Chapter 31 - The Night Shift

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Jungkook breathed in the cool air and snapped his neck to the side to crack it

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Jungkook breathed in the cool air and snapped his neck to the side to crack it. In a way, he felt bad for leaving Amelia back at the house while he was in town, hunting for some clue for the clan. Especially considering they had finally started to get closer. She had been very cutely embarrassed by his presence.
But then again he had wanted to go back to the field to hunt demons, now even more on the prospect of finding out more about the demons that hurt his mate and where her powers could be.

Now, Jungkook wasn’t dumb. Amelia hadn’t yet mentioned anything about the scent of blood in the bathroom. And he also had stayed quiet, to not make her upset in any way. He didn’t know where the blood was coming from, but it was hers. That he was sure of. So he knew her condition wasn’t getting any better. Luna’s potion was just delaying the inevitable.

That evening, when everyone had met at the office to know how things would go down, Jin told everyone that Emily would be going to replace Luna that night. The Alchemist was supposed to be on hold in case Mina would need her help. It wasn’t specified what was wrong with the redheaded Witch, but Jimin seemed a little too serious.

Jungkook hoped she wasn’t sick, Jimin liked her a lot.

Maybe it was also good that Luna would stay in with Amelia. In case she would need it.

Yoongi had, very much reluctantly, accepted to stay home, even though Emily would be out. Emily apparently had to give him a pep talk and Lucy had to reassure him nothing would happen. He was still grumpy when they left the house.

Right now, Namjoon-hyung was talking with Ellie on the bar, smirking at her like he was trying to get in her pants. Lord knew it wouldn’t work. Ellie did not care for Namjoon’s shenanigans and smooth talking.

There had been no changes in things since the previous night. Hoseok had told him about some strange business going on between minor demon clans and the Nidhögg clan. And it seemed most demons from this clan were higher level demons, much stronger and deadly. Most likely sentient, even. Which could potentially be a big problem in the near future.

Taehyung had mentioned that it was starting to be difficult to dig deeper into the Náströg Enterprises. He had figured it out they were a company that purchased other small companies and then made money out of their purchase. Taehyung had found out some strange amounts of money being transferred to this one company from other small companies from all over the world, and most of these transfers had to do with drug trafficking.

Both Tae and Jin were working hard to find out what the hell had that company to do with Amelia’s powers.

“Ellie found anything?” Jin asked when Namjoon made his way to the rest of the guys.

“Nothing. For now, anyway. After those two the other night, no demon has been appearing here. She did mention, though, that one of the girls said there had been some drug dealing going on the alley near her apartment complex. I can go check that out now.”

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