Chapter 50 - Contrasting Colors

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There was too much noise going around the place

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There was too much noise going around the place. It was deafening and confusing, making it very difficult for anyone to concentrate on what was going on. This was one of the reasons Emily didn’t particularly like guns… too much noise.

After throwing out the explosives and grenades and having her chains rain down on the demons, igniting blue flames around the area, Emily had ducked back inside the office room, where the guys were now ducking behind the wall to take cover from the endless shooting coming from downstairs.

“There’s a way out on the other side of this office, I’ll try to get there!” Emily shouted, crouching to stay low while in front of the window and then getting up in a hurry to go to the door on the far side of the office.

A wild, beast like screech resounded around the halls of the office they were hiding in and Emily quickened her place. From the corner of her eye, she managed to distinguish an almost transformed, massive demon crawl inside the office place through the wide open window. Probably because of the barrier Em and Lucy had placed around the place, the demons weren’t able to fully transform into their actual demon shape. However, the fact the guy was almost fully there was enough confirmation these were sentient demons, with way more power than usual.

Some of the guys grew alarmed and shouted for her to keep going, while the others started to shoot the guy consistently, occasionally switching magazines.

Yoongi growled when he realized the demon was trying to reach Emily, its claws sinking into the concrete ground to make its way to the Witch. Jin was faster, clocking the creature in the head with a punch and then shooting it in the head with accurate precision.

Jin followed Emily, entering a small closed off hall that lead to the metal stairs, leading downstairs. Jimin and Namjoon were already making their way down as well, guns pointing ahead to cover for Emily.

Reaching the ground, Jin placed himself in front of the girl, avoiding her getting exposed to the bullets flying around.

“I don’t think this was a good idea, they’re too many!” Namjoon yelled, flinching slightly when another screech echoed through the walls of the construction.

“Cover for me, I’ll try to delay them as much as possible.” Emily shouted back, hiding behind Jin to make her way towards a more open area of the room.

Her back was now towards the old containers and crates that still lingered around, where Namjoon and Jimin took cover to be able to shoot against the demons. Some had also taken cover, but now the amount of demons that had started to shift back to their actual form was too much for them to handle. Jin tried to find the leader of the clan, but the demon seemed to have disappeared and was no longer in sight.

Emily started a ritual, the same one she had performed back at the warehouse to be able to kill the demons all at once, it seemed. Her eyes were already glowing blue and tattoos on the inside of her wrists making their appearance when the magic circle showed up. When she kneeled, however, Jin was forced to take cover. It was that or get bulldozed by a monstrous demon coming his way.

“Damn it, she’s exposed, hyung!” Jimin yelled, trying to get up and instantly coming back down when a bullet ricocheted right above his head.

“Joon!” Yoongi’s shout from above brought Namjoon’s attention to the metal overhang above them, from where Yoongi threw a Stoner. Namjoon grunted when the heavy weapon hit his hands but he immediately engaged it and started to shoot, trying to delay the demons from reaching Emily.

A sudden piercing pain on his calf had him losing the strength in his leg and Namjoon groaned in pain when he kneeled. Ignoring it, he aimed at where the shot had come from and went back to pulling the trigger. His whole process was interrupted, however, when movement by his right side made him turn his head to it… only to see a hard, heavy sole of a boot coming towards his face.

The impact had him throwing his head back and moaning in pain. His legs gave out on him, ears now ringing with the pain that was flashing through the frontal lobe of his head. The warmth of blood that trickled down his nose was the only thing he felt for a little while.

“I’m starting to grow tired of you, bloodsuckers.” The demon growled, whose voice Namjoon managed to discern was the leader of the clan.

When Namjoon was about to get up, another heavy throw, this time from a heavy set of knuckles, came in contact with the side of his head and he went blind for a second. The guy left him there, probably expecting Namjoon to not move anymore. That’s when he heard the leader of the clan shout out a rough order.

“One of you, get that bitch’s head!”

Jin almost shuddered when he saw he had just ran out of magazines to substitute his now empty one.

“Yoongi, Joon is down! One of you, get your ass down here, now!” He yelled through the ruckus, cringing when he saw a demon flap its massive wings up and down and begin to lift up in the air, body limp as his weight became supported by the movement of his wings.

The barrier wasn’t holding anymore. Bringing that fucker down would be hell.

Yoongi came running downstairs as soon as he had heard Jin’s yell, his eyes instantly moving around to find Emily. She was completing the ritual, the chains now erupting from the ground. She wasn’t strong enough for the amount of demons that were there, though. The chains and blue flames were only enough to restrain some demons that had yet to transform.

He decided to be ballsy, his first mistake, and made his way to the center of the area, all the while shooting accurately towards the demons. Somehow, though, his shots were almost always being deflected, and the ones that did hit would barely make a dent. These demons were not weak to play around with.

A loud yelp brought Yoongi’s attention behind him.

Jin was desperately trying to get rid of the demon that was on top of him, trying to throw punches at his face, and he had his eyes stuck on Emily as he did.

Emily was now on the ground, her eyes glowing furiously as she looked up at the shifted demon that was on top of her. The creature had tackled her to the ground and had one clawed hand gripping her hair tightly while the other was painfully squeezing her neck. The brunette Witch thrashed around, trying to kick the demon away from her, lips parted as she tried to draw breaths and failing miserably.

Yoongi paled… Hell, no! He turned around, his second mistake, and shot back at the demon and hit him in the shoulder. His head was then overwhelmed with a wave of searing pain and he felt a demon’s arm come around his neck to strangle him.

“Fuck… EM!!”

Her eyes were beginning to roll back.


When the loud rumbling had occurred, Lucy had looked above them, to the ceiling, and then at Jungkook quizzically. The large explosion on top of them had everyone cringe and recoil.

“And that was Taehyung… He likes explosives.” Jungkook mumbled.

Luna hummed in surprise at the newfound information, looking up the ceiling.

“I have a bad feeling about this, we have to be quick.” Mina urged, feeling her sister’s presence a little on edge as well.

They started to climb up the stairs and then hurry towards the entryway they had previously come from. When entering the machinery room, though, Mina broke out into a jog, trying to reach her twin faster, the group starting to run as well.

Amelia was able to keep up for a few seconds.

But was interrupted by a burst of pain, blooming inside her chest like an explosion. She shouted and fell to her knees, nausea creeping up to her stomach and the taste of blood flooding her mouth.

Jungkook slipped on the floor when he turned back and ran to her, calling for Amelia, his hands frantically moving aside her pasty hair and trying to take a good look at her face. He was met with bloodshot eyes and a fit of coughing, which resulted in mouthfuls of blood coming from Amelia’s mouth.

“Shit… Mina, Luna, go ahead!” Lucy yelled, approaching the girl on her knees.

Mina wasn’t particularly happy about leaving Amelia behind but obliged nonetheless, sprinting towards the place where the sound of shooting and explosives was coming from. She bursted through the door, her magic desperately trying to resurface and burn something. Her blue eyes scanned the place as soon as she was inside.

What she saw made her blood boil and vision turn red.

“Fuck… EM!!” Yoongi shouted in desperation, his voice strained as the demon grabbing him tried to twist his neck to have him still “NO!”

Emily’s face was almost an alarming shade of blue as the demon on top of her choked her senseless.

Mina growled low in her throat and marched forward, her eyes trained on the motherfucker that was trying to take her sister away from her. She didn’t think, didn’t plan, didn’t bother calculate any sort variables of what could happen if she went forward. She didn’t care about Jimin, about Amelia, Lucy, Luna, or any of the guys…

Her twin was almost dead.

In a fit of wrath, Mina summoned a flaming chain in her hand, long, sturdy and blazing hot, threw her arm back and then forward, whipping the chains to wrap around the neck of the demon on top of her sister. The thing brought a hand up in surprise and that’s when Mina pulled harshly, a superhuman force flooding through her veins and propelling the demon back towards her.

The creature landed on its back but quickly recovered and crawled back to its hands and feet. It snarled and screeched towards her.

“Get the fuck off my sister, you cunt.” She lowly growled, her voice barely sounding like her own.

Jimin was dumbfounded, awestruck when he saw how madly furious his mate was. He was overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of relief that she was safe, and seeming well, even though currently in a state of pure rage. His stunned haze quickly passed, though, eyes now focusing on Emily and running to aid her.

“Em!! Answer me, Em!” He called, watching her cough incessantly and blink in confusion “It’s okay, you’re safe.”

“What’s wrong, whore?” The demon now facing Mina drawled, its teeth bared and sharp and obsidian eyes trained on her in a predatory stance “Too eager to die?”

Mina smirked and her eyes burned orange when she recognized the demon as one of the ones that been down in the room with her. The one that sliced her arm and took her blood, telling another he could have his fun later. Oh, she would have fun, alright.

“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance, you little fuck.” She spat back, taking long strides towards the creature and then graciously spinning around to throw her chains at him again.

The demon attempted to flap his wings around and lift off the ground again but the chains around its neck brought it back down. The creature growled feral like and reached forward with its sharp claws extended so he could reach Mina. She was agile, though, moving quickly and swiftly to dodge it and move around the demon to pull the chain and squeeze his neck tightly, by placing a booted foot on its back and pushing.

“How does that feel, fucker?” She snarled, lighting the chains on fire.

The demon released another loud screech, this time a little more alarmed that it was at a disadvantage. It threw its hands around, in a meek attempt to reach Mina, but she was ahead of it. As soon as the flames on its neck grew harder, the demon no longer could do anything but wriggle around as Mina squeezed a little more. The sound of bones and tissue tearing was heard around the place, as well as the yell of agony the demon let out as its head flailed around motionlessly.

“Holy shit, Mina’s terrifying…” Hoseok mumbled from afar, with Jimin scoffing out a laugh in amazement as well.

The momentary rush of the kill was thrilling and Mina almost turned to look for another prey. Her ears caught the sound of Emily’s coughing, though, and her feet moved on their own volition, taking her to her twin.

When Jimin saw Mina take off at a sprint in his direction, he half expected he would be her target. However, it was no surprise that, as soon as she reached him and Emily, Mina pushed him to the side a little to get a better look at her twin and engulf the woman in a hug.

Emily whimpered slightly, turning into mush in Mina’s arms. She was still trying to contain her coughs, struggling to breathe properly.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Emily whimpered, her eyes flooding with tears and lip wobbling.

“I hate to be that guy, but more demons just shifted.” Jimin quickly said, reaching for his riffle again and aiming at one dude that was shifting.

“Crap, can you stand?” Mina asked, trying to pull Emily up.

“I’m fine.” Emily croaked out, getting up from the ground and clearing her throat painfully.

Emily searched for Yoongi, who was on the floor, coughing even harder than her, while Jin gave a good beating to the demon that had been trying to snap his neck.

“Where’s the leader?” Mina asked, looking around at the small swarm of demons that had started to flood the place.

Her eyes saw more demons shifting, the sound of their bones as they cracked and changed almost nauseating. She saw Lucy run inside the wide room, followed by Luna and Jungkook, who was supporting Amelia by his side. She looked closer to death than ever.

“Oh, hell no!” Mina drawled, her eyes spotting the scar faced demon determinedly making his way towards the center of the room, where the painted magic circle was on the floor, book under his arm, bowl of blood on one hand and human heart on the other. If the situation wasn’t so serious, Mina could’ve laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

Lucy was wide eyed when she saw the demon making his way to the center of the circle, throwing the bowl of blood on the floor and splattering the thick liquid on the concrete. He looked furious as he then proceeded to squeeze the heart, the human blood dripping onto the floor, and let it fall on the floor, starting to chant in a rough voice the words for the ritual.

“No…” Lucy breathed, taking a few steps forward.

“Jungkook, take Amelia to cover. I’ll cover for you.” Luna said, now engaging her shotgun and beginning to walk sideways while shooting occasionally every time a demon would get too close to the couple.

Lucy was now relentlessly trying to breach through the barrier around the magic circle, her magic flowing around the place. The sound of thunder was deafening inside the factory, with the storm reacting to Lucy’s magic and vice versa.

“Em, cleansing spell!” Mina demanded, now getting up and moving to leave her cover.

Taehyung ran downstairs, his purpose of helping upstairs by shooting against the demons now a little useless. As he reached the floor, though, Hoseok shouted for Luna and Taehyung’s eyes diverted to the smaller woman. She was shooting at the burly demon in front of her with perfect expertise, her eyes a dangerous dark purple that was uncharacteristic of her. She was always so cheery and happy around the girls that Taehyung wasn’t expecting the lethal glare she was throwing to the demon shifting in front of her.

Jungkook managed to pass behind her with ease and find cover behind some very damaged boxes. Taehyung ended up running to Jungkook and Amelia, helping the younger one lay the girl down. If it wasn’t for the very faint breaths she was taking, he wouldn’t have been able tell she was alive. Her skin was white and pasty, dark circles under her eyes and the remnants of blood on her lips. Seeing her this way was making that chest pain bloom again.

Jungkook, though, had a look of sheer panic on his face, even as he raised himself to shoot against another demon that was trying to reach them.

Hoseok appeared out of nowhere and helped Taehyung with Amelia, giving the vampire time to draw out his Glock and shoot alongside Jungkook.

“Hobi…” Amelia mumbled, fingers lightly squeezing Hoseok’s leather jacket.

“What’s up?” He cooed, bending to be able to hear what she needed.

“Remember when I said… you should see Em and Mina working together?” She croaked out, struggling to breathe.

“Yeah, I remember. That’s not important, right now- “

“You’re gonna love… the show.” Amelia said, smiling weakly at him and then closing her eyes for a breath.

“Shit, hyung, take her behind that altar! This son of a bitch isn’t giving up!” Jungkook grumbled, hopping above the crate they had been hiding under.

Taehyung clicked his tongue in annoyance, seeing the son of a bitch in front of them shift fully and quickly reloading his gun to keep firing.

Amelia whimpered low when Hoseok raised her from the ground, grabbing her bridal style to duck behind the altar. Hoseok was about to raise himself to check if the coast was clear and help Jungkook and Taehyung, when he felt Amelia’s hands tighten on his hand.

“Don’t leave…”

“I’ll be right back, okay? I’ll help Jungkook and we’ll be right back.” Hoseok reassured, squeezing her hand back and then getting up to go help the younger vampire that was now punching the demon successively.

Mina and Emily had managed to reach the closest to the commotion of fully transformed demons and were now turning their backs to on another, magic already tingling to be released.

The cleansing spell was hard to perform. It usually required two people with lots of confidence in each other and that were able to be the perfect balance between themselves. They had done it a handful of times, mostly under Lucy’s supervision and only when it came to be necessary. Anything went wrong and one of them could end up hurt.

As they started the chants, the demons immediately started to be drawn towards the power source of magic in the room. The not so strong ones turning towards them and wanting to get closer, some, that hadn’t shifted, now fully morphing into their original form and the ones that had more strength to keep it cool were still trying to have a go at the vampires.

The gesture of their hands started and instantly the bursts of magic circles around the room created a sound that could appear to be music in the ears of some. The twins moved swiftly, hands in perfect synchronization, blue and orange mixing and swirling together in streams of specks, magic filling the air. Mina started the chant first, Emily joining in a second later, voices mingling in a harmonious, melancholic sound. With each peek of their voice, the magic would grow stronger and envelop the room, swirling around the demons.

The creatures that had transformed were now being surrounded by the huge streams of blue and orange, the stunning combination streaming like rivers of sapphire and lava, wrapping around the demons’ necks and wrists to pin them down to the floor.

Mina and Emily kept a steady pace to their singing, not once going higher or lower but still managing to sound beautifully melodic.

Unfortunately for the vampires, the demons that hadn’t shifted yet, and didn’t seem to be affected by the twins’ magic so easily, weren’t targeted by the magic that moved around the large area.

Hoseok and Jimin were wide eyed and a little stunned when seeing what they were doing. The two Witches moved as if in a gracious dance, hands gesturing the magic to move. They barely had time to watch in awe as the characteristic chains resurfaced from the ground and captured the demons, igniting in flames and burning them to ashes, before one tall demon managed to knock Hoseok on the jaw with a punch.

Emily felt a strange rush of adrenaline start to flood her blood, her mind almost feeling at peace, contrasting with the energy flooding her chest. She knew for a fact that Mina was feeling the exact same way, and it only made it better. It was like her magic had just reached its peak of harmonic movement, the connection with Mina getting stronger and more palpable.

“Bloody hell…” Luna breathed out, beside Taehyung, staring wide eyed at the twins as they performed the spell.

Only, now she was watching as, from within the streams of magic, two massive animal like shapes started to form. Right in front of everyone’s eyes, Emily’s and Mina’s magic took the shape of their familiars, their huge paws falling on the floor as the two beasts ran in a circle around the women and attacked a demon each. The feline creatures pierced the demons’ skin with massive canine teeth, ripping flesh and breaking bone.

“Is that what I think it is?” Taehyung asked, a little too stunned to speak.

“Their familiars…” Luna piped.

The ritual finally started to slow down, most of the shifted demons now reduced to ashes, and the twins’ voices dropping and then stopping all together. There was only a moment of quiet, before a loud screech of another demon echoed around the room. The one that Yoongi had pinned down was now starting to shift.

Just like that, the sound of shooting and loud, feral growls from demons came back to deafen their senses. Yoongi clocked the demon in the head with the hilt of his gun but ended up being pulled down to the side by a large hand, whose claws dung deeply into his shoulder. He groaned in pain.

His thoughts were interrupted by a huge blue mass leaping over his body, tackling the demon with a loud growl. Yoongi got up on this elbow, clutching his left shoulder, to see Emily’s massive familiar rip out the demon’s head with one large paw on its chest.

A beautiful, ethereal looking, white tiger, its stripes a dark blue, stared back at him with stunning celestial eyes.

~ Sass 😘
(Y'all ready for Amelia’s kickass scene?)

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