Chapter 7 - Baby Steps

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Amelia felt horrible by the day

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Amelia felt horrible by the day.
And not physically. Because, physically, she was better. The nausea and dizziness had stopped almost altogether and she was now able to get up and walk around the room. Her legs also didn’t give in so easily, which was also good. Her temperature refused to lower much more than it already had so, now, instead of being the 40º degrees, it stayed at an unnatural 38º. Jungkook always frowned when she pulled out the thermometer to show him the numbers.

But still, her health was way better. Jin had also begun to ‘experiment’ on her. Because she could now go downstairs and walk around with barely any aid, he always called her to the kitchen, sitting her on the spacious kitchen island as he cooked and then placed the beautifully arranged plates of gourmet looking food in front of her.

It was amusing to see him look at her expectantly, awaiting a positive response from her. It almost always was positive. The guy had a special talent, to be honest, he was indeed a great cook. Except for the lasagna debacle that one day, it was a catastrophe even Amelia didn’t like to remember.

Jungkook did a terrible job hiding his happiness whenever he saw her around Jin, either talking to him or eating.

And that was exactly why she felt horrible.

Amelia had no clue what sort of feelings Jungkook was beginning to develop for her, if he was just attached and felt responsible for her… but whatever it was, he was going to get hurt in end.

A part of her really wanted to tell him what was going on and why her fever wasn’t giving her a rest, but she didn’t want to hurt him furthermore. In her head, it made sense to keep it from him because that way he still had those nice moments of peace.

It was selfish. And it drove her insane every time she saw him looking her way with a smile.

The other guys were also friendlier towards her. Taehyung kept to himself, still, not really approaching or talking to her at all. But Amelia decided that both Yoongi and Jimin had a special place in her heart.

Jimin was excited to have a ‘new roommate’, technically. He still didn’t get too close to Amelia, which made her wonder if it was because he was scared of Jungkook. She learned that he liked to dance and had gone to art school a long time ago. As in, almost fifty years ago.

And Yoongi didn’t really have hobbies besides watching an endless amount of movies and series of all types. He was a bit odd, his energy seeming always low, since he slept a lot. And the fact the guy had a strange knowledge of guns and all sorts of weaponry was so random. Yoongi actually had a riffle from the Korean war. His riffle from the Korean war.

The guys were all pretty old, Jin being the one with more years in his tracks. He was actually five hundred years old, or something like that. Amelia had been impressed, she’d never met a vampire that old. Jungkook was only a hundred and fifty years old, according to Yoongi. But since he was still the youngest, Namjoon always made fun of him.

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