Chapter 36 - Tears and Plans

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Yoongi walked inside his room, a little disheartened

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Yoongi walked inside his room, a little disheartened. Jungkook had taken Amelia up to his room already so she could rest and was now just cooped up there. By the way his eyes were teary and red, Yoongi guessed the guy would be doing some weeping of his own.

Man, this was rough. Amelia didn’t deserve this…

When Yoongi looked up to his bed, Emily was there, with her knees pulled up to her chest, face hiding in her arms. She released a couple of sniffles before raising her head to clean her tears. Her bottom lip still wobbled, even if she was trying to stop the tears.

“Oh, witchy! C'mon, don’t be like that!” He mumbled, coming close to the bed and climbing on top to surround her shoulders with his arms.

Emily let out a shaky breath, and cleaned more tears with the back of her hand.

“I’ll be okay. I'm just a little scared for her.” Emily softly said, sighing.

Yoongi’s eyes softened, hands smoothing over her dark hair. Emily had taken off her glasses, so now he could see the blue of her eyes clearly. Her lashes were thick and dark, only making her stare more intense. He loved the lovely, nerdy look on her, with the glasses, but damn, she did look beautiful like this.

“Yoongi?” She called, head snuggled up to his neck “Do you think we’ll be able to save her?”

“I’m sure we will. Amelia will be fine.”

She sighed against his neck, erupting goosebumps all over his skin. He had been trying like a champ to not touch her at all, when they were asleep. It was a chore, considering Emily was a little octopus that grabbed anything closer to her and held on tight. Yoongi would either come out of this with the biggest restraint control ever or with swollen balls.

He was trying to move slowly, since he didn’t know her limits, but it was hard!

Which reminded him.

“Can I ask you something, Emily?”
She moved her head in agreement.
“Who is Dante?”

Emily went tense in his arms. He knew right then and there that he had just hit a bad spot. Yoongi wasn’t planning on pressing her to speak, he just hoped she did. Emily had mumbled that name in her sleep a couple of times. It wasn’t major, not like the girl was screaming the name or anything, but it had him curious.

Slowly, she raised her head and put some distance between them so she could look at Yoongi’s dark eyes.

She wasn’t surprised he knew the name, Emily knew she still dreamed of Dante sometimes.

“He was my first and only boyfriend. I haven’t been in a relationship ever since him.” She mumbled, brushing her hair back with her hands.

“Do you wanna talk to me? It’s just… you say his name a lot, in your sleep.”

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