Chapter 58 - Back to Zero

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[So sorry for not finishing this, life complicated and things happened and I kind of loat track of some things. I hope you can still enjoy the final chapters]

Funny how things were back to 'normal' but didn’t feel like normal in the slightest

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Funny how things were back to 'normal' but didn’t feel like normal in the slightest.

Amelia was getting frustrated. Which, to some extent, was ridiculous, since she did know this would happen. But still, knowing it didn’t actually do much to stop her from feeling nervous over the fact her powers were behaving strangely.

“You can’t keep forcing it, Amelia. Just take slow steps!” Emily kept saying, every time Amelia would go back inside the house with a frown in her face.

Sure, easy to say, Emily’s powers weren’t acting all wonky.

Namjoon had suggested they started to look for any sort of activity from the Nidhögg clan, around town, in case there were still some members walking around. Thanks to Taehyung finding a list of properties they had, they had managed to start dismantling whatever businesses they had left.

Jin had bought their company.

Stupid rich ass…

The fact that everyone was going out to help hunt those demons and Amelia had to stay back home, all because her magic was acting like a little bitch, was starting to get to her nerves. She literally had to stay home, and not get any action, because she had no hand over her powers. Jungkook didn’t mind, of course, saying that was where she was safe.

Amelia was starting to grow angry, even at him.

Right now, she was in the garden, attempting to bring forth her familiar again.

Breathing in, Amelia turned her hands up to the sky, on top of her knees, as she was sitting cross legged on the grass. Every time she sat in the garden, the rush of energy was there, a tingling, powerful rush running through her veins. It only made her magic even wilder, stronger…

She released a breath, calming down from her ongoing thoughts, and allowed the magic to flow. The insides of her wrists tingled, the tattoos now appearing and glowing gold, extending to her palms and up to her elbows.

The chiming tune of her magic rang through the open air, the dust moving around her hands and fingers, red specks gleaming among the gold. All she had to do was summon the presence of her familiar within her magic and call on him. It was easier said than done, at the moment. Her senses heightened ever so slightly, the rush of energy getting a little overwhelming and weighting down in her chest.

When she took another deep breath in to start the incantation, a sharp pang of pain interrupted the process and Amelia instantly stopped what she was doing.

“Damn it!” She groaned, unraveling her legs and getting up to pace around.

“Getting angry at yourself isn’t going to help, you know?”

Luna’s voice at the door of the house brought her attention towards it. The Alchemist was leaning on the doorway, her amethyst eyes soft and gentle. Luna was wearing a deep blue dress, this time, that went down to her feet. It had short sleeves and a square cleavage, with colorful embroidery in it, small flowers decorating the pretty dress. She had a sympathetic look in her eyes. These past few weeks, though, Luna seemed distant. Her mind was always travelling elsewhere, even having some of the guys call for her once or twice because she was too distracted.

Amelia couldn’t help but wonder if her friend was alright.

“Nothing seems to be helping, so what’s the point.” Amelia grumbled, crossing her arms.

“Maybe you should try to do it from the start?” Luna quietly suggested.

“The start? You’re kidding, right? I spent years trying to perfect myself! I've learned all sorts of ancient incantations, spells and rituals and I can perform them back to back! This is my magic, I'm supposed to be able to control it perfectly, just like before! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!”

Luna smiled kindly and sighed, feeling a little sympathetic over how Amelia was feeling. Of course, she couldn’t do much to help her, other than give some advice.

“Have you thought about asking Lucy to help?”

Amelia scoffed “I haven’t had a 'class' with Lucy in almost a hundred years- “

“Your powers need to get accustomed to you, again. They don’t recognize you, hence why they need time to get to know you again. You are their owner, their wielder, but they don’t remember that, Amelia. It will take time.” Luna said, trying to sound reassuring.

“So, what? I'm supposed to act like I'm seven, all over again? To learn the basics?”

“If that’s what’s going to help, yes.”

Luna left not long after, with that infuriating soft and sympathetic smile on her lips and sweet glow on her amethyst eyes.

When Amelia found herself alone again, she sat on the bench by the still ruined flower beds and wondered. She had promised Jin to fix the garden, after Emily had nearly gone rampage after Mina’s kidnapping. And three weeks were nearly gone.

Just a week ago, the twins had insisted Amelia did 'the thing’ in the garden. Said 'thing' was basically a show off of her powers, to put it simply. It looked pretty, but that was it. Amelia clearly remembered doing it when Emily had been heartbroken after a guy had died in the war. She had been only ten, back then, and didn’t understand why her friend, older sister, was so sad and the result had been her doing whatever to bring a smile back to the girl’s face.
But when they had insisted, a week prior, that Amelia did it again, the latter had been so panicked that she ended up running back home, to the library.
Lucy pulled on the twins’ hair at the same time.

“What are you two idiots doing?!”

“Sorry…” Em had said, looking apologetically at Lucy.

“Here I'm trying to get her to ask for help and then you dorks get her nervous? Give her time!” Lucy scolded, hands on her hips.

She had looked like a mom scolding her two dumbass kids. The twins had looked like… well, the dumbass kids. Now that things were slightly back to normal, every interaction between them was starting to feel like it had before. Even the guys were always bickering and making fun of each other again. Amelia was finally seeing them like they had been before the twins had found her in the mansion. That brotherly love was palpable, even if Namjoon and Taehyung would argue sometimes, or if Jin got pissed because Namjoon broke something once again, or if Yoongi threatened to kick someone for too much noise.

Amelia looked down at her hands, rubbing her finger prints together.

None of the guys had asked for her to use her powers… like they were either too afraid of her reaction or maybe just understood she was having a hard time.

In a way, it was comforting… But it also made her feel horrible.


The soft, deep baritone of Taehyung’s voice was distinct among everyone else’s. Jungkook, for example, had a more mellow tone of voice, honey like. Taehyung’s seemed like it didn’t fit him, but it actually made him even more charming.

“Hi.” Amelia mumbled, gazing at the empty flower beds.

“Are you moping? Is this you, moping?” Taehyung asked, stepping outside and coming to sit next to Amelia on the bench.

“I’m not moping.”

Taehyung snickered but nodded and went quiet, waiting for her to come around and say something. He didn’t have to wait for long, because the next second Amelia was sighing and clicking her tongue.

“Alright, maybe I am moping. Just a bit.”

“Is it because of your powers?”

“Geez, I wonder!” She bit out sarcastically “It isn’t like I'm pretty much useless at this point, now is it? What’s the point of getting my powers back if I can’t even use them?”

“The point is you’re not dead. And that’s already a blessing, considering how close to being dead you were.” Taehyung countered, crossing his arms over his chest.

Amelia huffed, not able to argue with that comment. Taehyung was right and there was no denying.

On the first few days of her waking up, Taehyung had avoided talking to her. Amelia had a hint it was because she was now healed, with her powers back. That meant she was a Witch, fully, in his own eyes. Fortunately, when she one day found him in the living room, trying to run away from the noise in the game room, Taehyung had finally spoken to her.

He had been uncomfortable, looking a little sad, even, as he looked up from his worn down book to look at her.

“I’m glad you’re okay…” He had mumbled, looking at her a little forlorn, one hand coming to brush against the tips of her hair.

“Me too, Taehyung.” She said, then hugging him slightly, before moving to go out of the living room again, lo leave him alone.

Now, seated down beside her, Taehyung seemed much more comfortable to speak to her, not so melancholic as he glanced at her. It also felt nice to have someone to talk to, besides Luna and the twins. He always seemed to be available to listen to her.

“Luna said I should start from the beginning. As if I'm learning everything all over again. It’s so frustrating, though!”

He sighed, raising an eyebrow “What was the first thing you were taught after your powers surged?”

Amelia considered for a while, her mind going back to the time Lucy had started to teach her how to use her magic.

“Well, for a whole month I didn’t do anything. Lucy wanted to find out what it was that my powers replenished from.” Amelia explained, blinking as she looked at the sad greenery of the garden.

“Which is nature, right?” Taehyung continued after her nod “So, being in the garden helps. And after finding that out?”

“Lucy had me connecting with nature. I remember spending copious amounts of time being in our garden, just surrounding myself in nature. I didn’t complain, it feels great.” She said, breathing in “Right after, I started to use my powers along with nature, using magic to grow things and…”

When she trailed off, Taehyung tilted his head forwards, looking at her by his side. He watched as her honey eyes widened and a light bulb went off inside her mind. He found it beautiful how her expression suddenly changed drastically, the idea lighting up her face.

“Lucy used to say my powers had to grow accustomed to me, when I did those exercises.”

Taehyung smiled and got up from his place, to go towards the patio on the left side of the house. It was where the outside pool was, along with a barbecue, a set of table and chairs and, most recently, a whole bunch of small vases with on growing herbs, thanks to Luna.

When Taehyung came back, he brought with him a small clay flower pot. He sat back down and placed the flower pot between him and Amelia.

“You could make this grow?” He asked, pointing to the little pair of leaves peeking out of the dirt. When Amelia nodded and picked the pot to place it at her lap, Taehyung couldn’t help it “How, though? I thought magic didn’t mess around with nature itself.”

“It’s not so black and white. Usually, balance needs to be kept. However, because my powers thrive from nature, I can make some things change. Unharmful things, like blooming a garden, making a small pot of lavender grow.” Her fingers lined the edge of the pot “But with something more drastic, that involves life itself, balance would have to be kept.”

“An eye for an eye, right?”

“Something like that.”


It was always nice to see Taehyung so interested in these little things. Out of all the guys, Taehyung was always the one who showed interest in spells, incantations and rituals, along with Luna’s potions. He didn’t tell anyone why he knew so much about Witches in the first place, but it seemed he knew more than he let on.

“Wanna try?” He asked, looking at Amelia again.

Biting her lip and nodding, Amelia brought her hands to the rough texture of the pot and took a deep breath, focusing on the small seed inside the dirt. It was now growing small roots, very tiny and flimsy. The leaves were small and dainty, just starting to sprout from within the confines of the dark dirt and out to seek the sun. Her magic latched onto that intention, fusing with the seed and leaves. Her hand moved on its own accord, raising from the pot and moving ever so slightly above the leaves, her fingers moving as if they were pulling the small plant and helping her grow.

Taehyung was still and struck stupid when, beside him, Amelia moved her right hand slowly and that pretty gold dust formed midair. When she made a pulling gesture above the leaves, the little sprouts increased in size and began to grow taller, the leaves turning up and the smell of spring flowers filling the air around him. The soft scent of lavender, Luna’s perfume, came to Taehyung’s nostrils and he couldn’t be more at peace.

He still couldn’t really get over the overwhelming, yet soothing, scent of spring that came with her magic. Her hair always smelled of flowers, fresh and sweet, with the hint of lemons from the hair products she used. And her skin was now a pretty pinkish tone, flushed and healthy, cheeks easily turning red at the slightest provocation. And he liked how her smile now seemed to brighten up her eyes… those beautiful honey gold eyes.

Taehyung hadn’t expected to fall in love with her even more. But, as he watched her slow down the movements of her hand, the flowers now blooming at her will, her hair falling in waves like red wine at her chest, he was in awe.

Amelia opened her eyes again and looked down. The lavender plant was now to its most mature stage, fully bloomed and emanating a calming scent. She gasped and smirked, looking at Taehyung.

“I did it!” She whisper yelled, a sense of pride in herself she hadn’t felt in a long time.

Taehyung smiled with her, his chest warming up with a bit of pride. She really had done it. And very beautifully so. Every time her magic came around, it always sounded like music.

“Luna would love it if you could do that to all her herbs.” Taehyung muttered, faking ignorance.

Amelia squealed and lunged herself to hug him, much to Taehyung’s surprise, and then got up to go towards the patio where Luna had the pots full of small, little green sprouts of the herbs she had started to grow. He stayed still for a little bit, not yet used to how quickly she would hug him so casually and out of the blue, nowadays.

He wasn’t so sure he enjoyed that torture.

“So, let’s say you practice what you did just now. What then?” Taehyung asked, getting up to walk behind her.

Amelia smiled and thought back to her lessons again.

“After that, I started doing small rituals and spells. Sabbath rituals would be a good way to practice.”

“Sabbaths… Beltane should be coming around, right?” Taehyung sat himself on one of the chairs by the pool while Amelia began to grab another flower pot.

“Yeah, Ostara has passed. But there aren’t any rituals I can perform for Beltane.” Amelia quickly dismissed, trying to distract Taehyung from the subject.

“What, why? I thought you guys performed rituals for every Sabbath.”

Amelia sighed and considered the information she was about to tell him.

“Taehyung, most of the rituals around Beltane involve sex.” To that, Taehyung’s jaw dropped at the same time Amelia blushed “And I'm… I've never, uh- “

“Oh!! Right, got it. Sorry.”

The environment was awkward for a small amount of time, before Amelia cleared her throat again to speak.

“It's fine, I can still perform some spring rituals. And the Summer Equinox will be a good way for me to practice.” Amelia said, hovering her hands over the leaves of a chamomile plant to have her grow “And then maybe I can try to bring Zhyao Wu back.”

“How is your familiar?”

Amelia smiled, looking down at the plant sprouting further from the soil and blooming slowly.

“He's beautiful. I remember the first time I saw him, it felt like I was seeing the creatures of tales Lucy told us about. It’s rare for us, Witches, to have ancient beings as their familiars, so you can imagine Lucy’s face when a massive Chinese Dragon appeared in the garden.”

“Holy fuck… a Dragon?!”

Amelia nodded, smiling bigger “An Earth Chinese Dragon. Don’t tell the guys, though, I wanna surprise Hoseok.”

Taehyung sneered, amused at her sudden cheerfulness, his blue eyes warming up for the first time in ages as he looked at her.

Amelia spent most of the rest of the night just going around the flower pots growing Luna’s herbs. By around five in the morning, Mina and Emily peeked from the door and smiled at her. They didn’t stay for long outside, they mostly just wanted to see her. Or, to be quite honest, to check if Amelia was still angry over her powers not working properly.

For another hour, Amelia just sat on the garden again, simply listening in to the sound of the awakening birds. She was so distracted by the sound of fauna, the rustling of leaves and the wind, that when Jungkook stepped outside, she didn’t even notice.

He kissed the top of her head and then sat down beside her, pulling her legs to layer them on top of his lap.

“You look happy. Something happen?” Jungkook asked, analyzing her soft smile.

“Yeah… I was able to use my powers more fluidly, today. Taehyung helped a bit.”

Jungkook nodded “It’s nice that you two get along, now. And that your powers are getting better.”

“Yes, it is.” Amelia sighed happily “I can’t wait to get out of the house, to be honest.”

Jungkook grimaced, a little concerned now.

“I guess it makes sense that you want to…”

“Jungkook. I can’t stay locked inside the house forever. I learned how to fight my whole life, I'm not a little damsel in distress that you have to save.”

He sighed, eyes darker and brows furrowed, signaling that he really didn’t like that she was right. Amelia picked up his hand and brought it close to her chest, squeezing it reassuringly for a second.

“Hey… I know you’re worried about me, but I'm not going to jump into a fight by myself, much less without making sure I can use my magic to its full potential.” She said, tilting her head to look at him.

Jungkook sighed again, this time closing his eyes and placing his elbows on his knees to rub his face.

“You nearly died, alright? I almost lost you, I'm terrified of something like that happening again. I can’t lose you, Amelia… I don’t- “ Jungkook huffed “I refuse to live in a world where you’re not there.”

Ah… Amelia had no idea it would feel this nice to have someone say this to her. The warmth in her chest bloomed, much like the flowers in Luna’s flower pots had.

“You won’t have to, I'm not going anywhere.”

He looked back at her, those amber eyes of his enough to make her want to melt into a pool of mush. She suddenly became very much aware of one of his hands on her thigh and the other on her ankle. Both were providing a small heat that was beginning to get to her cheeks. He probably didn’t mean anything, so Amelia tried her best to not think anything of the way he was looking at her. Sort of hard, considering Jungkook was a damn looker!

“You smell like flowers, did you know that?” Jungkook suddenly said, his eyes darkening ever so slightly.

Amelia clipped her mouth shut, now fully blushing and growing flustered at his words. It seemed like, lately, every little thing Jungkook said made her flustered beyond belief. Especially if it was related to her appearance. Which kind of aggravated her, to some extent. How could Jungkook even think of her as beautiful when the only thing she wore these days were leggings, sweatshirts, his, to be exact, and t-shirts… also his.

“Uh… thank you? It’s good, right?” She asked, a little clueless as to what to say. Jungkook smiled and leaned a bit more onto her.



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