Chapter 23 - Demon Hunt

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Jin was having flashbacks

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Jin was having flashbacks. Sort of like PTSD. No wonder the twins were so reckless, Lucy was worse! He couldn’t even begin to fathom how Amelia truly was if she had her powers with her!

“Are you fucking kidding me?” He deadpanned, after a while.

Lucy raised an eyebrow, not impressed by his attitude.


“You’re not going to actually do this, are you? Alone?” He insisted, beginning to feel very much annoyed at the woman.

“Oh, please! I’m going with the girls! We’ve done this for years, now, we can handle it.” Lucy said, rolling her grey eyes and turning on her heels to exit his office.

“You’re completely insane, aren’t you? Do you have any idea how many clans there are in the city?! You don’t know what you’re getting herself into!” Jin yelled, chasing after her into the foyer “Lucy, listen to me!”

“I am, Jin.”

“No, you’re not!” He growled, grabbing her by the elbow and taking her back into the office before their argument could draw the attention of the other guys.

As he pushed her back inside, Lucy stumbled slightly on her elegant heels, looking at Jin a bit surprised. God damn it, he loved her. He truly did! And Jin never really bothered to hide it, much less keep it from her. Lucy was very much aware of his feelings for her. Things were just way too complicated back then and it was still… hurtful to speak about it.

“You’re not going into the lion’s den like that! That little adventure to Luna’s shop with the twins almost cost Mina her life, and she was with Yoongi. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing your crazy, stubborn ass to go demon hunting in the middle of the night!”

Lucy was wide eyed and quiet, still completely taken aback by Jin’s outburst. He wasn’t the type to have little explosions like this one, it usually took a lot.

She sighed softly, trying to relax.

“Jin, I have to start looking for clues about this Nidhögg Clan. I’m racing against Amelia’s decay! I can’t allow myself to lose her like this.” Lucy explained, calmly trying to make her point across.

“You bunch of Witches need to learn when to ask for help! When are you lot going to finally set it in your brain that we want to help?! All of us! Jungkook is basically bonded to her at this point, Jimin and Yoongi are starting to bond with the twins as well, you don’t think they want to help Amelia as well?” Jin vented, his neck now a daunting shade of pink from being so angry.

Lucy considered his words. Crap, he was right. The girls had basically started to bond, now. And she couldn’t stop that. Didn’t want to, either. If there was one thing she always promised herself was to never interfere in her girls’ bonding. She knew it would happen, sooner or later. Lucy just never expected it to happen because Amelia had her powers stolen.

“We’ll help. We can split in teams and scatter around town to cover more ground. If we do encounter demons, we question them and get it over with as fast as possible.” Jin said sternly, rubbing his forehead.


He raised his head. Really, she agreed just like that?

“What? Your house, your rules, no? Besides, you’re right, the girls are bonding. Me taking them into the night like that would only cause your brothers to go apeshit.” Lucy said, crossing her arms and sighing in resignation.

Jin nodded, relieved that she was giving in. There was a bit of quiet, until Lucy snickered slightly before speaking.

“How is it that I manage to raise those three women, live with them for over two hundred and fifty years and they never fall in love or meet anyone they’d want to bond with, and then they stumble upon your house and everything goes to shit?”

Jin snorted, chuckling at the rhetoric question.

“My brothers are that awesome.”

“How did you meet them?”

Jin smiled tenderly when thinking about how he met his brothers.

“Long story short, Namjoon and I became friends after a fight in a bar. Then we met Yoongi when he attacked some humans, since he didn’t learn control over his bloodlust. Hoseok was next, he grew up among humans and had no idea who he was. Taehyung was a rogue vampire, followed his own rules. I found Jimin when he was on the verge of transitioning, just roaming the streets… We don’t know much about him, he never really told us. And Jungkook… “ He stole a glance at Lucy, wondering what her opinion would be after what he was about to say “I found Jungkook when he was just a child. He was wandering the streets covered in blood. The Witch Council murdered his parents.”

Lucy tensed and narrowed her eyes.

“Back when they were hunting vampires, isn’t it?” She asked, feeling the hatred for those women bubble up again in her chest. When Jin nodded, she winced “Fucking sadistic bitches! If I kept count of the amount of lives they’ve ruined, the number would be immense.”

“That’s alright… It’s in the past. Jungkook has Amelia, now, so it’s okay. And the Council has been pretty quiet for a while.”

Lucy still shook her head in disbelief, while Jin left the office to call for his brothers. The boys began to flood the office not long after, waiting to hear what Jin had to say. After the oldest explained what he wanted to do, Namjoon was the first to speak.

“Do you know anything about the clan at all?” He asked, looking at Lucy.

“The demon you guys kept a hold of said all the members had a tattoo of a serpent on their right wrist. He also said the demon that has Amelia’s powers has a scar along his right eye.” Lucy explained, seeing Jungkook’s shoulders tense and an angry scowl settle on his face “Jungkook? Anything wrong?”

“That fucker tried to rape Amelia.”

The silence that stretched only served to bubble up the anger everyone suddenly felt. The temperature in the room lowered drastically, Lucy’s eyes glowing a terrifying white glow as she pinned Jungkook in his place.


“Amelia told me that, after he stole her powers, the son of a bitch tried to rape her.” Jungkook grumbled again, keeping still with his eyes on the ground, arms crossed and back leaning on the couch.

Jin looked at Lucy. Mina would’ve burned the place down if she was hearing this. Lucy would most likely freeze the whole office if this kept up. Either way, the house wouldn’t hold up. With a bit of curiosity, he also looked at Taehyung. He was furious… his eyes stone cold and his breathing becoming irregular at the same time a tremble reached his fingers and he had to grip the fabric of his own shirt tightly.

Lucy took a deep breath, pressing her index and middle finger to her temple, attempting to calm down.

“Guess I have one more reason to find him, now…” She mumbled, more to herself.

“Alright, Jungkook, you can stay home with Amelia and Luna. I think it would be better for another one of you to stay here as well.” Jin announced, seeing Taehyung raise his hand then.

“Mind if I’m the one to stay?” He asked.

“Sure! You barely stay home, my guy.”

Taehyung nodded, avoiding to look at the rest of the guys who were eyeing him. He always went out to go hunt for demons, barely even taking breaks. It helped keep his mind off of things. No wonder the guys thought it weird.
He really just wanted an excuse to hang around Luna for a while. Or, that’s what he told himself.

“The twins and Lucy are coming with us, by the way, so we’ll have to divide into teams so we can cover more ground.”

After Jin’s explanation and orders, everyone started to move out of the room and go upstairs. Yoongi caught Emily as she was coming down the hall and unceremoniously pulled her inside his room. Namjoon snorted at that and Jimin was a little dumbfounded.

“I thought Jin said they were coming. What, is he missing her already?” He joked, making Jimin chuckle slightly.
Yoongi, still grabbing hold of Emily’s wrist, pulled her into his closet.

“The hell, Min Yoongi!” The woman complained, blushing.

“Just need to make sure of something.” He opened the same closet from where he had pulled the Glock to give Amelia and pulled out another one “Can you shoot one of these?”

Emily snorted and started giggling, covering her mouth, as if trying to not disrespect him.

“Yoongi, I don’t need that.”

“See, I don’t know that! What if something happens and you have no way to use your powers? The last thing I want is you getting hurt.”

“I didn’t get hurt back at the warehouse, now, did I?”

“Don’t get too cocky, Em, you lost control of the ritual back then.” He deadpanned, remembering her weak state after Amelia had slapped her into consciousness.

“True. But I’m not planning in making another one of those any time soon, so that’s not happening again. Besides, I can defend myself.”

“Just humor me, alright?” Yoongi whined, frowning at Emily and extending the hilt of the gun to her.

The Witch sighed and casually pulled her glasses up her nose. Rolling her eyes, Emily grabbed the gun, scrunching her nose at the smirk Yoongi plastered on his face.

“How the heck do you use this?”

Yoongi did a brief explanation of how to use the gun, explaining how to lock it, how to position her arms so she could shoot. Emily listened carefully, before hiding the gun in the inside of her jacket.

“I’m going to kiss you, now.” Yoongi announced, seeing her distracted.
Emily perked up at those words, frowning and then releasing a soft gasp when Yoongi grabbed her by the cheeks and kissed her fully, his lips simply pressing against hers, softly and tenderly. His mouth was warm against hers, his hands on her cheeks keeping her completely still. As she relaxed completely into him, Yoongi tilted his head slightly to the side and deepened the kiss, one of his hands sliding to her waist and pulling her flush to himself.
And just like it had started, he pulled away with a cocky smirk and admired the effect he had on her.

Her freckled cheeks were flushed, red lips slightly apart and breaths coming out in huffs. She was a bit wide eyed, blinking at him.

“Why did you do that?” She breathed out, utterly stupefied.

“What, you gonna tell me you didn’t like it?” He mocked, moving around her to grab his leather jacket and his holsters and then leaving the room.
Emily just stood there for a second, a little too dazed to function, until she finally began to move and exited the room as well.

Well, no, she couldn’t say she didn’t like it!

Downtown was way too damn crowded. The bars and clubs were all open, people flooding the streets looking for the best place to burn some steam at. Women wore way too revealing clothes, earning glares from other women and hungry stares from men. Now, this was the perfect place to look for demons. And the reason was quite simple.

Demons mingled with the worst part of society. Druggies, trafficking of any kind, criminals, whores, you name it. It was the best source of food they could find. They could feed on fear, pain, negative emotions of any kind and sometimes without doing anything themselves. All they had to do was wait.

The amount of clans Jin had been able to pinpoint throughout the whole town was mindboggling. And most of them were now extinct. The problem was that, when getting rid of one clan, sometimes another would come to take its place. And even worse, they sometimes mingled so well with the humans that it was hard to pinpoint where and who they were. The guys had started using Ellie’s bar as a way to find out more about the demons. The amount of bad intentioned people that sometimes went inside the woman’s bar was insane and Ellie always made sure to warn them in advance.
Tonight was no different.

As soon as they went inside, one of Ellie’s waitresses called them over, discreetly gesturing to Jin with her hand.

“What’s wrong, Marie?” He asked, frowning at her distressed state.

“For the past five nights, that guy over there has been sitting there and waiting for another guy.” The girl pointed to one specific man that was on the far corner of the bar “It’s always the same dude that comes after one or two hours, with a case. He gives that one the case and then disappears. I wouldn’t have thought it a problem until Ellie told us at the beginning of tonight’s shift that one of our girls was missing. Clara, one of the youngest. Disappeared four nights ago when returning home.”

“And you think that has to do with that guy?” Jin asked, studying the man and wondering where this could link.

“Well, she was the one that served him that night. He exited the place just before she did… And then Clara never made it home.”

Marie had no actual idea about demons. She probably thought some of the people she pointed Jin towards were just drug dealers and criminals. Which sometimes they were! But that man in the corner was a demon and Lucy discreetly pointed to her wrist, signaling Jin.

No tattoo.

“How long as he been there?”

“An hour, maybe? The other guy should be walking in any time, now.”

“We’ll take care of it, Marie. Don’t worry.”

“Thanks… I'd ask you to bring Clara back to her mother safely but for all I know the poor girl is already dead.” The woman said, sighing and then returning to her work.

“If the clan that took Amelia is trying to take control over the minor clans they’re most likely exchanging money and drugs.” Jin mumbled, watching the man look at his wrist watch.

“Probably. And the girl is right, Jin, I don’t think the girl that disappeared, Clara, is alive. If he had something to do with it, she’s most likely dead.” Lucy replied, looking around the bar.

“Yeah, I guessed that. I'll ask Namjoon and Hoseok to stay on hold inside the bar. Maybe your girls can be out back.” Jin pulled out his phone and dialed Namjoon’s number.

“Mina is the best option. Yoongi and Emily can just go around the area and see if they find anything.”

After both had instructed the other two teams of what to, Lucy tensed when the other man Marie had referred to entered the bar. Her hand instinctively went to Jin's arm, grabbing his attention, and then she pointed to her own wrist.

The guy that walked in had the serpent tattoo.

“Fucking hell. But that’s not the one that stole Amelia’s powers, is he?”

“No scar… And I can’t feel Amelia's presence in him.” Lucy grumbled, her anger knotting up her throat.

“Shit. But that guy is no minor demon.”

At that moment, the guy that just walked in sat down in front of the first one. They exchanged a few words and then the case Marie had mentioned was given to the first demon.

“Wanna bet that as soon as the first guy sees Joon and Hoseok he'll try to leave through the back?” Jin said, watching as they both got up from their places.

Bingo. The demon with the tattoo exited the bar without even looking, Jin and Lucy following right after. Now, the first one got up from his seat and instantly went stiff when he saw Namjoon approach him. And as soon as his dark eyes wandered around the place, seeing two more vampires and a Witch, the guy didn’t even look back as he turned and went for the back door.
Mina had been waiting in the alley behind the bar. She had wanted to go inside at some point, her urges making their way into her, making that annoying soreness wash through the apex of her thighs again. It wasn’t bad still, but she knew it would progressively get worse. That was, until she finally felt relief.

But Jimin was here… and, damn, she never cared of what men thought of her, but now she was dead terrified of Jimin thinking badly of her. Mina really didn’t want Jimin to assume she was some sort of sex crazed animal… even though she kind of was.

“Are you okay? After knowing what happened to Amelia? I mean, back when you knew that she was tortured you almost turned me and the guys into poached eggs.”

Jimin was leaning against the wall, again, looking like a whole five star buffet! Mina had finished placing several spells on the entrance of the alley, so that humans wouldn’t be curious of what could happen when that demon inside the bar left.

“Oh, I'm okay…”

Jimin didn’t look very convinced.

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