Chapter 17 - The White Wolf in the Living Room

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Jungkook woke up warm and cozy, a warm feeling spreading across his body and settling at his chest

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Jungkook woke up warm and cozy, a warm feeling spreading across his body and settling at his chest. He breathed in, his lungs filling with the very soft scent of the spices coming from Amelia. He didn’t dare move, enjoying how much that scent had become the best part of waking up. Although he had been pretty adamant in not sleeping with her on the bed, Jungkook was now in pure bliss.

Taking in one more deep breath, he started to stretch, only to feel heavy all of a sudden. His eyes opened, the room only mildly lit. He was laying on his back, so the first thing in his line of vision was the ceiling.

Jungkook began to become more aware of his surroundings.

He became aware of the warmth on the right side of his body. Aware of the weight over his abdomen and leg over his own, the steady, soft breathing from the person next to him. Ever so slowly, Jungkook turned his head to side, heart racing when he saw Amelia cuddled up close to his body, her cheek squished against his shoulder and small puffs of breath coming out from her parted lips.

It seemed that during her sleep, Amelia had made her way to him, since Jungkook was still in the same side of the bed, away from where she usually slept.

The tension began to leave his body after a while, relaxing onto the bed again. Jungkook took the time to observe every feature of her face, how today she had a bit of a flush to her cheeks and little hairs wisps were framing her face.

With the hand that was behind her head, he pulled the little stray hairs away, dipping his head to nuzzle his nose on the skin of her forehead, feeling for warmth. Her temperature had gone down a notch and wasn’t so hot. Her skin was soft and he could feel that very faint smell of spices coming from her blood, that he knew now was from her being a Witch, and the relaxing scent of lemon from the hair products Ellie had brought for her. Amelia seemed to like them, so now her skin was beginning to always smell like lemons.

He loved it.

Amelia stirred, taking in a deep breath and hugging closer to him before letting out a little sigh. She looked content in her sleep for the first time. Maybe because of the proximity of the twins and their magic, she seemed a bit in a better mood. And whatever Mina did to her before she fell asleep seemed to have worked wonders, because Amelia did not wake up once nor did she have a nightmare.

Jungkook watched her eyes flutter open slightly, fuzzy and dazed before she snapped her lips together a couple of times. And that’s when she looked up to him, eyes focusing on his.

He half expected her to freak out and jolt awake and away from him. Amelia did the opposite.

“Morning…” She mumbled out softly.

She took a deep breath and sighed again, this time drawing on a little content smile.

“You smell nice.”

Oh, boy! Why the hell did that comment go straight to his crotch?! It was innocent, candid and it was supposed to feel nice, not to give him a freaking boner!

“Do I?” He croaked out, trying to control his breathing.

“Like pine and sandalwood. It’s my favorite. Lucy used to burn incenses of sandalwood all the time, when I was a kid.” Amelia said, nuzzling her cheek into his shirt more.

“I didn’t know I smelled like that.”

At this point, Jungkook was hoping her leg didn’t move at all or Amelia would feel his hard on. He was also asking himself how in the hell was he gonna get up without suffering from embarrassment.

“You do.”

A comfortable silence settled in, where he simply watched her for a while. Amelia had closed her eyes again and was just basking in the comfort of the moment. She didn’t have any aches, her muscles weren’t sore, no nausea… It was just her and him. Which reminded her of something. She looked up again, Jungkook also relaxed on to the pillow and with his eyes closed.

“Jungkook?” She whispered out, thinking back to the conversation with Mina the previous day. Jungkook looked down at her “Why are you always so distant?”

Jungkook creased his brows, a little surprised by the question.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re always so scared of touching me… Is it because I’m sick?”

“What?! No! Why would you think that?” He asked, a bit of panic flaring in his tone.

“You didn’t want to sleep here in bed. And you always refrain yourself of touching me.” Her voice wasn’t anything more than a whisper and a beautiful blush was creeping up her cheeks.

“I- uh… I didn’t want to scare you.” Jungkook stuttered out, breathing increasing in pace when he saw her smile softly.

“I’m not scared of you.”

He almost stopped breathing, mind doing flips inside his head. Jungkook genuinely thought Amelia didn’t feel comfortable around him, like she was still uncomfortable around Jimin or Yoongi touching her too much.

His eyes drifted down to her full lips, instinctively wetting his own when he saw how soft they looked. Shit, this was dangerous. He hadn’t fed in a while and, with the hard on in his pants right now, it was starting to get complicated to stop himself from being all over her. He tentatively leaned in, his free hand coming up to brush her cheek and cupping her jaw. Amelia brought her face slightly up, trying to meet him midway.

Jungkook’s lips brushed hers, a soft touch on top of her mouth, that lasted for only a moment. He pulled away just a second to release a breath that he seemed to be holding onto. And then his mouth pressed against her fully, lips taking over hers possessively while he took in a deep intake of breath.

Amelia couldn’t help the little soft whimper that came out of her when she felt his lips sucking on hers and tongue swiping on her bottom lip. Jungkook pressed into her a bit more, his body rolling to hover over hers. She gasped softly, the sound igniting the fire in his gut even more and making him insert his tongue in her mouth and teasing hers slowly. When Amelia positively moaned into his mouth, Jungkook had to repress the urge to grind his hips against her. One of her hands had darted to his hair, nails passing through his scalp and tugging lightly at the roots, earning a deep, low grunt from him.

That’s when the images in her head began to shift.

All of a sudden, it wasn’t Jungkook’s hand on her hip and it wasn’t his lips on hers anymore. It was the cold, rough set of hands that tried to grasp her thighs, it was the strength of a demon pushing her hard onto the floor, so hard her teeth rattled and a strong pain in her head blinded her momentarily…

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