Chapter 85

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Riya's POV

He placed some more kisses on the other side of my neck. Then he placed a kiss on my bareback. I clutched my lehenga in my fists.

I wanted to throw myself in his arms but just then, I saw the tall glasses of hot saffron almond milk. I was feeling hungry. So why not have the hot and yummy milk while it was deliciously hot.

" Parth, I am hungry. "

" So am I... "

" Really?? Let's have... "

" Yes, baby... let's do it. " He said and released me. I went to the table to pick up the glass of milk and when we turned, we both were shocked. He had started undressing and had already removed his achkan.

" What ?? " We both said as I was shocked to see him bare chested as he had undone the buttons of his kurta and he was confused to see me holding the tall glasses of milk.

" You are hungry?? " He asked.

" Yes, I told you. You said you were hungry too. "

" Tell me one thing sweetheart, did you really write those books?? " He asked.

" Of course, why are you asking?? Do you have any doubt? "

" Yes!! When will you get romantic with me, love? Have you read your books? They are so bloody romantic and sensuous. Please have mercy on me. " He said.

" But I was hungry and this looks delicious. "

" Yes, I am hungry and you looked delicious too. "

" Parth!! Have milk if you are hungry. "  I said trying to hold my smile.

" Like seriously?? I am dying to have you and you want that damn glass of milk? "

" Yes!!"

" Ok, have it fast!! "  He said but I wanted to tease him.

" There are two glasses, have one. " I said.

" I don't want... Finish it fast, please. "  He said. I tried to drink faster but a few drops trickled down my chin. He was looking at me weirdly.

"  Here take a sip of it, it is irresistible. You will not be able to stop once you take a sip.

" Riya, you are trying my patience now. Don't play with fire... I am trying to hold back myself, I will not be able to stop once I lose my sanity. " he said.

" Calm down!! Have a sip of it. It is a tradition to drink this saffron almond milk on the wedding night. " I said and he signalled me to bring it to him. I picked the other glass and started going towards him and my food got tangled with the long lehenga and I fell forwards on him.

He caught me in his arms but we both were drenched with hot milk.

" What the hell!! What is wrong with you? "  He yelled

" Sorry!! "  I said and fresh tears started pouring out of my eyes.

" Hey! It's ok!! Anyway, we were going to remove these clothes. So let's do it now. "

" No!! I spoilt everything... I am sorry. "

" Don't worry! "

" No!! You took so many efforts to give this room a fairytale feel, I messed up everything. I am so clumsy. I am sorry. " I said.

" Shhh!! Stop saying, sorry. " He said and started undressing before I could say anything. He asked me to change into something comfortable.

I was too shocked as I has ruined everything and didn't want to annoy him more.

I was getting affected and was planning to hide in his arms when he stepped back from me and went to open his almirah and took out his night suit and went to the washroom.

I was feeling bad and was thinking about what to do now, he seemed to be in a bad mood. But all of a sudden, he pulled me to the shower cabinet and started the shower head over us.

I pushed myself out of his arms.

" Parth!!"

" Yes, love?"

" This dress will get spoilt. " I said.

" I don't care. "  He said in a hoarse voice.

" But I do, this is my wedding dress. I want to keep it for the rest of my life.  "

" Then remove it, love. I don't want anything between us now. " He said and pulled the beautiful string which tied it to my waist. It fell down and pooled around my feet. I got out of it and picked it up.

I was feeling shy the way he was looking at me. He caught my hand and pulled me again, I shook my head.  But he nodded and pulled me anyway.

" I have waited for this night for too long, forgive me, if I lose my sanity. " He said and pulled me in his arms. Water was pouring over us from all sides and he started kissing me.

I was getting affected by all that and just when I thought of giving up all the shyness and loving him back, he turned off the shower,  released me and asked me to change my clothes and get into something comfortable.

I went out of the washroom and was still thinking about where could I find my clothes. Just then he came out.

He had discarded his wet clothes and was wearing a bathrobe he went to his cupboard to get me one of the nightdresses he must have got for me, I took it and went to the washroom, changed into it and came back to the room. It was red silk and lace nightwear.

I looked at him and smiled shyly. His eyes reflected his love spiked with desire.

He picked me up in the bridal style and looked into my eyes, I was blushing because of the way he was looking at me. He sat down on our bed with me on his lap.

I was feeling very shy due to our proximity but he was loving every minute of it. His arms were holding me on his lap. He kissed on my shoulder and I shuddered again. He slid one of the straps of my nightwear and buried his face in the crook of my neck. 

" Oh, Parth! Don't do that... " I said. He looked at me with his absolutely dark black eyes and captured my lips and kissed me with so much love that I forgot all my inhibitions. I kissed him back with everything in me and a small moan escaped me.

He placed me there on the bed and then he hovered over me to stop me from getting up. He was looking at me with his dreamy eyes which were almost as dark as dark chocolate.

The intense look in his eyes was drawing me in. I was hypnotized by his eyes. He bent towards me and placed his lips on the base of my neck.

I arched beneath him which seemed to excite him more and he claimed my lips again in a very hot and urgent kiss. He bit lightly on my bottom lip and when I gasped,  he deepened his kiss.

He trailed kisses from my ear to my shoulder. His hands were roaming over my body. He caressed every inch of my body.

I lost all control over my body and was just like a putty in his hand.

He was making me lose all sanity in me. I could not help it as I was drowning in his passion and finally reached a point when I didn't want him to stop. I was so aroused by now that I took the lead, he was pleasantly surprised and we both made passionate love for almost the whole night. It was a very blissful night...


Good morning friends 😘

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

There may or may not be an update of my book on libri. As there was some technical issues.

Take good care of you yourself and have a nice day.


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