Chapter 16 - The Hostage

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Emily was enjoying Yoongi’s hands a bit too much

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Emily was enjoying Yoongi’s hands a bit too much. The purpose of this was to help her powers replenish, nothing more. So why the hell did his hands on her neck feel so nice?

“Think I can take you to the car now?” Yoongi asked, to which she only nodded.

He helped her up effortlessly, starting to take her to the entrance of the warehouse and then lead her across the road and to the car.

“I still don’t get what Jin said about your magic feeding on touch.” Yoongi mumbled, his brows creased as he helped her inside the SUV.

“Witches draw energy from the Moon. We’re at the pinnacle of our health and strength during the night, especially when it’s a Full Moon. But every power is different, we are all different.” Emily explained, leaning back on the seat “In order to replenish, all of us have something that makes us heal faster and feel at ease. My powers thrive with touch, contact with someone else’s skin.”

“Ah… I heard about you guys drawing power from the Moon Goddess. But I don’t know much, to be quite honest.”
Emily smiled softly at him, her eyes closing.

“Yeah, Witches nowadays are a bit uncommon. Most of us like to keep to themselves. And Moon Goddess is just how she is referred to, by the more modern Witches. She was the First Witch.”

Yoongi wasn’t really listening to her anymore, now just paying attention to how her lashes were softly placed on her cheeks. The blush had also returned to her skin, the freckles contrasting with the beautiful pastel pink that dusted her skin. He placed the back of his fingers on her cheek, smiling when Emily released a sigh.

“Do I have to keep touching you?” He asked, brushing her skin.

“I feel better, but I won’t complain if you do.”

“Great, me neither.”

Back at the warehouse, Amelia was now walking with Taehyung towards the back. The information that was on the office wasn’t much. There were several bank accounts with exorbitant amounts of money. They all were in the same name and every single one of them had transfers from the same company, a Náströg Enterprises. Neither her nor Taehyung had ever heard of it, but they brought a few papers just in case Jin or Joon knew.

Taehyung wanted to check the back of the warehouse again, since he and Hoseok didn’t really had the time to do so. Amelia was a bit behind him, taking a moment to walk inside the first room they had encountered. It was now empty, with several gunshot holes in the wall and full of ashes spread across the table and floor.

It seemed it was used as a break room of some sort, since there was alcohol bottles empty and half empty all over the place. On the table, there was a deck of cards messed around as well.

A shout and a loud bang brought her awareness back to the back door. Amelia looked to the hall that lead to back entrance, only to see a scared little guy, a minor demon, scurrying away from Taehyung as fast as he could.

“Damn it- Amelia look out!” Taehyung shouted, seeing the guy start to run towards her.

On reflex, Amelia went inside the room and grabbed one of the foldable iron chairs and then used it to stop the guy. She hit him straight in the face, his body being propelled back. He fell to the floor in a heap, a loud bang from his head hitting the concrete.

“Damn! Remind me not to get on your bad side.”

Hoseok’s voice was heard on the other side of the hall. He was grinning and stopped to examine the demon that was now groaning in pain on the ground. Taehyung came forward, already pulling out his Beretta, annoyed.

“This son of a bitch kicked me!” Taehyung growled, aiming at the demon’s head.


To Amelia’s yell, Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks, frowning “Now what?”

“This guy’s been with him.” Amelia breathed out, her chest tightening a little when she felt the presence of her powers in this demon’s aura “The demon that stole my powers, this guy right here was near him.”

Hoseok smirked, bending down and grabbing the demon by the collar.

“Well, then he might be able to help, now ain’t that right?” Hoseok said, beginning to move towards the rest of his brothers, bringing the demon along.

Namjoon literally growled when he saw the demon Hoseok was dragging.

“Emily missed one?” Jin darkly said, narrowing his eyes at the raggedy demon.

“If he wasn’t in plain sight, the ritual wouldn’t have been able to hit him. Taehyung ran into him round back.” Amelia explained, making sure she was hiding the bloody handkerchief on the back pocket of her jeans “I was able to feel the presence of the demon that stole my powers in the office and him.”

As soon as she said this, nodding her head to the demon, Jungkook’s eyes turned red and he bared his teeth in a snarl, growling furiously. Even Namjoon seemed angrier.

“I thought maybe we could pull out some information from him.” Hoseok said, pulling the demon’s head back by pulling at the roots of his sweaty hair.

“Might be a good idea.” Jin agreed, starting to look around “We have to burn the place. Let’s see if Em is better and she’ll seal this guy’s appearance.”

Amelia got closer to Jungkook, who was still staring at the demon with his stare red and a furious look.

“Jungkook, it’s okay, he won’t hurt me.” She called, touching his arm to try and get his attention.

He slowly drifted towards her, eyes still locked on the guy that Hoseok was dragging away but one hand going to touch her neck. When Jungkook finally looked down at her, Amelia was overwhelmed by a strange feeling of comfort. A warmth she had never felt before washed through her chest, almost making the pain go away entirely. She blinked a couple of times, swallowing and turning away from his stare.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, the hand in her neck sliding to touch her cheek.

Amelia drew on a weak smile and nodded, simply telling him to follow along.

Outside, Emily was positioning herself in front of the warehouse, ready to burn the place down. Taehyung had gone to the back again and was driving one of the cars that had been parked in there. It was a black SUV as well and he was parking it next to Jin’s.

“Hey, you feeling better? We can do this the old fashioned way, Em, no need to strain yourself.” Amelia said, coming near the older woman.

“I’m all new. Really, don’t worry. I saw the demon… Did you feel it?” Amelia didn’t know what sort of expression she made but Emily softened her eyes and smiled “It’s okay. We’ll find him, I promise.”

Emily pulled Amelia to her and gave her a little peck on the cheek before letting her go. While Amelia went up to Jin to show him the papers she and Taehyung had found, Emily stayed behind. With a gesture, her eyes and wrists were back to glowing bright blue and massive blue flames appeared from the ground, beginning to slowly burn.

“Huh! Can your sister do that too?” Namjoon’s voice came from behind her and Emily grinned.

“Yes, but her powers are much more temperamental. Much like her. I usually have full control of my powers, but it helps if Mina’s around. We balance each other. It also didn’t help, today, that I saw my sister get shot.”

“Neat! Can’t wait to see that!” Namjoon said, smiling like a kid looking up at a massive toy store, even though he was looking at a warehouse burning to ashes.

“Hopefully soon, because I don’t for how long can Amelia last.” Emily mumbled, looking at the younger woman, now extending a few papers at Jin, who was scowling.

Emily sealed the demon, that was now tightly tied up and with a black bag covering his face, before he was thrown in the back of the SUV. The seal was simple and it served as a way for the demon to not transform to its actual form. The thing was trapped in that body and would be in extreme pain if he even attempted to turn.

Good, let the guy suffer.

Taehyung and Hoseok would be the ones driving the stolen SUV to the mansion, going straight to the underground rooms. Jin had made it clear that he did not want that demon stench in his house. Namjoon only requested that he be left in town, near Ellie’s bar so he could talk to her, and Emily was now on edge, dying to reach the mansion so she could see her sister.

Finally driving off, both cars headed back.

Amelia couldn’t help but start to feel shaky again, the adrenaline of the events suddenly wearing off and the exhaustion washing over her like a furious wave. Jungkook had placed his hand on her cheek at some point and clicked his tongue in distaste. Fortunately, Emily had snaked her hand towards Amelia’s and was now sharing waves of healing energy with her.

The ride back seemed to last forever, much the opposite of the way to the warehouse. This time, Amelia had the time to place her temple on Emily’s shoulder and close her eyes. Her peachy scent was heaven, home, even if Amelia didn’t want to admit it. She found herself missing the fragrance of cinnamon. Lucy always smelled like cinnamon…

Arriving at the mansion, Amelia was surprised to find out that Jin had several rooms in the basement.

“Why on Earth do you need those?” Emily asked, very much surprised as well.

“I didn’t until now! It had been built in the house and was already like this when I got it from my uncle. I never used them until now, they look like prison cells. Besides, now they’re useful.” Jin defended, leading the women and his brothers up the stairs that would lead to the inside of the mansion “Be glad I didn’t turn the entire place in a cellar like Namjoon wanted.”

Emily whistled when she discovered the stairs lead up to a door that was hidden under the stairs in the foyer of the mansion.

“You’re like… Batman.” Amelia joked, earning a few chuckles from Jungkook and Yoongi and a goofy laughter from Jin.

“Guys? You’re back?”

Mina’s voice sounded from the arch that lead to the living room before her wild mane of curls made an appearance there. She smiled in welcome and instantly Emily whimpered as her chin wobbled and she took off at a sprint to jump into Mina’s arms. The impact was so strong that Mina tripped and fell backwards with a loud laughter.

“Oh, my God, tell me you’re okay! Are you okay? Does it still hurt? Jesus, did Jimin take good care of you?? I’ll kick his ass!” Emily streamed out, fat tears forming in her eyes as she grabbed the face of a giggling Mina and looked her over “You’re okay, right?!”

Mina wrapped her legs around Emily’s waist and arms around her neck. Her laughter was followed by Jin’s and Yoongi’s who were looking at the two sisters on the floor.

“I’m all good! Jimin did an amazing job!” The redhead said happily, bursting in laughter when Emily started to distribute little kisses all over her face.

“Thank the Goddess!” Emily breathed out, hugging her sister tight again.

“Sis, I love you, but my ass is starting to hurt.” Mina said between giggles, kissing Emily’s cheek and smoothing her fingers through the beautiful brown hair.

“Just a bit longer.” Emily crooned, burying her face in the flush skin of her sister.

“By the way, where have you girls been sleeping, this past week?” Jin asked, stepping inside the living room and sat himself on the arm of the big couch.
Emily groaned when Mina started to get up, actually whining when the redhead started to sit cross legged on the floor.

“We went back to our hotel. I actually need to go there, my bloody top is currently in your washer.” Mina said, fingers still smoothing over her twin’s hair.

“Why don’t you guys stay here? I have spare rooms. You’ll be closer to Amelia, that way. You could stay until all of this is solved and leave whenever you want.” Jin proposed, earning two sets of wide blue eyes on him.

“Really? You’re sure about that?” Emily asked, disbelief in her tone.

“We’ve known each other for years, now. I’m sure!” Jin reassured, smiling down at them.

“It would be a hassle to go back and forth, no?” Jungkook asked, leaning on the archway.

Mina looked between the three vampires and then at Amelia, a little dumbfounded. She bit her lip, thinking it over, but ended up nodding when she locked eyes with her sister.

“I’m just saying yes cause it’s you.” Mina said, deadpanning while she looked at Jin, but then drawing in a mocking smile to look at Jungkook “But also cause the house is fucking nice.”

There was a fit of laughter from everyone before Mina got up from the floor and asked what happened after she had been shot. Amelia took the opportunity of Jungkook being fully distracted in the conversation to turn around and go upstairs to his room.

It was strange to think of that room as hers, since it was Jungkook’s to begin with. He had started to sleep in bed ever since she had asked him to do so, a week ago. After her little breakdown, that first night, and falling asleep close to him, Jungkook always slept as far away as possible from her. It’s not like they would have awkward moments when waking up, Amelia, probably from the exhaustion and fever, would barely move from her place. But Jungkook was keen on keeping his distance from her.

Couldn’t help but make her wonder if her being sick was why Jungkook was so scared to touch her. Was he scared to touch her? Jesus, did she even want him to touch her at all? Because even the thought made her shiver.

Reaching the bedroom, Amelia opened the door and went straight to bed. As she sat down and then swiftly let her back hit the duvet, her mind began to drift back to when she had told Taehyung about the demon. The one that stole her powers.

Amelia had to admit, seeing Taehyung look so angry over what she had told him had been a bit disorientating. Not that long ago he had been asking when she would leave. Either way, she wasn’t complaining. Dealing with her own situation was already bad enough, Amelia didn’t need Taehyung’s rage on her. There was also a very high probability of Taehyung running to Jungkook to tell him all about the bloody coughing situation. That and the almost being raped stuff. Jungkook was his brother, Amelia was an intruder.

The swirling thoughts in her mind began to spiral her into this strange loop whole. Ever since the twins arrived, a week prior, her head hadn’t really drifted towards the last three months. Now, however, with all that had happened today, Amelia couldn’t help it.

Her powers had been there. That part of her that was missing. And for only a moment she felt complete, like everything was back in place, only to be slapped in the face with the feeling of dread the demon would bring with him every time he would walk into her cell. That feeling of a massive fear crawling inside her skin. The feeling of his hands on her skin, his gruff, deep voice haunting her brain, his breath on her face when he pushed her down on the dirty floor and pushed her head sharply to the ground… His fingers crawling horribly up her thighs-

A crippling nausea bubbled up her gut, making her quickly get up from the bed and rush over to the bathroom, bending over to the toilet and heaving agonizingly. For what felt like hours, Amelia just kneeled on the floor, tearing up every time a heave would make her wretch into the toilet, throwing out every content on her stomach.

Amelia flinched when she felt soft warm hands on her forehead that moved to remove her hair out of the way and hold it back. What surprised her was the deep baritone voice.
“Shh, it’s okay, let it out.”


After dry heaving a couple more times, Amelia finally opened her eyes, sniffling and cringing when she saw the little specks of blood on the toilet, mixed with what she had just thrown up.

Taehyung was the one to flush the toilet and then help her up to sit on the floor, back against the sink counter. She watched with fuzzy eyes as he reached for the sink to fill a cup of water and then wetting a washcloth to bring it down at her level.

“You still feel sick?” He asked, placing the washcloth on top of her skin, carefully wiping the sweat off her forehead.

She shook her head no, closing her eyes at the feeling of the cold, wet fabric on her skin, leaning into it for comfort. Taehyung stayed silent while he pressed the fabric up to her forehead, crouched in front of her and with a blank face, while, internally, he wanted to scream. She threw up blood.

“What happened…” She croaked out, having to stop mid-sentence to clear her throat “What happened to getting rid of me?”

Taehyung snickered, handing her the glass of water.

“By the way you were coughing out blood not that long ago, and were throwing your insides up just now, I’ll say I don’t have to do much to get rid of you.” He mumbled, faking a mocking smile.

Amelia drew on a little smile and then grunted at the sharp ache that stung her chest. Trembling a bit, she brought the water up to her mouth, using it to clean her mouth instead of swallowing. Taehyung actually helped her go up to the toilet again to spit out the water. The bad aftertaste wasn’t so strong, although still there.

Now feeling way more relieved, Amelia shakily got up from the ground, supporting herself on the toilet and then the counter. Taehyung surprised her again by placing one arm around her waist and another on her forearm, in order to help her to bed.

“Where’s Jungkook?” She asked, a little frightful he would show up and be mad at Taehyung again.

“Went downstairs with Jin, since he wanted to interrogate the demon.” Taehyung replied, leading her to bed.

Amelia nodded and sat on the bed, breathing deep. The nausea was gone now, as well as the pressure in her head from throwing up. Her hands started to grab at the jacket, pulling it off her shoulders. But her eyes set on Taehyung, who was standing in front of her, studying her movements carefully, and Amelia frowned.


He hummed, almost expecting her to ask for help in some way. Truth be told, he wanted her to ask for help. Taehyung was desperate to be some sort of help to her-

“I’d like to undress, now…”

Taehyung’s eyes went wide, a sudden flush creeping up his cheeks and jaw going lax as he took in the information she was giving him. His flush got even harder when she arched an eyebrow and smirked in amusement. Taehyung embarrassingly looked around, attempting to avoid her eyes.

“Right! I’ll just… I’ll leave you to that, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, nodding and then turning to the door to leave.

That was cute. Taehyung had never reacted like that with her.

Amelia painfully started to undress, removing the beige sweater and the jeans. Now that the rush and adrenaline had worn off, her muscles were starting to hurt, every movement feeling like a hard task. By the time she was dressed in the usual comfy cotton leggings and oversized mint colored sweater, that was now her favorite, a knock on the door was heard.

Mina’s blue eyes stared back at her when she softly opened the door and peeked inside.

“Your hunk of man ain’t here yet?” She asked, like a kid trying to sneak in.

When Amelia smiled softly and shook her head, Mina grinned and walked in. At that moment, Amelia noticed Mina was currently wearing a dark gray sweater that was clearly not hers. It was slightly bigger than her, hands almost engulfed in the sleeves and only her elegant fingers with nails colored black were in sight. Ever since Mina discovered the beauty of black nail polishes, she never again painted her nails red. She was also barefoot, now.

“What are you wearing?” Amelia asked, grinning, growing suspicious of who that sweater might belong to.

“Oh, it’s Jimin’s! He let me borrow it.” The redhead smiled foxily, bringing the collar of the sweater up to her nose and taking a soft intake of breath “It smells heavenly.”

Amelia chuckled, moving aside the duvet while shaking her head in disbelief.

“So! You guys brought a guest with you.” Mina started, sitting heavily on the bed and watching Amelia walk to the bathroom to start brushing her teeth “Em told me you guys could feel your powers in him.”

Amelia looked over, toothbrush in her mouth, and nodded. Her chest clenched a bit when Mina softened her blue eyes at her and looked down at her hands, playing with the hem of Jimin’s sweater.

“I wish I could do more, sorry.”

Amelia finished spitting out the water and cleaning her mouth.

“It’s none of you guys’ fault. And now that you’re here, we can find the guy that did this faster.” She said, going back to bed and starting to crawl on top of it “Now… what happened with Jimin?”

Mina flushed beautifully. Well, this was new! Mina didn’t blush for anyone. Amelia couldn’t even remember the last time Mina had done such a thing. Maybe 1890s? Perhaps, but it was hard to tell. After such a long time of flirting around with men, and women, Mina was not so easily flustered and interested in them. Her sex life was very much active, to say the least, so, really there wasn’t much out there that could get her worked up in such candid ways.

Seeing her bite her red lower lip, grinning in happiness and blushing like a virgin was both amusing, a breath of fresh air and beautiful.

“So, we kissed.” She purred, crawling to Amelia’s side and sitting beside her “We kissed and made out for a bit…”

Amelia snickered “I thought you’d come home to get the bullet taken care of.”

“Oh, he took care of it! He sucked the poison out of my shoulder… But that’s what started it.” Mina explained, her milky skin still flushed candidly at the cheeks while she smiled mischievously “I had never, in my very much adventurous two hundred year old life, had been bitten by a vampire. You know those myths saying that the vampire’s bite hurts like a bitch and the feeling of them sucking our blood is horrible?”

Amelia nodded, leaning back on the pillows. Some older Witches from the Council used to say that sort of stuff to their young ones, back in the day. They wanted the children to think vampires were horrid monsters, when, in truth, vampires were supposed to be the missing piece of Witches, their mates. The bond made Witches much stronger and their powers more fluid, while her blood kept the vampire healthy and stronger than before. Not to mention that their children were considered pure breads.

“Is it true?”

“It’s the most stupid, mind blowing, completely baseless shit ever. It feels fucking good!” Mina blurted out, with Amelia letting out a couple of chuckles “I’m serious, like, girl! Holy fuck! The sensation of him biting me was good in itself, but then he started sucking… I think because of the poison it felt weird at first, but then it was like sex!”

Amelia smiled when seeing the woman smile big at the memory.

“And then you kissed?”

“Oh, it got better!”

Mina began to rant on how Jimin was sweet enough to offer her his blood so she could heal faster, then on how his blood tasted like a damn fine wine and, lastly, how much of a hell of a good kisser Jimin was. But, oddly enough, Amelia started to notice that, although Mina did speak of his body, his lips and the feeling of Jimin’s hands on her, she seemed to be awestruck by his niceties.

Atta boy, Jimin.

“That’s good right? That he’s nice to you?” Amelia asked when she saw Mina lean on the pillows beside her.

“Well… I guess?”

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just… when we were in the middle of making out, he accidently hurt me on my shoulder. After that, he refused to touch me at all. It’s like he didn’t even want it in the first place and was trying to get away from me.”

Awe, Mina seemed genuinely hurt, about this.

“Well, Yoongi said Jimin wasn’t the type to be around women. Maybe he was embarrassed.”

“How about you and Jungkook?” Mina suddenly asked, bringing a strange warmth to Amelia’s gut.

“Jungkook? What’s me and Jungkook got to do with any of this?”

“Oh, come on, now. You’ve been with him for a while. He never tried anything?”

Amelia meekly nodded, a little wide eyed. Mina drew on another one of her cunning smiles.

“Haven’t you tried anything?” Mina grinned bigger when Amelia shook her head again “You’re in his room, his bed and he never attempted anything. He’s a keeper, alright!”

“But Yoongi said he’s bonded…”

“Well, no, he’s not. No tattoos on his wrists, and he can’t bond with a human. And do you honestly think he would bring you to his bed if he was bonded with anyone, you dingus?” When Amelia frowned and shook her head one more time “You are way too naïve, aren’t you?”

Mina smiled sweetly and leaned her body more against Amelia, arm looping over her stomach to hug her there, instantly providing healing energy into her. The magic washed over her like a warm wave, making her feel warm, the soreness on her body dissipating slowly and surely. And it warmed her heart to know that Mina wasn’t doing this on purpose or consciously. Ever since she was a child, Amelia remembered cuddling with the twins and both of them providing that warm healing energy. It was mostly on instinct, since it was a way to calm her down to sleep. Mina was doing that right now.

The door opened not too long after and Jungkook walked in, rolling his shoulder and stretching his neck to crack it. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Mina snuggling close to Amelia. Mina was smoothing one of her hands over Amelia’s hair, humming a slow paced song softly in the back of her throat. Amelia was now completely relaxed on the bed, a peaceful look on her face, eyes closed and breathing steady as she slept deeply.

“Do you want me leave?” He asked.
Mina looked over and smiled, cheek poised on top of Amelia’s head.

“No need. I’ll let her sleep.”

The redhead slowly let go of Amelia, crawling out of the bed and then heading to the door.

“I don’t think she’s ever looked that peaceful when sleeping ever since she arrived here.” Jungkook mumbled, before Mina left the room.

“Healing energy. Works every time.”

Downstairs, Jin was seated on the desk chair of his office, laying back on it as he looked at his cellphone on top of the table. He sighed, feeling strange in his gut. It really was just a simple call. And he hadn’t heard her voice in so long… But Jin couldn’t help but to think he was betraying the twins in a way.

He relaxed even more into the chair, his legs almost stretched out as he looked up at the ceiling. He really hoped Amelia wouldn’t have a bad reaction to this, because he really had started to like the woman.

His hand grabbed the phone and looked through his contacts, coming across her name not too long after. Jin mindlessly clicked on it and waited a while for the other end to respond. And after six rings, her velvety, smooth voice rang in his ears like music.

“Seokjin.” She mumbled, a hint of amusement on her tone.

“I need your help.” Jin simply said, ignoring the obvious reaction his body was having to just the sound of her voice.

“Really? The last time you needed my help we almost blew up a palace in Russia, dear. Tell me, what do you need?” She mocked, clearly smiling.
Jin grinned a bit when he remembered that episode in Russia seventy years ago.

“It’s about your apprentices. Amelia, to be more specific.”

The quiet on the other hand of the line was long and painful. Jin knew the call hadn’t ended because he could hear her steady breathing still.

“Where is she?”

“With me. You’ll know the details when you get here. Can you still track my location?”

Jin could remember as if it was yesterday when she had removed his ring from his own hand, saying it was a ticket to him. That had been a lifetime ago.

“Of course. I’ll dematerialize to you in three days.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Do you?”

“You know I do, Lucy.”

~Sass 😘

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