Chapter 19 - Interrogation

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Lucy came downstairs not long after, her mood shifting slightly

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Lucy came downstairs not long after, her mood shifting slightly. Now that she had some sort of understanding in what had been done to her apprentice, Lucy was starting to get mad.

She followed the feeling of Raksha's presence all the way to the game room. Jin and his brothers were there, laughing and joking around. Apparently, one of them was dead scared of the big white wolf and the others were now making fun of the poor guy. And Raksha seemed to make fun of it too, getting close to the scared boy just to earn a reaction.

"Raksha, dear, play nice." Lucy said, walking inside the room to draw the wolf's attention.

The wolf looked towards Lucy and then sat down and looked back towards the scared guy, gently placing her nuzzle on his legs. He let out a little whimper and tried to get away.

"She's apologizing. Don't worry, Raksha won't hurt you." Lucy softly said, leaning on the door.

Raksha sniffed the air and nuzzled at the boy's hand.

"She's apologizing?" He asked, a little afraid.

When Lucy nodded, he reached for Raksha's head and shakily stroked her head. He was still a little scared but seemed to relax when the wolf sighed and closed her grey eyes in relaxation.

"See, that wasn't so bad, Hoseok!" Yoongi mocked, having the rest of the room erupt in laughter while poor Hoseok just stiffly petted the white fur.

"Jin? Do you mind if I see that demon downstairs?" Lucy asked, her eyes shifting to him.

"I don't think it's worth your time, he won't talk." Namjoon replied from the couch.

Lucy's eyes darkened and the temperature in the room lowered considerably. Instantly, everyone went stiff while staring at the woman.

"Oh, he'll talk. I'll make him talk." Lucy coldly let out, eyes dark and dangerous "Mina."

As soon as she heard her name, Mina smiled widely and looked at Emily as if to mock her sister. Emily rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief while looking back down to her book.

"I'm coming!" Mina beautifully chanted, getting up from her place on the couch and then hopping behind Lucy and Jin, as he lead them towards the door underneath the main stairwell.

"Is she really gonna kill that demon?" Yoongi asked, looking at Emily while frowning.


Mina reached the underground halls, still following behind Lucy. She was surprised to find Jimin leaning on the wall beside the door. Mina took her time to look him over. Shit, the guy was a looker. She had seen a lot of men in her life, and lots of very good looking men, but, fuck, Jimin surpassed anything she had seen. His lips were alluring, eyes intense and dark that could pierce through her soul. Right now, he had his head leaning back on the wall and his throat was fully exposed.

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