Chapter 51

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Parth's POV

" That man !! She doesn't love him. " I said and looked at her. Her mouth was open due to shock.

" How do you know?? He said that they like each other. "  Her dad asked.

" Riya, will you say something? " I asked her as I was going mad.  

" Dad, mom... I don't like him. He is just Tanvi's cousin. We are not even friends. " She said.

Thank God!

" But he seemed to be a nice man and he is from a well-known family, is well settled and we know Tanvi and her family too. " Her dad said.

" But those reasons are not enough for her to say yes to marry someone. " I said desperately.

" Beta, I know you are her well wisher but please stay out of this. This is our family matter. " His mom said politely.

" No, ma'am... You heard her say that she doesn't even like him. They are not even friends. Please don't force her. "  I said.

" We are not forcing her, just suggesting a good boy.  She doesn't seem to have much problem. It is a good marriage proposal, we must consider it. Tanvi would become your sister-in-law, Riya " her dad said.

" What?? Do you want her to accept this alliance just because her friend would become her sister-in-law? What kind of logic is that? What about the compatibility between her and that man? She would have to spend her whole life with him for god's sake."  I said and I wanted to punch that man for even thinking about marrying my Riya.

My Riya??  Is Riya yours? My soul asked.

I don't know... But she is not with Vidyut. I can't let her marry him.


No way!!

Her stalker?

I would kill him before that.

But she has to marry someone...

Then she would marry me.

Why? She is just a friend...

Shut up!! I can't let her be with anyone else or else I would die of jealousy. She is mine...

".......And who are you to argue with us on her behalf??" Her father was saying something to me while I was busy arguing with myself.

" I am... In love with her." I said.

" What ?? " Her parents were shocked to hear what I said. I looked at Riya and she looked stoned.

Her eyes were as big as saucers and she was looking at me as if I just said that I killed someone.

" What did you just say? You love her? "  Her dad was glaring at me.

" Yes, sir!! I love your daughter. I am well educated and well settled, we both are very good friends and like each other. We both share all our meals and I want to share the rest of my life with her. " I said.

" Dr Parth?? Why are you saying it? " Riya said.

" Because it is the truth... They are your parents, Riya. They have a right to know. I wish, I could tell my parents, how much I love you? "  I said looking into her eyes but she didn't seem to believe me.

" But you said that you were just studying for the seminar and nothing was going on between both of you. Were you lying?  "  Her dad asked.

" No, sir! We were studying yesterday and we slept by chance while working, but I love her. I assure you that I can take good care of your daughter. "  I said.

" You don't even have a decent home and don't have anyone whom you can call a family. How can I trust you with my daughter?" He said bluntly.

" Dad?? How can you say that? This is totally insensitive. " She said. She looked very embarrassed.

" You are our daughter and we have every right to enquire about the man who wants to marry you. We need to be rest assured that you would be happy. Do you have a problem young man? "

"  No, Sir! I live in this apartment as I was living alone and all I needed was a small home. I can buy a new, bigger and more comfortable home where ever she wants. " I said.

" Dr Parth, please don't! " Riya requested.

" No, Riya... They have the right to ask. Please don't interfere. We will talk about it later. "  I said looking into her eyes.

" What about family? We want our daughter to get married to a reputed family. You don't even have a family. Vidyut had a good family background his parents are quite well known. "  Her dad asked.

" I can't help it if my parents died in an accident. But if you think that family background is everything, let me assure you, sir, my family background is much better than Vidyut. If you want to see my family background, I can give you. My grandfather lives in Rajasthan, I can take you to meet him. I am sure, you would like my background. " I said.  Her dad looked very thoughtful.

"  Dr Parth, can I talk to you please?? Stop it! You don't need to... " Riya was getting uncomfortable. But why?

" No, Riya!! We need to tell your parents about us. As it is, we can't hide our feelings from them, forever.  They want only the best for you. Now please let me prove that I am the best one for you. "  I refused to go and talk to her.

" You were saying that she wants to go for higher studies, won't it be a problem now?? How can you tie her in marital knots? " Her dad asked.

" Sir, I don't mind, waiting for her to complete her studies, or even in getting married with her right away and she can continue to study after marriage. I will help her in every possible way. Our marriage would never hinder her carrier. " I answered.

" You will let her study even after marriage?? " Her dad asked.

" Yes, sir, I will encourage her to take whichever stream she wants to join. "  I replied.

" Will you be able to bear the cost of her higher education as well? "  He asked with a smirk.

" Of course, I will not let you pay for it, if she gets to marry me, her education and all the expenses would be mine. " I smiled.

" Can you afford all that?? I mean, buying a bigger home, paying for her education and the expenses of managing a home? "  He asked rudely as if he could not trust me.

" Yes, sir!! With God's grace, I am earning very well, I have a lot of savings and though I didn't want to say it, I am the only heir of my parents."

" Heir?? What are you?? Some kind of a prince or something??" He laughed sarcastically. 

" Well!! What shall I say, sir??  You can find that out when you meet my grandfather. So please tell me when would you like to meet him?? We all can go there." I said. 

" See, we need to compare both the options, see which one is the better option for Riya. We want to think over it and talk to our daughter about it. " He said.

" Sir, please apart from the family background and financial condition of the two of us, please see that I am in love with your daughter and she also likes me a lot. We spend almost our whole day together. We understand and respect each other. " I said.

" Don't worry!! Now please leave!! We need to talk to our daughter alone. " He said.


Good morning friends 😘

Here is my today's update, I hope you liked it, please let me know.

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I posted 3 more chapters on Owo. Now I will post after 2-3 days there as I have to post 30 chapters in a month.

Take care, have a nice day.

Chhavi 🥰😍🤩

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