Chapter 2

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Riya's POV

I opened my eyes and saw a tall man wincing.  And the big spot on his pristine white shirt implied that my coffee was splashed on this human wall.

He really looked like a wall.  But a  good looking one.

" Hello !! I am talking to you,  are you in your senses??"  He yelled at me.

" Oh, I am so sorry,"  I said with embarrassment.

" Sorry? That's it?? "  He yelled.

" So what do you expect? " I was already tired and frustrated.

" You just burnt my skin with your super hot coffee and spoilt my whole schedule for the day. You can't get away with a simple sorry. "

" See, I didn't do it intentionally, I was thinking of something and then I realised..."

" How can you say, that you didn't do it intentionally?? Who does that intentionally?? But can't you walk properly? I was supposed to go to work after having an early dinner. now I would have to go back to my place. You ruined my whole schedule. "

" See it has been a long and tiring day for me and I have yet to do a lot more. All I can offer is sorry. My mind is too tired right now."  I said.

" Wow!! Attitude? All you can offer is a sorry?? What kind of apology is that?? I could have still born it if it was something cold, but it was piping hot... You have any idea, my skin is burning like anything, it is so painful and how can you be so cool about it?"

" Sorry!! "

" Stop saying that, you don't look sorry!!  Just do anything and say sorry... That's it!! Problem solved? No!! The problem is not solved. Can you undo what you did, just by saying sorry? Can you ease my pain?? "  He said and I saw him holding a cold drink.

" Sorry for burning your skin. I think this will help. " I said and took a cold drink from his hand and poured it where I had splashed the hot coffee earlier.

It would be an understatement if I say that he was shocked.

"  What did... you just do? Are you mad?? "  I asked me controlling his anger.

" No, I was trying to soothe your burning skin with a cold drink. I can't find water nearby and we can't go to the washroom together, see you can't go to girl's washroom and I can't go to the one meant for men. So this seemed to be a perfect solution and you had to go and change the shirt anyway... So it's ok... You have stains of both coffee and cold drink. "

" Ughhhh!! Someone, please call some mental asylum. This girl seems to have escaped one. "  He was going mad now.

" Yes, I did, but I didn't know that I will bump into someone just as lunatic as me. "  I lost my patience too and said.

" Shut up!! Just shut up, before I forget that you are a girl..... " He roared.

I really managed to make him lose his temper.

" ... just be thankful that I don't hit girls.  If only you had not been a girl, I would have shown you how mad can I get.  How dare you pour the cold drink over me as well. "   He was getting furious now and I panicked and got scared. 

"  Sorry!! " I said and ran away to my car, turned to see if the arrogant man was following me or not. Tears started flowing from my eyes, I wiped them.

He was coming after me at his own pace but didn't seem to be following me. He was just annoyed as hell.

  I unlocked the car as soon as I could,  slipped into it and drove away.

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