Chapter 55 - Gold Dust

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It seemed like a long time had passed since Jungkook had woken up without jumping in his spot

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It seemed like a long time had passed since Jungkook had woken up without jumping in his spot. Today was not any different.

He was startled, realizing he had fallen asleep instead of keeping watch over Amelia. What if something happened? What if-

He sighed out in relief when he saw her breathing steadily by his side. Her head was now turning to the opposite side of him, signaling she had moved during the day. He looked at his watch on the bedside table. It was 9:30pm already. He didn’t feel tired anymore, only a little anxious over her sleeping so much. Sure, Lucy said it was only natural, but he couldn’t help but think the worst.

He got up and surrounded the bed to make sure her pillows were right and she was comfortable before doing anything else. When he was done, he looked at how her cheeks were beautifully colored and tried to use that as a reassurance.

Jungkook got dressed quickly and a little methodically, shaking off his hair, that he weirdly noticed needed a haircut, and then made his way out to try to eat something.

As soon as he was out the door, though, someone tackled him from behind and wrapped their arms around his neck so she was being carried on his back. The scent of roses gave her away.

“Morning, my dude!!” Mina chirped, bouncing her feet a bit.

Jungkook smiled “Morning. You look happy.”

“A good morning fuck will do that to you.” She muttered with an amused face.

He couldn’t help the laugh that left his lips, shaking his head at her boldness. He started to make his way down the hall and down the stairs, giving Mina a piggyback ride as he did. She bounced her feet a bit as she spoke. It was funny the way he was comfortable around her and Em the way he was, their interactions friendly and without any kind of sexual intent to it.

“So? Is she still asleep?”


“Don’t worry, it's normal. She spent so long without her magic that it’s taking time for her to heal. When she wakes up, though, you'll fall in love all over again.” She said, smiling in a friendly way.

Mina giggled when he flushed a bit while nodding, not bothering to deny what she had just implied very bluntly. When they entered the kitchen, Jimin frowned as he sipped his coffee, watching the two come inside.

“What is this, Jungkook Express?”

“Well, the guy could actually do it, if he wanted to.” Namjoon said while walking inside the kitchen as well to grab a slice of Luna’s banana bread.
Mina snorted and jumped down, patting Jungkook on the back.

“How was Ellie, by the way?” Jungkook asked.

“Uh…” Namjoon hesitated, swallowing dryly first “A bit restless. Said her vision gave her nightmares and hadn’t slept yet when I went to see her. I told her to not go to the bar but she gave me the middle finger. She was much better.”

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