Chapter 31

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Riya's POV

" Why are you allergic to flowers?? " Dr Vidyut asked. But my mind was on the other doctor.

I was sure that Dr Parth was coming to meet me but halted when he saw Dr Vidyut, turned his back and went back inside.

" No! Of course, not. "  I said to Dr Vidyut.

"  I thought you would thank me that I brought your car back. Or you would have had a problem in coming to the hospital.  I had the night shift. So after the party, I went back to the hospital and have just returned. " He said.

" Thanks a lot,  Dr Vidyut but you didn't have to take so much effort. I was coming to the hospital only and I would have driven the car back in the evening. "

" But you would have had a problem in the morning in finding a cab or a ride. So I got it. "  He said.

" That was a very sweet gesture, thanks. But I would have managed. Dr Parth lives next door to me, I could have come with him easily. " I said. And Dr Parth came out again at the exact time.

" But why bother anyone if you can go independently? Am I wrong, Dr Parth? "  Dr Vidyut said looking at him.

" I don't mind, giving a lift to her, we were going to the same place from here. It could not bother me in any way."  Dr Parth said politely.

" I am sure of that... Riya, since I drove your car here, can you please drive me back to my place? I am too tired to go and find a cab. " Dr Vidyut asked me. I looked at Dr Parth and saw that his jaw was clenched and he was not even looking at me.

Why was he behaving like that?? Was he avoiding me because he kissed me and was feeling guilty about it??

Fine!! Don't talk to me...

" Sure Dr Vidyut, I will. "  I said to him and looked at my neighbour.  He locked the door of his home.

What was taking him so long to lock a door which could be locked in a second just by pulling it?

I went inside to keep the flowers in my house. Then I went to drop Vidyut and he asked me to come in but I refused as I had to go to the hospital.

" Ok, I understand but you have to come the day after tomorrow, even Tanvi is coming... it is my birthday.  " He said.

" I don't know... Let's see, I will tell Tanvi. "

" I will wait for both of you. I don't have many friends here and how can I celebrate without friends and family. Please, don't say no... I am counting on two of you. " he said. I just nodded and went to the hospital.

Parth's POV

I was restless for the whole night after coming back to my home. Riya asked me to stay with her but I could not stay there as I was going insane with a desire to keep her in my arms and kiss her senseless.

She was holding me like that and I could feel every lush and soft curve of her body against mine making me lose my mind.

I kissed her and after the initial shock of a few seconds, she responded hesitantly. She didn't even know how to kiss but she did catch up pretty soon... Maybe she learnt to kiss by reading. But I loved the hesitant kiss and deepened the kiss.

She was as sweet as I had expected her to be. I was tempted to teach her so many more things that very moment. But I broke the kiss as I was getting turned on with every passing second.

She was so innocent, I didn't want to take advantage of such a naive and gullible girl and that too when she was in such a vulnerable condition.

I would have crossed the line if I had stayed there any longer. I tried a lot but was lured by the innocent seductive moves of the lovely girl.

I knew she was very much scared and was seeking protection in my arms, but I needed to protect her from me as well.

She was so simple, sweet and cute. I could not break her trust in me... I kept thinking about her for the whole night.

I had never felt this kind of attraction towards anyone. I was getting annoyed when Dr Vidyut kept coming to talk to her. I don't know what was happening to me... I never felt like that before.


It was morning, I called up Sid but he still didn't pick up the call so I called Gautam bhai again. He said that he is coming to Chandigarh to solve the issue. And said that he also informed Maurvi to reach the hotel and help Shruti.

I was rest assured as Gautam bhai could manage everything. I wanted to go and help Sid but didn't want to embarrass Shruti by letting her know that I knew what happened and saw her in that condition. I took a deep breath and got ready.

Riya's car was parked in the hospital, so I must ask her to come with me. I wanted some time to sort out my feelings for her. I knew I was attracted to her but somehow it felt much stronger than just the desire or simple attraction.

It seemed to be more serious, more intense.

I opened the door to go and meet her but the moment I opened the door I saw Dr Vidyut standing there talking to her. He had driven her car back and was holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.

Flowers? Why??

I did not want to hear what they were saying as it was rude so I came back into my home.  But I could not move back from the door and wanted to know, what was he saying to her.

I knew eavesdropping was not right but I could not move back. Moreover, I had to protect her from everyone.

Who was he to her? When did they meet and become so friendly?

I wanted to throw those flowers into the big trash bin lying on the other side of the road, right in front of him.

Then that man asked her to give a lift to his place. I was tempted to punch him so hard that he would never think of such a thing again. Why did he drive her car here, if he wanted her to drive him back to his home??

How dare he suggest her not to bother me?? Who was he?? Her elder brother?? Father?? Idiot!!

I got annoyed when she accepted the flowers and got ready to drop him off.

Though I tried my level best to play cool, was getting restless, I started my car to go to the hospital but I ended up following her from a safe distance so that she doesn't come to know.

She dropped him and they kept talking for a few minutes. She left for the hospital.

Why did she have to accept the flowers and give a lift to him?? When will she learn not to trust people so easily??


Good morning friends 😍

Here is my today's update I hope you liked it please let me know.

Today is one of the most important day of my life. It seems like yesterday, when  I got married to one of the best men, god ever created. I thank God, for selecting him for me and making my life even more beautiful.  😍🥰💕

Please take care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi. 🥰🥰💕💕😍

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