Chapter 15

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Riya's POV

It was morning and I got out of my bed with a bit of difficulty. My foot had a slight pain. I got ready to go to the hospital. But was not in a mood to cook food.

So I thought of having something from the cafeteria itself. I was locking the door when Dr Parth also came out.

" Good morning, sir."  

" We are neighbours here, you can call me Parth. "  He said

" No, sir!! You are my senior. I can't think of doing it. "  I said avoiding looking at him. He looked very good in his casual shirt and denim.

" How is your foot?  I was coming to ask you if you are still having pain?? "  He asked.

" Just a little... I will take the medicine after I have my breakfast. "   I replied with a smile.

" You haven't eaten anything?? Not even tea or coffee??  "  He was surprised.

" No, I didn't feel like cooking. So I will have it in the cafeteria at the hospital. " I replied and he nodded.

"By the way, the coffee you made yesterday was very nice." He said.

" Thanks!! " I said with a smile.

" You are going to the hospital? Take an off if you have pain.  "  He said with concern.

Oh, god!! Why is he talking as if he cares?? Please tell him to shout at me...

I wanted to hate him to keep my heart in my chest. Talking sweetly to me doesn't suit him and it was injurious to my mental health.

" No, sir. I will die of boredom. I am fine. "  I said.

" Wait!! You don't need to drive in this condition. You can come with me. "  He said.

Won't your Senorita mind today?

" Oh, sir... I can manage. Please don't bother. "  I said.

" Bother?? I am also going to the same place. My car won't mind carrying you along with me. By the way, you are not as heavy as you claimed. " He said with a smile.

My cheek started gaining heat at the thought of him carrying me to my bedroom. I just looked away.

" Thanks for your help last night, sir. "  I said.

" Oh, it was nothing. Let's go!! "  He shrugged.

Of course!! It was nothing for you. You can't feel anything for me...

Parth's POV

I was going to see her once, before going to the hospital. She had a lot of pain yesterday. But as soon as I got out of my apartment and saw her locking the door.

She was back in her usual boring appearance. Why?? Who does that??

Why does she always wear full sleeved oversized clothes?? She had such beautiful satin-like skin and her limbs were long and shapely.

Probably, she was the only girl, who was hell-bent to look less beautiful than she was. Why was she hiding her beauty?

I insisted she come with me and she agreed, though was reluctant initially.

We both started going downstairs when I realised that she was limping a bit. I could see that she still had pain in her foot. I picked her and she shrieked.

" Oh, no!! Sir, please leave me. I can climb down the stairs. "  She said.

" Either you be quiet and let me do it, or you stay at home. I can see that you have pain in your foot. " I said, she looked embarrassed.

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