Chapter 20 - Scared? Aroused? 🔞

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Lucy announced to Jin that Luna would be arriving in a couple of days

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Lucy announced to Jin that Luna would be arriving in a couple of days. Jin then spoke to the rest of his brothers to try to have their permission so Lucy could stay in the house… Namjoon was displeased, but allowed it nonetheless; Yoongi shrugged it off; Hoseok was a little stressed about having the white wolf near him for longer; Taehyung abstained himself from the situation, but Jin knew his opinion on the matter, either way; Jimin wasn’t so pleased either and Jungkook didn’t want her there.

Great, she was in a house full of people that hated her.

But at least the twins weren’t mad at her anymore, it seemed. Emily had sneaked to the library to hug her mentor and thank her for helping Amelia. And Mina had started making jokes around Lucy again. It felt great to have the three girls together, around her, again. It felt right.

Mina, however, was starting to feel a bit restless.

She walked around the room she shared with Em, pacing around and huffing.

If before Jimin was avoiding her, now, after seeing her kill that demon, he was running from her like the devil runs from the cross. Really, the two of them only got together to have lunch or dinner, and as soon as he could, the guy would flee back to his room.

Was she really that scary? Was Jimin honestly scared of her? Well, Hoseok had grown among humans, he didn’t know Witches existed for a long time, maybe Jimin was overwhelmed? Perhaps Jimin grew among humans too?

She winced at the uncomfortable soreness between her legs and promptly ignored it. Not the right time.
Mina looked at the door, biting at her nail and impatiently shaking one of her legs.

With a huff, she went for the door and exited towards the hall. She knew Jimin was now in his room, since she saw him coming upstairs. And all the other guys were down in the game room and Lucy in the library, so Mina knew she could have him all to herself for a little.

She knocked, a little restless, and waited for a response. Her hand went up to the door, one more time, and, once again, there was none. She decided to just go for it and opened the door, almost shyly, slowly opening it and peeking inside.

Mina stepped inside, closing the door behind her and looking around. Jimin wasn’t in sight… She sighed, looking around for a brief moment. Mina peeked inside the closet, which was empty. She was about to turn around and leave when the bathroom door opened and Jimin stepped out.
Shirtless. With damp hair and little droplets of water falling on his chest.

Fuck, she almost came right then and there!

“Mina?” He frowned in surprise “What are you doing here?”


Oh, shit, it was very hard to focus with him looking like that! Crap, she couldn’t think.

“I was… damn it.” Mina cleared her throat, avoid his intense gaze and trying to find an answer “I just needed to speak to you. But you’re, uh… busy. So I'll just go!”

As soon as she attempted to take a step towards the door again, Jimin was already taking quick strides towards her and grabbing her elbow.

“I’m not busy, we can talk.” He said, hand gently holding her “Is there anything you need?”

What she needed right now was him taking her to bed and make a mess out of her. But, well, we can’t have it all, right? The thought made another ache bloom between her legs. She must have made a face or winced without noticing, because Jimin’s face switched to one of concern as he eyed and looked her over.

“Is everything okay?” He asked again, hand now coming to rest at her cheek to check for temperature.

Jimin was worried about her? Well, this was weird. Men were never worried about her.

“I feel fine, thank you.” Mina managed to mumble out.

“You’re red, though.” He replied and this time Mina giggled.

“Everything is red about me, Jimin.”

Mina watched in amusement as Jimin blushed a bit and grew flustered. The tension relieved for a second as he looked at his feet and nodded while cracking up a beautiful smile.

“What did you want to talk about?” Jimin asked while moving to sit on the bed.

Mina could barely stop herself from whimpering when she saw how he looked. The guy had the audacity to just lean back on his hands behind him and look at her. Jimin looked like a whole gourmet meal, sweet Jesus.

“I wanted to ask you something.” She started, crossing her arms and ignoring the ache again.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Uh… Alright, I'll just ask up front. Jimin, are you scared of me?”

Jimin literally stopped breathing and went wide eyed, almost going lax at the question.


“Ever since yesterday, after I killed that demon, you’ve been avoiding me like a nun avoids a fucking brothel, what’s going on?”

Jimin stuttered. One, because he didn’t expect her frontality, two, because he didn’t know she had noticed, much less that she was affected by it and, three, he really didn’t know what to say. How the hell was he supposed to justify himself now.

“I'm not scared of you, Mina.” Jimin softly replied.

“But you're avoiding me, why?”

“Because… Uh…”

“Is it because we kissed, the other day?” Mina asked, blue eyes darkening and taking a small step towards him “Was that it?”

Jimin froze. Her scent filled his nostrils in seconds, that sexy smell of roses was both fascinating and alluring at the same time. He was refraining himself from reaching out and pull her on top of the bed, at this point. Mina took another step and Jimin took a moment to admire her.

Fuck, she was beautiful. Her hair was falling amazingly on her shoulders and all the way to the middle of her back, his sweater looked perfect on her right now, and she was wearing shorts today… her elegant legs exposed and soft.

“You didn’t like kissing me?” Her voice had dropped a bit to a low, sensual purr as she got closer and closer to him.
Right now, Mina was mainly testing him. She wanted to touch him badly, but Mina also wanted answers. And maybe she could seduce them out of him.

It could very quickly go out of control, though. By the way his eyes were darkening too and he was now breathing so heavy, it didn’t seem to be in control at all. Well, shit.

“What makes you think I didn’t like kissing you?” Jimin’s voice was hoarse now and it sounded sexy as hell.

Mina reached the bed and was now standing between his legs. Another stinging ache made its way towards her center and Mina almost doubled over. But then Jimin’s hand reached over, cupping her jaw strongly and pulling her down to him, lips crashing together as he started to move them hungrily over hers.

The redhead instantly moaned in response, the contact of his lips on hers only making the ache a little harder. Mina placed her hands on his chest for support, while Jimin pulled her more to him, gripping her leg so it was on the bed and Mina started to straddle him. His skin under her hands felt smooth and heaven like, while she was gliding her hands down his chest and then to his abdomen.

Jimin groaned low in his throat, hand moving to grab her thigh and then gliding to squeeze her ass and have her press down on his lap. Mina released another moan and shuddered visibly when feeling his hard cock on her center. She was soaking wet by now, body instantly begging for some sort of relief. Looking for friction, she began to grind her hips against him, the ache mildly subsiding.

Jimin suddenly got up and changed positions, placing her on the bed and hovering over her for a second before dropping his lips back to her mouth. Her taste was intoxicating, her skin smooth under his hands. Jimin couldn’t help himself from gripping her thigh again and placing it at his hips. Mina confidently wrapped her legs around him, pushing Jimin's hard member against her again and arching up to meet him. When Jimin grinded back into her, Mina arched her back and moaned loud. He took the chance to drop his mouth to her neck again. He felt the urge to bite down on her again, to feel her rich blood on his tongue one more time. He suppressed the feeling, not wanting to take advantage of Mina.

Needing more contact, Jimin moved his hands underneath his sweater on her body and lifted it up, wanting to take it off. Mina took the hint and moved to pull it off, exposing the black lacy underwear to him. Jimin kissed her neck and trailed down to her chest, grabbing one full breast and massaging it in his hand.

One of her hands came to tug at the roots of his hair, Mina moaning again when she felt his teeth nipping at her skin right beside her breast.


He smiled against her skin when he saw her rolling her eyes and bite her lip to suppress a smile.

Jimin was about to drag her shorts down when hesitation creeped in. A sudden freezing fear that paralyzed him and made him immobile. And Mina noticed.

“Jimin?” Mina called softly, sitting up and searching his face, using her soft fingers to draw his still damp bangs away from his eyes.

Mina felt a clench on her chest when she saw his eyes rimmed red and unshed tears there. He seemed to be panicking internally, probably overwhelmed by the moment. She saw him pant and his hands tremble ever so slightly. Jimin had lowered his body so he was kneeling on the floor while still hovering between her legs, so Mina took the chance to lean over and take his face in her hands to make him look up at her.

“Hey… It’s okay, we'll stop. I'm sorry I pushed you this far.” Mina whispered, leaning in to nuzzle his cheek.

Jimin relaxed for a little bit, only to start pushing off of her, hand going up to his chest and rubbing there. Mina immediately went for the sweater again and got dressed, watching Jimin start to get up.

He cleared his throat and rubbed at his cheek, cleaning the fallen tears off his cheek.

“I'm sorry… I’m not- “ His voice was thick with emotion.

Mina smiled softly at him “It’s fine! Can I help you calm down?”

She extended a hand and waited for him to take but Jimin simply looked at it, hesitating. Mina suppressed the need to cry and gently reached over to him, placing her hand on his and letting a wave of healing energy resurface and pass onto him. Jimin closed his eyes and relaxed, fingers gripping hers a bit firmly.

“Better?” She softly asked, peering to look at him. When Jimin nodded, she forced a smile and stepped away “I’ll leave now. I'm sorry for being so pushy, I'll keep my distance if it makes you feel any better, okay?”

Jimin felt his heart shatter at her words. No, he didn’t want her to leave. He wanted Mina with him… But as she smiled sadly one last time and turned to leave, he could only stand there like an idiot and not stop her.

When the door shut behind her, Mina made her way back to her room in a matter of seconds and walked inside the bathroom, closing herself inside it and then sinking to the floor in a little corner.

Emily walked inside the bedroom, a little later, wanting to place her books away, when she heard the little sniffles coming from the bathroom. She frowned, growing concerned when thinking of what could make Mina cry.

“Mina? What happened?”

Her sister was sitting in a corner, knees pulled into her chest and arms on top so her head could rest there. When Mina raised her face, Emily’s heart broke. Her eyes were red and a little swollen, cheeks wet with tears and lips red from having bitten on them.

“Jesus, Mina, what happened to you?” Emily said, coming to crouch near her sister and touch her cheeks.

“Jimin…” She hiccupped, drawing in unsteady breaths “Jimin, I- I hurt him.”

“What do you mean, hurt him? What did you do?”

Emily was heartbroken. Mina was the soulful, playful and high spirited one. She always smiled and joked around. The only time Emily remembered seeing her sister cry this relentlessly had been 80 years ago. And it hadn’t been because of a man. It had been what still caused her nightmares to this day.

“I pushed him too far… He's been avoiding me, and I was starting to get- to get mad. But then I went to talk to him…” Mina took in some more ragged breaths, with Emily cleaning her twin’s tears “But he kissed me! Jimin kissed me and I was all over him and I think I pushed him too far, because he just froze and looked like he was about to cry… My God, I'm a horrible person!”

Emily was a little confused at the statement. Jimin had cried? Feeling a little powerless, an idea crossed her mind.

“Look, I'm gonna go downstairs for a second and I'll be right back, ok?”

“No, Em, don’t leave!” Mina whined, making a helpless expression.

“It’s okay! I'll be back in no time.”

Emily went out of the room, going down the hall to look for Yoongi and almost sagging in relief when she saw him from the top of the stairs as he was starting to come up. Yoongi smirked up at her.

“Hey, little Witch, what’s up?”

“Can you help me with something?” She rushed out, motioning to him so Yoongi would follow her.

Yoongi frowned, seeing her so concerned and a little stressed. Damn he was getting attached to her… Emily was slowly creeping up to his heart and settling there. His little moments with her, either in the library or Jin’s office, in the book section, were starting to be his favorite. She didn’t open up much to him, and seeing her a little flustered was the best.

He climbed up to her a little faster and, as soon as he reached her, Emily grabbed his hand and started to direct him towards her room.

“Uh… Emily? I mean, I ain’t complaining, but maybe it’s too soon for that?” He joked, when seeing her hurriedly close the door behind her.

Emily rolled her eyes and then pushed him towards the bathroom.

“Oh, kinky!”

“Min Yoongi, I will woop your ass if you keep making sex jokes!” She ended up growling, annoyed, before opening the door.

That was when he finally assimilated the little soft cries coming from inside. He went a little flustered when seeing Mina crying in a corner, curled up over herself. Yoongi rushed to her side, chest clenching when seeing the redhead so broken.

“What happened??” He asked, one hand coming to rest at the girl’s shoulder.

Emily felt a little relieved that he was worried for her sister. Slowly, she started to go over the story, blushing a little when telling him that Mina and Jimin almost had sex. Yoongi was attentively listening to what the woman was saying, softly rubbing the redhead’s shoulder in comforting motions.

“I just… I don’t know what to do, I don’t know Jimin well. I thought maybe you could help calm her down while I go downstairs to make her some tea. I should check on Jimin, too… I'm sorry for pushing this on you.”

Emily smiled sheepishly, looking down to her sister again.

“That’s fine, I don’t mind. Mina?” As soon as she heard her name, the woman tensed and cried a little harder “Hey, it’s okay, shhh!”

“I’ll go downstairs to grab her some tea. I'll be right back.”

Yoongi nodded quickly and proceeded to coo something at Mina, while Emily left the room to go downstairs. She almost stopped by Jimin’s door, worried that he might be in a bad place, but Emily hesitated. Like she had told Yoongi, Emily wasn’t very familiar with Jimin. Sure, he was friendly, and seemed to be close to Amelia the most, considering the time he'd spent with her already. But other than that, he had started to isolate himself a bit. Yoongi had said that, ever since Mina had arrived, and especially since she was shot, Jimin seemed to be closing himself from others…

Arriving at the kitchen, Emily froze when she saw Jimin standing in the kitchen. He was leaning into the counter, his back a bit hunched over and his head dropped as he rubbed at his face.

“Jimin? Are you okay?” She asked, coming close to him slowly.

Jimin slowly raised his head. That’s when Emily’s eyes softened, seeing him red eyed, as if he had been crying, lips a little swollen and a tired look in his face.

The vampire nodded, clearing his throat and cleaning his eyes.

“Where’s Mina?” He asked, looking around, a little hopeful to see her there.

“Upstairs… I actually came to make her some tea.”

Jimin went a little stiff, sudden concern flooding his face.

“Why? Is she okay?” Jimin straightened up, instantly focused and ready to act.
Emily smiled “Okay is not how I’d describe it. She… was crying in the bathroom floor, saying she hurt you and that she was a horrible person.”

For a second there, Emily really thought Jimin knowing the truth wasn’t the best idea, because he was practically hyperventilating at this point. He went wide eyed, lips parting in shock. Jimin looked to the door, then back at Emily and then started to leave the kitchen.

“Jimin? It’s okay, she’s with Yoongi.”

Boy, Jimin went from concerned to pissed way too fast!

“Why is Yoongi with her?”

“Because I didn’t want to leave her alone. And you both need time to think and heal.” Emily said, while picking up the small jar with herbs she always had with her “And Mina seems comfortable with him, so I didn’t mind.”

Jimin finally relaxed, walking towards the counter and sagging onto a high stool.

“Do you wanna talk?” Emily asked, preparing the cups.

“I just… It’s not her fault. Mina didn’t do anything, much the opposite- “ He paused, rubbing his face in distress “She’s amazing. I never felt like this about anyone, there’s a pull to her. Every time Mina's around I wanna have my hands on her all the time. I want… her.”

By the sound of it, the two had started to bond. When the connection was strong right from the start, there really wasn’t much either part could do to stop it. And it was sweet to see Jimin so flustered trying to explain the feelings he had for her.

“I like her…”He whispered, a little dazed.

Emily smiled wide when she heard that, pouring the hot water into the two cups.

“I… have a reason for not being able to touch her.” Jimin lowered his head, a little ashamed “It’s not her fault, it’s me, I'm the problem.”

“Jimin? You are not a problem. Right now you two need time.” Emily placed one cup of tea in front of him, Jimin frowning when he saw the steaming hot tea “And when you’re ready, you'll need to talk. Maybe, if you feel ready, you can open up to her and explain your reasons. For now, just drink that tea. I'll take care of Mina. If you need to talk, though, it’s okay if you come to me, alright?”

Jimin looked straight into Emily’s blue eyes, so similar to her twin’s, and felt a strange sense of comfort.

Emily left not long after, going upstairs to check on her sister and smiling at the door, when she saw Yoongi sitting on the bed, reclining against the headboard with Mina sleeping against his shoulder. Mina was a little bit of a leech when she slept, hugging whatever was close. Usually it was Emily…

Yoongi was a little panicked, wide eyed and stiff, with Mina’s arms wrapping around him like snakes.

“This is not what it looks like!” He whispered when Emily was close enough to the bed.

“It’s okay.” She giggled, removing some strands of Mina's wild hair from her face “I didn’t think you'd take this so well. At some point I was kind of expecting you to freak out and leave.”

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and grinned cockily.

“She’s part of the package, you know?”

“What? What package?”

“You. She’s a part of you.”

~Sass 😘
(Not at me forgetting to upload this, gosh darn it... 🙄)

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