Chapter 52 - Rogue Magic

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[TRIGGER WARNING!! mentions of blood, violence and gore

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[TRIGGER WARNING!! mentions of blood, violence and gore. Read your own risk!]

~ Author's note: I made a mistake and skipped a chapter, I'll repost chapter 53 tomorrow!]

Upon hearing her words, the demon snarled viciously and began to shift under her hand, at the same time Amelia used an ungodly amount of strength to plant her feet steadily on the ground and use her hand to throw the demon straight down on his back by the neck. The concrete underneath gave in, cracking.

It was like watching a movie happening in slow motion.

She moved swiftly, with trained movements, dodging the group of five claws coming her way. Amelia ducked and dematerialized out of the demon’s reach, her figure taking form on his side now. With a loose, graceful move of her hand, gold dust moved out of her fingertips and viciously burned the demon’s skin.

Luna, cursing under her breath, narrowing her eyes at Amelia, studying her movements.

“Damn it!! She’s gone already. Jin!”

“What?! What do you mean, gone?!” Taehyung shouted beside her.

Luna looked at him to reply, but ended up freezing when she saw his expression. Taehyung was in a bit of a panic, staring wide eyed at the scene in front of him. Glancing back at Amelia, Luna had to swallow dryly. He was staring at her… fearfully. As if he was scared something would happen to her and that would bring him pain.

Afraid of losing her.

The Alchemist snapped awake again when Jin reached her.

“What’s going on?” Jin queried hurriedly, his eyes going back to the demon that was now grabbing hold of Amelia’s arm, only to have her twist it in its socket and elbowing the guy in the mug with the sickening sound of bones breaking.

“Her powers took over, that’s not her. The moment that demon is dead she’ll most likely try to leave, we need to put her to sleep.” Luna rushed, blinking back tears and trying to focus back to what her purpose was.

Moving fast, she dumped the remaining contents of her backpack, spreading the small flasks of clear potion on the floor, now looking for the syringes.

“Put her to sleep? How?” Taehyung asked, now turning his attention to Luna again, seeing her reach for tranq darts and syringes.

“Blackout. A potion to numb and make someone fall into deep sleep.” She quickly explained, eyes trained on her flasks. With expert hands, she bit off the cover of one syringe and started to draw the potion inside it.

“Something’s wrong. I have a bad feeling about this…” Hoseok said, frowning at Jin as he placed the darts in his own gun.

“You should. Amelia’s powers just went rogue.” Luna bit out, covering the syringe and then reaching for another to do the same.

“Rogue?! Amelia went cuckoo on us?!” Namjoon shouted, limping back to the group, just as Luna started to pass out the darts and syringes.

“Nope, she’s perfectly conscious. But her familiar is the one controlling her, it’s like defense. Which is why it’s dangerous.”

At the center of the room, Amelia had started to materialize out of the demon’s reach, appearing on the other side of him and then repeating the action. It was making the creature grow angrier by the second, especially when she finally moved behind him and used a ribbon of gold magic to wrap around his neck and squeeze.

Bad idea…

The demon grew furious at how he couldn’t get a good hold of the woman. In his anger, the leader of the demon clan shifted all the way through.

Sentient demons were terrifying. The more humans they ate, the more magic and negative emotions they consumed, the stronger and larger they became. This demon was three times the size of Amelia, his body muscly and large hands that culminated into claw like hands, with dark obsidian sharp nails. His skin was a strange ashy tone and his face was skeleton like, with sharp teeth and jet black eyes. From his forehead, large, bulky horns stuck out.

It was the exact depiction of what people thought about when talking about demons. Of what the church feared so much.

The creature roared wildly, the sound rumbling the place and having the walls almost rattle the entire abandoned structure of the old refinery. It snarled at Amelia, a sickening smile forming on its face.

Amelia had dematerialized from near, now in front of the monster, immobile, just analyzing the creature morph and shift, as if enjoying a show. It was when she turned slightly that Jungkook managed to take a good look at her eyes.

‘Holy shit.’

Her pupils were blown wide and her irises were the color of gold opals, glittering with small red specks in them. It was the most beautiful thing Jungkook had ever seen. But his stupor over her beauty was completely thrown off, by her dark expression.

She was dangerous. A lethal weapon ready to engage and kill.

“I will have your heart, Witch!!” The demon roared, hands coming onto the floor as it threatened the smaller woman in front of it.

“Uh… shouldn’t we help?” Jimin innocently asked, eyes wide as saucers and fear crawling up his gut.

“Do not come anywhere near Amelia, right now!” Mina shouted from afar, her stance a little tense and on edge.

Amelia smiled.

Cruel and darkly.

And in the next second she sprang to action, dematerializing from her spot and appearing again beside the demon, which was now moving furiously to claw at her. Amelia moved in a strangely graceful way, hands moving methodically, and large strings of gold dust moved in the air and started to grab at the demon. When the magic came in contact with its skin, the creature growled in pain as the soft tissue burned. One more time, she disappeared from her spot.

Luna moved to grab at her riffle, hands moving fast and expertly to shift the weapon around and start placing tranq darts hurriedly inside.

“Mina, I'll need a clear shot when you restrain her!” Luna yelled, engaging the weapon.

“What about us?” Hoseok asked, confused.

“Stay on hold and as soon as she’s done with the demon we're gonna have to try to hit her with one of these. It'll be harder than it looks, believe me.” The Alchemist explained while placing syringes filled with the clear potion in her pockets.

The guys moved quick, Namjoon still limping slightly while the wound on his leg healed. Everyone grabbed at their guns and the darts Luna passed around, hands moving quick to engage the weapons and then aim them at the scent in front of them.

The demon was beyond enraged. Amelia had barely given it a chance to reach for her, disappearing from sight only to appear again on another side of the demon and move her magic around expertly and encase the demon in ribbons of gold dust that were slowly burning skin.

At one point, the demon managed to break through one of its gold restraints and swing an arm around, the dark claws coming close to Amelia, who dodged it with a graceful movement. She breathed out a soft mumble, voice coming out in what seemed like a singsong chime, and instantly a sharp, knife like gust of gold stabbed through the demon's shoulder, digging a hole into its flesh. Amelia disappeared one final time from her place and appeared a few meters away from the demon, crouched in a feline like position. When she gestured her hands, a perfectly shaped pair of long swords took form in her hands, lightweight but steady on her hands.

“Oh, what the fuck?” Luna quipped, amethyst eyes wide as she looked at Amelia with her jaw dropped.

“This bitch be busting out a second sword, now? What is this, her second evolution?” Mina grumbled from the other side of the room.

Jungkook noticed that even Lucy was a little taken aback by the appearance of the two swords, each on one of Amelia's hands.

The demon roared again, mouth wide open towards Amelia, and now moving its gigantic wings to break free, knowing that it was at her mercy. Since her focus was now on the swords, when the demon struggled against the gold dust it was caged under, the magic didn’t hold it back for much longer and it started to break loose. Amelia, however, didn’t seem concerned whatsoever. Her eyes glowed with an almost sadistic flare and she took large strides towards the demon. When the creature reached for her with its nails, the woman moved in graceful movements.

Her feet were light and her body agile, as she moved the swords, making them spin in a circle around each other. With one quick move, she struck a swift blow at its arm, slashing it clean. The demon swung its uninjured member towards her, but she was faster again, gesturing another clean cut up its arm with precision. Jungkook watched in a dumbfounded haze as she moved quickly to deflect one large wing that came her way. The swords suddenly disappeared from her hands, her magic starting to flow around the place like wind. This time she stayed still, her eyes cold as she stared at the demon, hands by her side as she moved them expertly and fluidly. A voice echoed around the room, a sound that was as beautiful as deadly, and Jungkook noticed it influenced the magic dust in the air.

And suddenly the demon's skin was being slashed and cut deeply, bones twisting horribly with nauseating sounds. Its neck snapped harshly to the side, and its wings shriveled like paper being burned. It screeched…

And then the demon was disintegrating, ashes moving around the warehouse like room, like it never had been there in the first place.

Amelia was still, hair wild and winded, with her back to Jungkook. He could tell she wasn’t even panting, as if the physical movements she had just so perfectly performed weren't straining at all. And then she was walking away, without a word or glance his way, stilling her hands and dropping them beside her.

The blue flames of the circle died down almost instantly after the demon was gone.

Lucy was the one to move, taking a quick step to the young woman and positioning herself in front of her, palm facing her in an attempt to stop her from leaving.

“Amelia… The demon's gone. You can stop now.” Lucy said, her soft voice calm and breathy, like she was talking with a dangerous animal.

Emily had her hand raised, studying the situation attentively, and waiting to give a signal to the guys.

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for Amelia to come to her senses. But the only thing they heard was a slow laughter, crazed and wild, almost eerie as it sounded melodic in the old factory.

“Amelia isn’t here, anymore…”

It would be strange to hear that coming from Amelia herself if Jungkook hadn’t paid attention. Because that was in fact not Amelia. Her voice was slightly distorted, like it was someone else speaking, but it sounded alluring at the same time. Like the voice of a siren, made to attract men to her. And he could tell, because the unmated vampires seemed to relax under the sound, eyes growing hazy.

Even him was having a hard time staying still.

Zhyao… bring her back.” Lucy warned, voice dropping to a threat.

The woman inhaled, throwing her head back and exposing the soft column of her neck. She smiled evilly with her eyes closed, like she was thinking over the proposition.

“I don’t think so.”

Lucy was surprised when Amelia disappeared. The twins were instantly reacting, eyes and wrists glowing with magic. When the younger, wild Witch materialized again, it was near Mina, who barely had time to move out of the gold magic’s reach. When the redhead tried to swing a spell at Amelia, she disappeared again to take shape beside Emily, who was able to grab the younger's wrist and summon a chain there.

“Shit- Luce!” Emily cried out, freaking out when she realized Amelia was about to go apeshit on her.

“Get her chained up!!” Luna sharply shouted, standing up and aiming at Amelia.

Lucy created a magic circle beneath Amelia, locking her in place. As soon as she did, though, a large explosion of gold came crashing down on everybody and Luna barely had time to shoot, stumbling back and being held up by Hoseok. Her dart was deflected by a wall of magic.

“Oh, fuck me!” The girl complained, engaging the weapon to shoot again.

The guys also started to aim and shoot, trying to get a hold of the rogue Witch and ending up with nothing. Yoongi even had to duck his head to avoid getting hit by a loose dart coming his way.

“Ya girl is a fucking menace, dude!!” Hoseok yelled at Jungkook, who was finishing up engaging his gun as well to aim again.

It felt strange trying to shoot his mate to put her to sleep, but he was growing a bit concerned at the other Witches’ wellbeing. Especially seeing that Amelia was able to release gusts of magic so freely and move like a goddamned ninja!

Amelia suddenly pushed Mina back with one hand and then swung her other hand back, hitting Emily across the cheek, with a harsh slap that had the brunette turn her head to the side sharply with a yelp.

Yoongi growled furiously and tried to lunge towards Amelia, only grabbed by Jin with a vicious grip.

“Yoongi, no!” Em shouted, throwing a hard glance at her mate and then turning towards Amelia again “This little cunt…”

Lucy was growing a bit tired of trying to hold the circle under Amelia and ended up shouting for the twins to hold her up. That was when Mina lost her patience and summoned a long string of chains out of her hands and had them wrap around Amelia’s left arm and pulled sharply. Emily did the same on the girl’s right side and then each twin was holding onto a chain on each side of Amelia, while Lucy tried to have the girl still.

It was like trying to restrain a wild beast. Lucy was able to get closer, but Amelia struggled harder when growing alarmed at the proximity.

“Crap, someone come hold her!!” Lucy shouted for help, her mind tired of holding the restraining circle.

Jin and Jungkook were the ones to go. As soon as Amelia felt Jungkook’s hands on her, a wild, animal like growl came out of the girl’s chest, as if her magic was angry at the contact. She kicked in reflex and ended up hitting Lucy on her lip with her boot, cutting her lip, and throwing the twins off balance and propelling Jungkook to his back.

He ended up on the ground, holding onto her torso as Amelia struggled, the twins still holding to the chains that were wrapped around her arms but they were now on the floor, pulling for dear life to restrain the very angry Witch. Emily was fully on her back and cursed loudly when she felt the chain being pulled in. Yoongi helped her though, grabbing onto the chains and pulling harshly.

Lucy took the chance to straddle Amelia’s hips, frowning at the amount of magic emitting from her body.


One syringe flew in the air, thrown by Luna to Lucy, who caught it on her palm and bit down the cover to then stab it roughly on Amelia’s neck. It wasn’t enough, the magic only subsiding for a second. Jin held onto Amelia’s legs, ending up having to dodge a knee.

“Not the face!!” He groaned, grabbing her legs tightly.

A second shot of potion was prepared by Luna and then injected on her neck again, and that’s when Amelia started to lose strength. The sound of the roars eased, magic slowly flowing around her as she dazedly started to blink her eyes closed. Her breaths came in soft pants and then turned to deep breaths when she became fully unconscious.

Everyone relaxed and stayed still for a second, quiet filling the room.

But it was interrupted by Lucy’s loud snort and bubbling laughter from her spot on top of Amelia, using the back of her hand to clean her mouth. Mina joined in, her laughter almost obnoxious as she shook her head in disbelief.

“The fuck, man!” Emily scoffed, laughter growing in her chest as well as she cleaned her open lip with her fingers, Yoongi coming to check on her face.

“She bitch slapped you and kicked Lucy!!” Mina cackled, throwing her head back to laugh some more.

“She went apeshit, on us, the hell!” Namjoon exclaimed, still a little shocked.

The Witches laughed loudly, some of the guys joining as well. It was ridiculous, to be laughing at such a time. But the tension was greatly released from within the group almost instantly, as if they hadn’t just been fighting against Amelia’s stupidly superhuman force.

“Is she okay?” Jungkook asked, a little concerned.

“Awe, how sweet, Jungkook! I'm alright, thank you for the concern!” Lucy joked, smiling big at the younger vampire who flushed at the way she spoke. She was sitting on the ground beside Amelia, now.

“She’s fine! Out of everyone, she’s the one that’s better for sure!” Emily piped in, huffing.

“Lucy?” Luna mumbled, her eyes studying what was left of the ritual the demon had performed, remnants of the black liquid still there, signaling the awakening of the Fallen One “What do we do now?”

Lucy focused on the pentagram for a second. She looked deep in thought for a while there but ended up shaking her head.

“Now, I’m taking my girls home. I'll deal with whatever the fuck that was when I have the mind for it.” She ended up saying, getting up.

“Dude, I'm hungry!” Mina grumbled, getting up as well and moving to hug Jimin.

Lucy smiled and brushed her hair to the side, looking down at how Jungkook was now moving Amelia’s hair away to look at her face. The younger Witch was no longer pale and weak, now with a softer blush on her cheeks. It would take the rest of the night and day for her to heal completely with the help of her magic, but the difference would be ungodly.

She would have her little girl back again in no time, with her mate. Jimin had Mina back with him and Emily was mated to Yoongi. And Jin was right here…

This was fine. Perfect.

~ Sass 😘 (sorry for the confusion)

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