Chapter 34 - Bonds and Heart Aches 🔞

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[WARNING: Light smut at the start]

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[WARNING: Light smut at the start]

Jimin stirred in his sleep when he felt soft hands sliding down his chest, down his abdomen and then coming up to his face to softly brush through his hair. He felt soft, warm lips on top of his and then heard a purred giggle right beside his ear, when Mina licked at his earlobe.

“Good morning…” She whispered, her hot breath erupting goosebumps all over his body.

That’s when awareness brought him down to earth again. He felt her weight on top of his hips, thighs on each side of him as she straddled him. Her hair brushed against his face, the scent of roses flooding his nostrils like a drug and stirring the heat on the lower half of his abdomen. He was already hard and there was no way Mina couldn’t feel it.

Her lips dropped to his neck and he groaned under her, while she still lowered to his chest, her tongue sinfully lapping at his nipple and her teeth nipping. Mina grinded her hips down on his erection, releasing a moan against his skin. He felt her hand sliding lower, sinful black nails scratching softly against his skin and erupting goosebumps all over him. He groaned when her fingers surrounded his cock, pumping him a couple of times before raising her hips and placing the head of him at her center and slowly lowered herself.

His hands came to rest at her hips, that she was now moving agonizingly slow. Mina released a breath, her lips now coming in contact with his to kiss him slowly.

Jimin grunted into her mouth, panting heavily when her walls contracted a little around his cock. He nuzzled into her neck to kiss the skin there, leaving open mouthed kisses as he grew restless to quicken his pace and drive harder into her. Mina whimpered when she felt his tongue on the puncture wounds he had done previously. The wounds were healed but the skin still felt sensitive under his hot tongue.

“J- Jimin!” She moaned, her hand grabbing his head to keep him at her neck.

Jimin started to raise himself, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her closer.

Her arms surrounded his neck, hips grinding a little faster while he bucked his hips up to her.

It was slow, a soft build up in the pit of his stomach that gradually turned too hot to handle until they both shouted their release, Jimin grunting loud into her neck and Mina scratching his shoulders with her black nails.

Both stayed still, simply breathing and trying to regain composure before moving again. Mina was passing her nails against his scalp in soothing motions, her breathing starting to become slower and more regulated.

“Are you okay, now?” He mumbled against her neck, his voice muffled.

Mina openly giggled, throwing her head back languidly.

“You can stop asking that, now. I'm fine!” She said, running her hands through his messy, soft hair.

“Really? Nothing hurts?” He asked again, smiling up at her.

She shook her head “I’m all good. Thanks to you, sir!”

He drew on a lazy smirk when she dropped her lips to his, kissing him softly again.

And then Jimin tensed when something occurred to him.

“Hum… Mina? I came inside. Twice.” He mumbled, flushing slightly when recalling the orgasms with her.

She smiled slow, grazing her lips against his temple.

“It’s okay, I can’t get pregnant- “

Mina’s words had him concerned. He frowned and pushed her slightly to look fully at her, studying her surprised expression. She blinked and tilted her head.

“What do you mean? You can’t have kids?” He asked, growing alarmed.

It strangely occurred to him that whatever shit those monsters at the lab had done to her could have compromised her ability to have children. She had mentioned it, how they wondered if she could reproduce like humans. Did they? He looked down at her stomach, growing angry when he saw the small, rosy scar on the lower part of her womb.

Mina frowned and smiled.

“Of course I can…” Jimin looked up at her again, confused, and she raised her brows in surprise, tilting her head “Oh, you know nothing about Witches, do you? Awe, you’re adorable!”

He flushed beautifully, awkwardly looking away while Mina giggled again.

“I can get pregnant. Our cycle is different than a human’s, is all. We don’t have periods and we have one single chance per year to get pregnant.”

When she explained that Jimin seemed even more confused. He frowned while tilting his head, a little bit like a puppy. Mina smiled again.

“It’s called a Moon Cycle. Every year, in one specific Full Moon, we have our cycle. We become fertile and our body releases waves of magic to attract any male partners. It can be very frustrating if you’re not mated with anyone… it will last a whole week and it hurts horribly. Much worse than what I was going through. If we are mated, and the partner helps us through the cycle, it lasts seven hours.”

“When you say help…”

“I mean seven hours of sex. It’s dangerous, though, we could get pregnant. Lucy, me and the girls are usually put to sleep during the cycle. We’re not mated, so we use a potion Luna makes and stay at hers while we’re asleep.”

Jimin looked a little conflicted, his brows knitted together as he thought.

“And while you’re asleep you don’t feel the pain?” He watched Mina shake her head in denial.

“What are you thinking?” She asked, hands coming to his cheeks to have him glance back up at her.

“I'm here… you don’t have to be put to sleep anymore.” He mumbled, looking up hopefully, as if asking her for permission.

Jimin had no idea about this, but this boy was proposing something big. Being mated was the equivalent of getting married. And servicing a Witch during her Moon Cycle was basically a compromise. Mina knew for a fact that it took a lot for a Witch to trust a partner and allow him to stay with her during such a fragile time.

“Can I? When that happens, can I stay with you?” He asked, squeezing her more to him.

Her eyes focused on his, the dark, chocolate brown enticing her and warming her chest in ways she had never felt. She felt at home in his arms, the way he touched her felt familiar and like it was meant to be… Mina had no doubt she would trust him, and only him, to be with her when the cycle happened.

“I'd love that.” She said after a while, smiling down at him.

Jimin gushed, his smile growing so much that his eyes curved into crescents while he nuzzled at her nose, grazing his lips against her warm and soft ones.

And then Mina kissed him again.

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