Chapter 37 - Testing the Waters 🔞

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[WARNING: heavy smut, light degradation and daddy kink heavy]

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[WARNING: heavy smut, light degradation and daddy kink heavy]

Emily woke up feeling a bit too hot for comfort. She had been the first to fall asleep, so Yoongi hadn’t been in bed when she did.

Right now, he had one of his arms around her waist, hand softly and dangerously smoothing its way up her ribs and reaching her breasts. Emily felt his hips rutting against her thigh, his obvious erection rubbing against her for friction. Yoongi grunted low in his chest and she turned to find that he was still asleep, pink lips parted as he panted and brows knitted together.

She was about to call him when she felt his fingers graze the skin of her stomach, creeping up the inside of her loose shirt. Well, heck, she was going to stop him and wake him up, but, really, did she want to? Not really, no!

When his palm finally reached her breast and his fingers groped the flesh, Emily had to contain herself not to moan, rolling her eyes closed to enjoy the hot feeling of his skin on hers. Yoongi pressed himself against her a bit more, his mouth now looking for her neck to graze his lips there, hips always grinding against her.

It was when she felt his tongue flat on the skin of her neck that Em openly moaned, arching up against his hand for more contact.

“Em? Oh, fuck! Shit, I’m sorry!” Yoongi quickly opened his eyes and almost jumped when he became aware of his body completely on top of Emily’s, his hand up her shirt and his boner rubbing against her.

Emily looked up at him, biting her lip and blue eyes, hooded, dark and glossy with lust. Her breathing was heavy and she was looking at him expectantly.


“Please, don’t stop.” She breathed out, one of her legs bending at the knee and softly dragging its way up his side teasingly.

Yoongi was a bit awestruck, the fuzziness of sleep going out the window completely when he noticed the shift in her eyes.

“You don’t want me stop?” He mumbled, holding himself above her and bringing the hand that had been inside her shirt to her neck. Emily shook her head no, but Yoongi decided to test the waters instead “Use your words, babygirl. Do you want daddy to stop?”

At the words, Emily’s demeanor changed entirely. Her eyes darkened, pupils dilating and her body relaxing into the bed.

“No, daddy… Please, don’t stop.” She whimpered back, breathing heavily.

Oh… Yoongi didn’t know he would like that! He smirked, liking the way the words stirred him up, his nerves tingling for more.

Yoongi dropped his mouth to her neck again, lips grazing her soft skin and taking in her perfume and the sweet scent of her arousal. Em moaned loud again when he licked her neck, her head falling back to allow him more access. Yoongi squeezed her neck slightly, before rubbing his thumb over the skin, all the while tracing soft kisses along her jaw and then reaching her lips, that he kissed eagerly.

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