Chapter 49 - Have no Fear, the Cavalry is Here

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“We aren’t actually doing this through the front door, are we? They ain’t serious

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“We aren’t actually doing this through the front door, are we? They ain’t serious.” Taehyung said, frowning at Jin.

“We’re serious.” Lucy and Emily said in unison.

Taehyung didn’t know if he was supposed to feel amused or… terrified.

Jimin hadn’t looked particularly happy when Jin suggested he go with the bigger group to find the place for the ritual and try to stop it. He would much prefer to go find his mate and stay with her. But he wasn’t arrogant… He knew Mina could very well take care of herself. Hell, only now had the demons been able to get her blood, that had to mean something. Plus, he really liked Amelia. And he would not put the girl at risk any more than she already was. Hence why he didn’t bother complain.

They had divided into two teams. One, with Jungkook, Amelia, Luna and Lucy, who would go straight to where Emily was feeling Mina’s presence and get to her as fast as possible. And a second one, with the rest of the guys as well as Emily, who would try to find the place where the ritual would be held.

As to getting inside the old building…

Well, Amelia wasn’t kidding, nor were any of the girls, apparently.

Lucy straight up walked to the front door and used a gesture of her hands to bend the rusty metal, the sound of it creaking and whining as the streams of silver white magic moved around the metal. Most likely from the storm, her tattoos seemed to be brighter. And the lightning, every time it struck in the sky, was getting eerily closer and closer to them.

“Em, you know what to do?” Lucy asked, hurriedly stepping inside and looking at Emily with a frown, at the same time she was now removing a ring from her pinky finger to swiftly pass it to Emily, who caught it on her palm.

“Keep the ritual from happening and buy time to wait for you. Do you remember the directions I gave you?” Emily placed the ring on her finger and slipped off the bracelet she had on her right wrist and threw it at Lucy.

“Down the hall, straight down the stairs and the last room to the right. I’ll find you as soon as I’m done.”

The six of the guys watched the exchange a little lost, not really understanding why the two Witches were exchanging jewelry in the first place, but didn’t really say anything. Emily looked at the little entrance area and analyzed the place, looking at what seemed to be a reception area and then going around to look at the door beside it. All the while, Lucy had turned to go instantly towards the door on the right and entering, Luna, Amelia and Jungkook following after her.

Amelia squinted her eyes at the darkness of the hall Lucy had brought them to. It was dark and musty, and the fact that her chest was getting tighter by the second didn’t help with her breathing at all. She also noticed it was getting warmer… so much that she was starting to sweat and pant.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked by her side, his eyes growing concerned when Amelia released a shuddering breath.

“It’s getting harder to breathe.” She muttered, trying to take deeper breaths.

Lucy’s hand found hers, her soft magic seeping through her skin and into Amelia instantly, and she squeezed reassuringly.

The four of them kept moving forward, Jungkook a little ahead now, with one of his Berettas by his thigh as he looked around the hall with attentive eyes. Luna had drawn out her Colt from her holster on her leg and was now looking around the place with dark, attentive purple eyes. Jungkook had noticed how Taehyung was uncomfortable with Luna being there. But the fact the woman had taken out a backpack and a freaking riffle from the car to bring it along with her, and was now hanging on her back, was a little settling.

“Lucy, can you sense any demons in here?” Luna asked, voice uncharacteristically low and serious.

“From below. I wanted to get us out of here with Mina without getting close to any of them, but I don’t think that’s possible, they just started moving.” Lucy said, keeping her cold eyes ahead and squeezing Amelia’s hand.

“Do you know how many?” Amelia asked, her voice a little strained.

“I think five. I can’t tell how strong they are, but all the demons in the clan seem higher leveled.” Lucy mumbled, halting her steps while Jungkook approached the stairs that lead down.

Jungkook studied the area around, looking down first and then taking the steps slowly and with a low stance, ready to shoot. The point of this was getting to Mina without any demons finding them there. Hell was already going to break loose at the site of the ritual, so Lucy really didn’t want to waste unnecessary magic.

Amelia felt Lucy tense.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, growing a little alarmed.

“Hum… Nothing, let’s go.” Lucy ended up saying, her eyes a dark grey and a deep frown on her face.

Amelia didn’t push, but she could tell something was wrong. Lucy seemed even more tense than before. Her hand, gripping Amelia’s, was stiff and tight. Amelia didn’t complain, though, it wasn’t painful.

Jungkook gestured the three women to come down, his stare dark and almost predatory as he made his way down the hall. According to Emily, Mina was on the last room on the right. So all they had to do was go straight ahead and reach said place without being spotted by anyone.

The silence was eerie, almost creepy, as they made their way down the hall full of old, steel doors. The walls were made of brick and the air was musty and thick, which only made Amelia breathe a little harder. Her forehead was now layered with a thin sheen of sweat.

The four of them were nearly there and not a single sight of any of the demons Lucy said she had sensed. Either they were inside one of the rooms, completely distracted so they wouldn’t feel the magic erupting from Lucy or, worst case scenario, were all inside Mina’s room. That would not be good, at all.

When Lucy grabbed Jungkook’s shoulder from behind and stopped him from going any further, just a few meters from the room Mina was supposedly in, Amelia almost had a heart attack. She had been so tense and attentive at the darkness and trying to breathe properly that the small movement from Lucy almost had her peeing herself.

“Wait… I’m not feeling any demons anymore- “

A door burst open with a loud bang, the knob hitting the wall and sending dust flying everywhere. Amelia wasn’t the type to get scared easily… But all that quiet and darkness had her on edge and she couldn’t help the little squeal that left her, hiding behind Lucy.

The sound of Luna’s and Jungkook’s guns engaging followed the loud crash of the door on the wall, as they expertly aimed at the now open room and waited for whatever was there to come out.

And then a series of relieved sighs left everyone’s mouths when the wild, ginger mane of the person made its appearance. Mina examined her right first, having her back to the group, and only then did she turn and placed her blue eyes on them. The remnants of orange and red specks around her was enough to understand why Lucy didn’t feel the demons anymore.

Lucy raised her brows at the girl, as if asking for an explanation.

“What?” Mina asked, shrugging.

“And here I was worried for you.” Lucy shook her head in disbelief.

Mina smiled cheekily and shrugged once more, starting to move towards the group. When she came closer, the loose, dirty bandages on her right forearm didn’t go unnoticed. The same arm that Emily had felt pain at.

“They patched you up?” Luna asked, frowning at the poorly made job.

The redhead snorted “Yeah, the guy said he wanted to, and I quote ‘have fun with me later’. Poor idiot…”

“What did you do?” Jungkook asked, inspecting the now empty room where Mina had come from, where there was only a chair and a whole lot of ashes littering the place.

“Cut his dick off.” Mina said, turning and walking backwards while she smiled peevishly “Shoved it down his throat.”

“Classy.” Lucy mumbled, smirking a bit.

“Why, thank you! I thought so too!”

Upstairs, Emily was leading the group through the old machinery room. The place seemed to be an old refinery. The horrible smell of oil and residue still lingered, along with the smell of dust and must. The machines were covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, only being lightly illuminated by the small light coming from the windows at the top of the high walls. The sound of thunder seemed to get louder every time another rang in the sky, the lightning flashing in the sky not long after.

She could sense the demons, the place was littered with them. But until now, not one of them was in sight. And that was making her nervous. Because if they didn’t hurry, whatever poor Ellie had seen in her vision would come true.

Yoongi followed behind her, tense and quiet, gun in hand and low by his thigh. No one had said a thing after following Emily in here, waiting for her instructions as she made her way through the machinery room.

Sudden loud screeching of metal and the dragging of chains had everyone going still and Emily whispering a curse when they saw the obvious figure of a demon erupt from the steel door way up ahead. The group instantly lowered themselves, hiding behind the tall machines and waiting for the guy to make his way out. When he stopped midway, though, the group tensed. If he’d sensed Emily’s magic, he would most likely alert the rest of the clan.
Yoongi reached for the silencer, that he’d placed on the inside of his coat, and adjusted it on his Glock quickly, elbowing Emily.

“Chains, now.”

Emily raised herself only a smidge for her to be able to extend her hands and move them. Her blue chains erupted from the ground behind the demon and instantly latched onto the guy, quickly wrapping around him like constricting snakes. He was about to scream when Yoongi aimed and pulled the trigger, hitting him straight in the head.

“One less fucker to worry about…” He mumbled, smirking a bit in satisfaction at his work.

Seeing the place go quiet again, Emily got up from her place and made her way to the door the demon had come from. The idiot had left the door open, thankfully. Taking in consideration the amount of noise it had made when being opened, Emily wouldn’t want to risk getting caught now. Whispering a small spell to make herself less visible to the eye, she peeked her head to see inside.

Emily felt her stomach clench and heart skip a beat in her chest. She hurriedly took a step back and leaned against the brick wall, wide eyed and breathing heavily.

“What? Em, what’s up?” Yoongi asked, frowning at her paleness.

Jin didn’t like the way she seemed so scared either.

“Hey, Jin? Italy?” Em mumbled, looking at Jin a little nervous.


“Triple it.”

“Holy fuck, that many?” Jin moved towards the door to look inside, with Em placing a hand on his arm to place the spell on him as well “We’re about to fucking die, man…”

Hoseok groaned a little, making a displeased face. He wasn’t the type to enjoy the more physical type of fighting, much like Yoongi. The other guys were much better at that than him. Knowing the place was filled with sentient demons was making him nervous as hell. And Emily too, it seemed, seeing as she was a little pale.

“What do we do?” Namjoon asked, urgency in his hushed voice.

“Gimme a second, damn it, I’m trying not to panic.” Emily grumbled, closing her eyes and breathing deeply, urging her brain to think and come up with something.

A small rush of energy flowed through her chest, her magic reacting to Mina’s. Emily smiled a little and then pulled Jin back so she could look at the big, wide, storage like area the door lead to. Her blue eyes studied the place, where the demons were setting up the huge circle with the pentagram inside and the runes to perform the ritual. She saw some laying candles around and the leader of the clan analyzing every movement they made as if to make sure the markings and candles were well placed. Her eyes then looked at the far side, where an altar was placed, an old book, probably so they could perform the chanting later on, and a bowl with a bloodied knife.

Emily almost growled when she instantly assumed her twin’s blood to be there. Her gut did a little somersault when her eyes caught sight of a human heart as well, on top of the altar.

But then Emily focused on the top area of the building. Narrowing her eyes, Emily saw what looked like a second level, with a metal over hang wrapping around the walls. There was a door right above the altar with a large window beside it, leading to what seemed to be an office. When trying to find a way there, her eyes ended up diverting back inside the machinery room.

Some of the guys frowned when she tilted her head to the left, looking ahead of them.

Metal stairs.

“Follow me.” She said, silently moving towards the stairs and making her way up quickly.

They followed, Taehyung being the last one and taking the time to look around and make sure no one was stepping into the machinery room again. Emily reached the steel door on the top and her hand slowly rotated the knob. Only it didn’t turn.

“Fuck, it’s locked.” She grumbled, trying to force it again “If I try to use magic they’ll hear.”

“I got it.” Hoseok said, coming forward and pulling out a small switchblade from his pocket. He kneeled on the floor and frowned in concentration as he began to insert the small knife inside the keyhole, along with a very tiny, long, metal pin, and then moved them in a pattern.

Emily was completely dumbfounded when she heard the lock click.

Hoseok got up from the ground, opened the door and gestured for her to go inside with a little bow.

“Ladies first.” He said, smiling a bit.

“I didn’t know you could do that.” Emily quipped.

“I have a weird talent for picking locks.” Hoseok mumbled, shrugging.

“Huh! That’s hot!” Emily smiled and stepped up, looking at both sides as she studied the office place she was entering “Would’ve been helpful when me and Mina tried to steal that bank in Mexico.”

“What…” Yoongi whispered, frowning again.

Emily walked inside, grateful the lights were off. The only light in the old, abandoned office was coming from the white, dim lights of the open area that was in front of them, where the demons were preparing for the ritual. It wasn’t enough to light up the office, but everyone still avoided going near the window to avoid exposure.

Taehyung closed the door behind him and then came close to look through the window, only his head peeking out.

“Shit, even a heart?”

“Most ancient rituals require one. And you’d be surprised by the amount that requires actual virgins.” Emily mumbled, leaving Taehyung a little uncomfortable with the information.

“What do we do, now? Lucy said to wait for her, but I think they’re about to start the ritual.” Jimin said, taking a peek at the scene below as well.

Emily looked around the room, looking for something that could help the situation. Her eyes were darting around the place, and the guys all started to help as well, only to come out with a whole lot of nothing.

“You know what, fuck it! Might as well just go in there and go Rambo on them.” Yoongi grumbled, removing the silencer from his Glock and throwing it aside.

“That’s your plan?” Jin said, frowning.

“Well, we did walk in through the front door!” Namjoon said, going to the door that lead to the front of the storage open area.

“Wait, I brought something that might help.” Taehyung suddenly said, taking out the backpack that Emily was just now noticing he had been using.

When Taehyung zipped it open, Yoongi whined.

“No, you brought my babies! Why would you do that?!” The white haired man said, frowning at Taehyung a bit childlike.

“I can assure you they’re more useful here than at home.” Taehyung grumbled, taking out the assortment of explosives and grenades out of the backpack to start passing them around the guys.

When he extended one to Emily, she rolled her eyes and groaned.

“You’ll get along with Amelia, I swear.” She dismissed the explosive Taehyung extended, the latter looking a bit flustered at the mention of Amelia, clearing his throat “Men and their guns.”

“And Luna. Luna likes guns too.” Jimin quipped, pulling out his Glock from the holster inside the jacket.

“Em?” Jin called, watching as she was about to open the door to go outside, beginning to bend over so the demons didn’t catch sight of her right off the bat.

“Lucy said to form a distraction. I’m about to do just that.” She mumbled.

Yoongi felt his heart drop to his stomach the moment Emily walked all the way to the center of the window, barely making a noise, so she was positioned above the altar. She placed her hands on the window and mumbled something, having drawings appear in bright blue on the thick glass, and almost instantly turning it into a very fine dust. The guys stepped back, avoiding contact with the dust.

“On my call, you throw those things down, got that?”

That being said, she went near the railing, back now turned to the open window, and her usual blue glow appeared on her wrists. She moved her hands slowly, up and over head. Yoongi saw several magic circles begin to appear all around the big room, the demons now suddenly growing alarmed from their sudden appearance.

“What in the fuck… “ One said, finally noticing Emily above them.

“Oh. Good evening, kind sirs!” Emily chirped, smiling mischievously “Don’t mind me.”

The woman gestured loosely with one of her hands, and Jin knew to signal the guys to throw the lit up explosives and grenades to the lower floor.

And Emily let down her chains.

~ Sass 😘

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