Chapter 59 - Girl Talk

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“What’s up?” Mina asked, smiling while she still dried her messy ginger hair

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“What’s up?” Mina asked, smiling while she still dried her messy ginger hair.

Amelia was now in Mina’s and Jimin’s room, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking a little like a child in one of Jungkook’s too big sweaters. Jimin had allowed her in and Mina was just fresh out of the shower.

“I need your help with something. Do you have, uh, something I can wear?” Amelia asked, biting her lip in embarrassment.

“Sure! Can I ask why, though?” Mina was already on her way to the closet, the towel she had used to dry her hair now draped over her shoulder.

“I literally have nothing to wear.” Amelia said, sitting at the edge of the bed apologetically.

“Oh, you don’t like the clothes Ellie brought?” Jimin perked up from his spot on the desk, a little confused.

“I do, that’s not the issue. It’s just… Nothing fits.”

At this, Mina turned with a raised brow, looking Amelia up and down “Nothing fits?”

“Nope. When Ellie brought those clothes I was still sick so, now that my weight came back to normal, all the shirts are too tight. Even the leggings are getting a little uncomfortable to wear. I don’t really like to go around just in Jungkook’s sweatshirts… I miss my dresses.”

Jimin smiled when Amelia pressed her lips into a thin line and shrugged, a little resigned.

“Now I know why you were talking about getting clothes from your house.” Jimin said, looking at Mina.

“I know, right? Oh! Jimin, what time does the local mall close?” Mina asked, starting to smile cheekily.


“And what time is it, now?”

“Eight. You can still go.”

Mina smiled wider and pointed her finger at Amelia “How about I give you something to wear for now and we can go shopping? Jin didn’t have anything planned for tonight, anyway.”

Amelia smiled a little at the suggestion and nodded, suddenly happy with that.

“Alright, then! Jeans and a shirt will do, right?”

Minutes later, Amelia was quickly changing into the clothes the redhead had given her, looking at herself in the mirror. Mina was the type to like being in jeans a lot. Ever since pants were invented, the ginger woman really only ever wore dresses if she wanted to get some. Now it was to go to that jazz bar, every Friday.

The jeans were a bit loose on the legs. Even with her weight now normal, Amelia was still not as full curved as the twins. In a way, Witches were built elegantly and to look beautiful. In many ways, Witches could use their looks to get away with anything and get anything. Mina was a good example of it. So, Witches were beautifully built. Not to thin, not too fat, just… perfectly proportioned.

Hence why there had been so many of them dying in the past. The good looks could be both a blessing and a curse, to be honest.

So, while the twins had a more sensual shape to them, full breasts and curvy hips, Amelia had more delicate curves. She even thought it funny how she sometimes looked at herself in the mirror and could see some resemblance to how Lucy was built. Only, the silver haired Witch was taller and slightly thinner. Which was kind of weird, they weren’t related.

Downstairs, Amelia made her way to the game room where the voices were coming from.

“Just try the stupid tea!!” Luna wailed, extending a steaming cup of what looked like tea towards Hoseok.

“Hell no! How do I know that’s not some potion to make me shit fire for a week?!” The guy yelled back, cowering away from the cup.

“Hoseok, if I wanted to make you shit fire I wouldn’t be giving out the potion like this! I’d sneak it in your food!” Luna bit back, now aggravated at the man’s shenanigans.

“WHAT?! I'm never eating anything you give me ever again!”

Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi erupted in laughter, the game they had been playing completely forgotten as they laughed loudly, Yoongi grabbing his tummy and closing his eyes. Emily, who had been reading a book quietly on the floor, snickered and shook her head, opening her mouth to speak.

But her attempt was interrupted when Mina burst through the door.

“Emily, bitch! Get the fuck up, we’re going shopping!”

She was wearing a red blazer, with a black silk top underneath. Amelia recognized it as the same top she had been wearing the day she first got to the mansion. Her ginger mane of hair was pulled into a pony tail, which was different. Mina didn’t particularly like to tie up her hair. Her black jeans glued to her legs like a second skin.

“We are?” Emily said, raising her brows.

“Amelia’s boobs got bigger, she needs clothes!”

“The hell!” Amelia quipped, hands on her hips.

Emily hurried to get up, already smiling “I’ll go get ready!”

“My boobs didn’t get bigger!”

“Whose boobs got bigger?” Lucy’s voice came from the door and she walked in with a cup of tea in her hand.

“Amelia’s.” Both Mina and Luna deadpanned, while the woman in question fumed.

“I will kick you!” Amelia threatened, pointing a finger at the redhead.

“Is this puberty all over again?” Lucy sat down on the free couch, sipping her cup “By the way, Luna, this new blend is nice.”

“See?! It’s just tea!!” Luna looked down at Hoseok, who sniffed the hot liquid suspiciously.

“We get the puberty part, Jungkook is still trying to get over his.” Yoongi piped from beside the younger one, earning a glare and a little shove.

“Oh, my God! My clothes don’t fit me, that’s all!” Amelia intervened, starting to grow as aggravated as Luna was over Hoseok not drinking her tea.

“Because you gained weight, right?” Mina pointed out “If you gained weight, your boobs gained too! So… your boobs got bigger!”

“Ugh! I swear, you all are just so annoying!”

Amelia fled the scene, cheeks blushing furiously and huffing in annoyance. Jungkook had never seen her like this… it was adorable. Thank God the twins liked to tease her.

“You guys are impossible.” Lucy said, snickering. The woman paused, though, leaning a little forward “But really, though?”

Mina smiled mischievously and nodded, making her small earrings move around in her ears, while the guys watched their exchange.

“How big?” Luna asked, kicking Mina’s leg with a barefoot.

Mina faked a thoughtful expression and then walked towards Jungkook and grabbed his hand, looking at his open palm attentively. The woman smiled, that peevishly annoying smirk making its way to her lips, and then she pointed at his hand.

“Jungkook’s handful.”

Just like they had laughed at Hoseok’s behavior, the room exploded into laughter when Mina said that and Jungkook blushed madly. His whole body heated up with embarrassment, especially since Lucy looked at him and smirked in amusement.

Thankfully, the mall wasn’t too full. It was just a few people loitering around some of the shops and cafes, small chatting being heard here and there. Now, the reason it was fine for them to be alone was simple. The mall was in a very illuminated, crowded area of town. Even if there were demons, security cameras and the people would be the reason they wouldn’t attempt anything. Plus, seeing as it was only for a little, it would be fine.

Mina instantly dragged Amelia to the most expensive shops.

They weren’t the type to go shopping for the fun, or spend ages looking around the shops to come out of there with their whole stock in bags. None of them really liked it. Probably because Lucy always taught them to be a little aware of their buyings. Sure, they had lived among royalty most of the time, money had never truly been an issue. But both the twins and Amelia knew what money could do to people.

You tend to have a different perspective of the world surrounding you when you spend too long living in it.

“Okay, underwear first. You’re probably a little limited on that.” Mina said, wrapping her hand on Amelia’s as they stalked towards a lingerie shop.

“Lingerie, though?”

“We can get it, if you want. Comfort first, though.”

Amelia thanked the Goddess in the night sky… Mina had a tendency to gravitate towards lingerie, lace, mid-thigh stockings and garter belts, so hearing her say that was truly relieving. Not like Amelia never wore any of those, the twenties had been wild, but what she truly needed at that one moment was the basic, casual stuff.

For the next thirty minutes, Amelia simply picked whatever caught her eye, just grabbing combos of panties and bras that seemed to fit her size. Mina and Emily disappeared for the meantime, probably looking at the things they preferred.

“See, this is how I know I raised you well, dark colors are sexier.” Mina piped right beside her as Amelia was looking at a set of dark green bra and panties.

She blushed a little, flustered “I wasn’t trying to pick sexy…”

“No, but it doesn’t hurt to be sexy while being comfortable. Plus, Jungkook’s been eyeing you like you’re a whole five star buffet, might as well make it harder for him to keep his hands off of you!” Mina said, shrugging while crossing her arms. She had a set of a black silk nightie and robe on her hand.

Emily’s snort was a little loud beside Amelia when she saw the latter get flustered even more at the comment about Jungkook. Amelia had noticed it, but it made her anxious, instead of happy when he did.

If there was something both Mina and Emily loved, it was to tease Amelia. She always turned all flustered, that soft pink blush creeping up her apple cheeks, and a frown set in  her eyebrows from annoyance. Ever since the girl had started to develop her personality, Mina simply loved to pull at some strings. It had made a couple of arguments break out during her teen years, but, really, what family doesn’t argue.

And Amelia knew it was all fun and games. She also compensated by pulling horrible pranks on them while growing up. She knew for a fact that Emily still dreaded rats because Amelia put one in her dress.

After the lingerie shop, Mina tried to convince the other two to go to the Chanel shop, saying the new collection should be already out, but Emily straight up refused to spend a whole hour vegetating while Mina indulged in Chanel pieces.

A little sulky, Mina ended up agreeing and just followed them to another one. Browsing over the clothes, Amelia considered jeans for the first time in a while. For some reason, after spending most of her life wearing dresses, wearing jeans just made her feel a little constricted… Cotton leggings were fine, but those tight jeans Mina and Emily loved so much felt uncomfortable for her. She decided on getting a few stretchy ones and comfortable sweaters, along with the usual dresses she liked.

By eleven, Mina was finally satisfied with the amount of stuff they had bought. Besides the underwear and the clothes, Mina went ham on shoes… while complaining that Chanel had prettier shoes.

Emily was now sipping on a cup of coffee while they were walking towards the car. The parking lot was still very bright, even if the mall was just about to close and, oddly enough, there were a lot of people around. Amelia almost choked on her tea when a group of guys passed by and openly commented on ‘that ass’. Whose? No one would ever know.

“So you feel fine now? When you use your powers, that is.” Emily asked, slow walking while balancing the bags on one hand.

“Yeah, my chest doesn’t hurt anymore. I think it’s because I’m using them daily, so it doesn’t weigh much. But I’m getting there.” Amelia responded, sipping her tea.

“I still don’t get why you don’t ask for help… We’re here for a reason, you know? We can help you.” Mina grumbled.

“Yeah, but that’s the easy route. If I can’t do this by myself, then what’s the point.”

“I hate that you’re right.” Em rolled her eyes.

“All that aside, let’s talk about Jungkook!”

Mina’s cheerful, sudden mood threw her off a little. The redhead was already smiling deviously, her eyes glinting with mischief.

“What about him?” Amelia frowned and eyed her suspiciously.

“Some time ago I told you about how I kissed Jimin. You, young lady, haven’t told me anything about you two, yet. Spill the tea, sis, we wanna hear it all.” Mina ended up demanding, elbowing the younger girl.

“Emily hasn’t told anyone about Yoongi- “

“I’m not sure it’s safe for you to hear about me and Yoongi.” Em instantly cut in.

“Actually, no, go ahead, enlighten us.” Mina raised a brow.

Emily smiled smugly “Well, we went all the way some time ago. And, not to brag, but he’s pretty damn good.”

“What did he call you?” Amelia asked, slapping Mina on the arm.


The other two exploded into laughter, seeing Emily turn into a mush of embarrassment, blushing as she sipped her coffee.

“Atta boy, Yoongi!” Mina exclaimed, smiling and nodding her head “Finally, though. Took me getting snagged away for you two dumbasses to get together.”

“Don’t even joke, I was a mess- “

“Did he choke you yet?”

“Sweet Jesus…” Amelia mumbled, only to snort when Emily spoke again.

“He did and, holy shit, he’s good at it.”

“Pfff. Well, damn! And now you, you little shit, get to talking!” Mina slapped Amelia on the shoulder, all attention being brought to her again.

She sighed, rolling her eyes. There was no way she could escape talking now. Knowing the twins, the both of them would keep nagging at her for her to speak. It would be annoying and straight up frustrating, so, honestly, might as well just blurt everything out.

“He kissed me, some time ago. And we kind of made out when he drank from me, after the female demon knocked him out. But after that, nothing. Now it just seems like he’s scared to even touch me.” Amelia ranted, tossing her now empty cup in the trash.

“Oh… But has he told you anything? Like, as he made some sort of excuse or something?” Em asked, frowning in confusion.

“Nope, no excuses.”

“Well, shit… I thought he liked you! The guy looks at you like you’re some goddess!” Mina mumbled, looking between her sister and Amelia.

“He loves me.”


“Well, at least he said he did. When I told him I was… uh, that I was almost raped he kind of freaked out. And when I tried to calm him down, he dropped the bomb on me.” Amelia sighed, tilting her head to one side “Maybe he decided he’s not interested, I don’t know. Let’s be honest, Jungkook’s probably terrified over me going all murderous when I got my powers back. That, or I look so different now that he just doesn’t like me.”

Mina straight up shouted a loud cackle that pierced through the now quieter parking lot and Em chortled, squealing to suppress her laughter. Amelia was a little dumbfounded at the two, her eyes going to Mina, on her left, and then Em, on her right, both making weird, inhuman noises while laughing.

You know, these two dumbasses had lived among kings, queens, emperors and empresses, received impeccable education, served as maidens for princesses and such… no one would believe it, considering their loud laughter.

Ladies, my ass!

“I’m sorry, sweetie!” Mina cackled, followed by more shouted laughter from Emily “It’s just… Oh, boy!”

Let’s just give them a minute… The loud laughter kept on, and Amelia was now smiling back at them, the sound starting to be contagious. The twins’ laughter, along with Hoseok’s and Jin’s was usually a trap set to make you double over in obnoxious laughter as well.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m done… Sorry, it’s just, I’ve never heard something so ridiculous come out of your mouth.” Mina finally was able to say, cleaning a tear that had fallen “Amelia, Jungkook fell in love with you when you were literally rotting from the inside out. Imagine now, that you look like that!”

Amelia froze “Look like what?”

“Oh, honey!” Em chirped, wrapping her arm on the shorter girl’s shoulders “Let’s not play dumb or humble, it doesn’t suit us, at all. You are beautiful, Amelia, the guy sometimes eyes you like you’re a piece of meat and he’s starving.”

“You make it sound like he’s some pervert!”

“He’s not, but he’s definitely not blind and definitely interested.” Em reassured, smiling knowingly.

“What is it, then? If it’s not my looks, then what is it? There has to be something I’m doing wrong.”

This time Mina sneered, a little knowing smile creeping up her lips to settle in there.

“He was dead scared of losing you, Amelia. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still trying to digest the fact that he almost lost you once. Talk to him. You know that whole ‘communication is key’ thing? It’s an actual thing. I should know, it worked with me and Jimin.”

“You sounded like an adult…”

“I know! Isn’t it hot?!” Mina said, opening the luggage of Jin’s white Mercedes and placing the bags neatly inside.

After a cheerful drive, where Mina and Emily reminisced on some of their old trips around the country, going through songs on the radio and then their phones and singing loud to it, they were now reaching the mansion. Emily still loved Bon Jovi with her whole being, so she was the one singing ‘Dead or Alive’ louder in the car.

“Tell you what. Why don’t I make you a Tarot reading, when we get home.”

Amelia rolled her eyes at that.

“Mina, you know I don’t believe in that stuff!”

“Bitch, you read tea leaves, don’t come at me with that ‘non believer’ shenanigan!” Mina countered angrily, with Em bursting into giggles beside her.

“Yeah, and there’s credibility in the way the leaves are shaped! The cards just don’t make sense.” Amelia argued, now.

“I swear, sometimes I just wanna hit you, you little shit. Here I am, offering to help…”

Well, Mina knew how to guilt trip someone “Fine! One reading! But if you pull The Fool on me, I will kick your ass!”

Right… Because Mina could keep her promises.

Almost two hours later, Amelia was seated in the game room, on the floor, attentively looking at the cards Mina was flipping. So far, Mina had told her the cards were showing a bit of confusion, new trials and near incoming change. Of course, Amelia didn’t know much of Tarot, Mina was the one who loved it so dearly. Her readings were usually spot on, too, so she was good at this. But, ever since Amelia had been a teen, Mina had always pulled that stunt of pulling The Fool card, just to vex her.

It only made sense this time would be no different. Because Mina turned the fourth card and there it was. The Fool.

“Ugh… All I asked was for that not to happen!” Amelia grumbled, rolling her eyes and moving to get up and leave.
Emily snorted and started to giggle for the hundredth time that night. Sure, she would.

“What… No! Don’t leave, there’s still two cards left! It’s not a bad card, Amelia!!” Mina shouted, attempting to have the younger girl return to her place in front of her on the floor, but to no avail.

Amelia was already making her way up the stairs.

“What does The Fool mean?” Jimin asked from beside Mina, lowering his phone a bit to pay attention.

“It means innocence, new beginnings. It’s the sign of a free spirit.” Mina pouted and placed the card back on its place in the formation.

“Can you still finish it?” Em asked, now, probably curious to know what the other two cards were.

“Well, sure. But it’s a bit weird when she’s not here.” Mina sighed and straightened up to continue, turning the next card “The Four of Wands. Family and home…”

Mina frowned, then. Her blue stare was alternating between the card she had just flipped and the last one that was still to be revealed. A little hesitant, her fingers went to the card and she flipped it. And she blanked, in awe and confusion.

“What?” Em seemed a bit concerned, trying to peer at the card Mina was holding.

“The Empress…”

[Oh, snap! 😚]

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