  You were just very irritating and I was annoyed as hell with you. " He replied.

" As if, you were the nicest man in the world... You were as irritating and annoying as you thought I was. Mr grumpy!!!'" I said with a frown. He laughed and kissed the frown away from my forehead.

" I know, but the last straw was when you came to the hospital to assist me. And kept doing something or the other to irritate me by injecting me instead of the patient or throwing more coffee on me. "  He said.

" Sorry!! " I said.

" Don't be, I am not!! At that time it seemed that God was irritated with me somehow, so he sent you to punish me. But soon I started to find you quite intriguing. " He said and I smiled.

" Really? "

" Yes, in fact, I am glad that God sent an irritating but intriguing girl to live next door who splashed that hot coffee on me. Because I started to fall in love with that irritating girl.

My intriguing girl next door.....


Good morning friends 💓

It was the Last chapter of my book. Only epilogue is left, I hope you liked it please let me know.

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Guys, after this book is finished, I will reload one of my books, It started with a slap ( sequel of The accidental bride , I will post one chapter daily as I have to edit the book again.

I will also take down Bewitched on 1 St may. So if you have not read it till now or if  you want to read it  once again, you may do it now.

Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi 💕💕💕

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