Chapter 54 - Daddy's Girl 🔞

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[TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of sex, slight bdsm. Read at your own risk!]

Emily was restless. After coming upstairs with Yoongi and laying down to rest, she had given up on trying to sleep and just sneaked out of her own room and into Mina’s and Jimin’s room,  trying to get a little bit more time with her sister. Yoongi was asleep, already, seeming a bit tired.

Fortunately, her sister and her mate hadn’t been getting too close and Jimin was in the shower when she arrived.

Mina had giggled when Emily had pouted and approached the bed, asking for hugs. When Jimin came back out, he smiled wide at how Mina had fallen asleep under Emily.

“Seems like she was tired, huh?” He mumbled, approaching the bed and sitting down.

“I'm sorry for invading your room…” Emily said, getting up from the bed.

“Don’t, it’s alright. You’re always welcome to come here.”

“Yeah, well, not always, I'm guessing.”

Jimin blushed but snorted, stifling his laughter “Yeah, please be careful.”

Emily looked down at her sister, using her fingers to touch the beautiful ginger curls of her hair. Her chest was finally warm again, having Mina safe by her side.

“You two are inseparable, aren’t you?” Jimin asked, looking at the two of them with a soft smile on his face.

“I don’t even wanna think of what could have happened if she'd gotten hurt.” Emily looked up at him, biting her lip “Also, I'm sorry for not giving you a little more credit. I was so caught up in my own pain that I forgot you were suffering too.”

Jimin sighed, face relaxed as he laid back in the pillows and crossed his arms, looking at the two of them in deep thought.

“I think it’s only natural for you to be affected, no? You’ve been together for so long… I'm not mad at you, at all. If anything, I was mad at myself for not being better at protecting her.”

Emily smiled wider “This bitch doesn’t need protection.”

Jimin laughed and looked beside him, at Mina, who was starting to snore lightly by his side.

“No, she doesn’t- “

"But I think you’re doing a great job, you know? I feel like you’re healing each other." Emily said, glancing at him with gratefulness in her heart.

Jimin smiled a little, nodding and silently agreeing with her.

The door clicked open and Yoongi peeked his head in, looking around for a second and then his eyes settled on Emily, still in Jimin’s bed, and he frowned.

He looked a little frazzled, hair disheveled and eyes a bit narrow. Clearly, he had woken up when he missed his mate beside him on the bed.

“You’re not planning a threesome with my mate, are you?” The pale man grumbled, snapping his lips in annoyance.

Yoongi didn't like being woken up...

“It wouldn’t be a threesome, my mate is already asleep.” Jimin said, raising his eyebrows.

“Oh, well then, don’t mind me!” Yoongi said, walking inside and getting close to bed and grabbing Emily, who squealed the moment he threw her over his shoulder “I’ll be taking her now. Night, my dude!”

“Night, man!”


“Worry not, babygirl, daddy's got your back!” He roughed out, reaching for the door.

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