Chapter 12

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Parth's POV

" Dr Riya?? " I shook her and she got startled and her phone fell off her hand.

" Oh sorry, it seems that I startled you. " I said and picked up the phone from the floor.  But she kept standing looking at the phone as if it would blast Any moment.

" Are you alright?? Dr Riya? "  I asked and she looked at me and took the phone reluctantly from my hand.

" Oh!! Yeah... I am fine, thank you. Bye," She said and looked at me as if she wanted to ask something.

" What happened?? "

" How safe is the apartment?? "

" Absolutely safe. Why are you asking that? "

" Outsiders are not allowed in the building, right?? "

" Right! What happened to you? "

" N.nothing thanks. " She said, went to her home and closed the door. 

Weird girl!! Something was intriguing about her.

Anyway, I was tired so, I went to sleep.


Riya's POV

I was talking to Dr Parth when my phone started buzzing. I saw the screen which flashed an unknown number.

Oh, God!! No!! Not again... He couldn't know, I am here... Shit!! What would I do now?? Oh, God!!!

How did he get my new number?? Does he know that I was in Chandigarh??

God, please help me... I am alone here. I was literally shaking.

Someone shook me and I got startled and the phone fell down on the floor.

But I couldn't dare to pick it up. Dr Parth apologized for startling me and picked it up.  He extended it towards me but I was too scared to take it. I took the phone reluctantly but I asked him about the safety aspect of the building. He assured me and I nodded and came inside.

I shut down the phone and tried to sleep but could not... All the events that happened in the last year and all the messages and calls, I got last year from an unknown number kept me awake.

I was scared as hell... How could he get to know, I was here?? How could he get my new number?


We all had learnt to work on our own in the morning session as Dr parth was busy with some of the classes for a few days.

He had given us a list of assignments for us. He was really a very hardworking person and expected the same from us. As usual, he had given much more work to Dr Kunal than me or Disha.

I felt bad for him and helped him finish his work. He thanked me and once the work was done, he excused himself and went to have his lunch.

I also went to cafeteria where Tanvi was waiting for me.  I saw that Kunal was sitting with a girl and having his lunch.

He seemed to be asking her something. All of a sudden, Dr Parth's... A friend came into the cafeteria and ordered food but the moment he saw both of them, he looked extremely angry, as at exactly the same time Dr Kunal asked her to go to the welcome party which was to happen this week. He went out cancelling his order, the girl ran after him, taking the food he ordered earlier.

Kunal looked angry as well. He finished his food with a frowning face. The lunch break was over, he saw me and we went back to our department.

" Dr Kunal, where had you gone??"  Dr Parth looked very angry.

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