Chapter 22 - Potions and Confessions

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Amelia scrunched up her nose as soon as the smell of the potion hit her nostrils

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Amelia scrunched up her nose as soon as the smell of the potion hit her nostrils.

“You’re going to have to drink the whole thing.” Luna said, nodding to the cup placed on top of the table.

“The whole thing?! Luna, this is a lot!” Amelia whined, eyes wide at the Alchemist.

“Does it look like I care? Go on, then, bottoms up!”

Jungkook snickered at the exchange between the two, seeing Amelia bring the cup up to her face, only to almost dry heave. Sighing in resignation, the girl took a deep breath and started to chug down the green liquid. She stopped mid-way, lowering her head and taking deep breaths.

“Come on, now! The whole thing.” Luna insisted, crossing her arms and waiting for Amelia to drink the rest.

“Bro, I'm trying… Why is this so bad!” Amelia whined again, bringing her hand to her mouth.

“I can assure you that if I tell you the ingredients there’s no way you'll be drinking it. And you need to drink it.” Luna mocked, leaning her hip on the table as she watched Amelia.

Amelia frowned, almost suspicious as to what the hell she was actually drinking. Once again, she raised the glass to her mouth and managed to swallow the rest, taking deep breaths again, trying to keep the liquid inside.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Luna said, earning a deadly glare from Amelia as she moved away.

As soon as Luna turned away, Jin made his way inside the living room with a massive tray of food. One thing Amelia had grown to love, and that Emily and Mina were still trying to get used to, was that Jin always wanted to have everyone at the table for both lunch and dinner. He liked having the table full of people, with loud talking and laughter. The first night Lucy had arrived, she had been a little stiff. Mostly because she wasn’t used to so many people, anymore. But maybe because of Mina and Emily laughing loud with Hoseok and Namjoon she started to relax.

Now that Luna was in the house, though? If the place was loud before, now it was utter chaos. During dinner, Amelia strangely noticed that Taehyung wasn’t so annoyed at the noise. Today, he kept looking towards Luna.

Luna almost had a mental break down when she found out about her shop being burned down and nearly exploding. She had gotten up from her seat, calling for 'Wilhemina' and then glaring at her. Mina burst out laughing and got up from her seat to hide behind Lucy.

“You exploded with my shop?!”

“To be honest it was your exploding leaves, not me!” Mina defended, trying to dodge the girl’s hands.

“Don’t blame my darn leaves, you devil! They don’t explode unless there’s heat!!”

Besides Luna being all worked up about her shop going to hell, Emily also confronted the Alchemist about her teaching Amelia how to shoot a gun. Luna stopped, her hand in midair as she was taking a mouthful of food up to her mouth, and Amelia going wide eyed. Both looked at Lucy a little scared.

Lucy blinked slowly and then looked at Luna.

“You taught her what now?”

“Uh… Well, you see, I just figured it might be helpful one day!” Luna said, smiling innocently.

“And you didn’t think of telling me this, young lady?” Lucy looked towards Amelia, one eyebrow raised.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better she’s really good!” Yoongi cut in, earning a glare from Emily and a smirk from Amelia.

Lucy raised an eyebrow, surprised, and then ended up sighing.

“You’re lucky you have no powers, young miss.” She mumbled, making Mina snort loudly at Emily’s face.

Through the first serving, everything was fine. As soon as the second dish came? Hell broke loose in her gut. All of a sudden, a massive nausea made Amelia almost double over. Lucy saw her skin turn a very pasty color of white, breaths coming out in small huffs.

“You okay?” Her mentor asked, placing the back of her hand on the girl’s cheek.

“I feel sick.” Amelia grumbled out, doing her best to not start dry heaving in front of everyone.

Luna jumped out of her seat in an instant, running to the kitchen.

Lucy got up from her seat as well and pushed Amelia’s mussy hair to the side, tilting her head backwards. The healing energy she was providing wasn’t doing much anymore.

“What’s going on?” Jungkook asked, turning himself to face Amelia.

“The potion is starting to work, so now her body is trying to adjust to the new changes.” Luna quickly said, entering the room and rounding the table to place a hot mug in front of Amelia “Drink this, love.”

Amelia whined “Luna… If that’s another potion- “

“It’s ginger tea, you dingus! Drink, it'll help with the nausea.” Luna interrupted, placing her hands on her hips.

Amelia brought her hand up and took the mug of nice, warm tea, instantly feeling a bit more at ease when she smelled it. The hot liquid felt soothing and calming as it made its way down to her stomach.

“A bit better?” Luna asked, as everyone held their breath to see if the tea made any difference to Amelia.

“Better…” She mumbled, relaxing slightly in her seat, body instinctively gravitating towards Jungkook.

The whole table seemed to relax a bit after she said that. Lucy’s healing energy finally started to make its way to her body, as well.

“See, it’s just tea!” Luna said proudly, smirking at Amelia in slight mock.

“Can you blame me for being suspicious? That potion tastes like Satan’s ass!” Amelia ended up biting back, with some of the guys erupting in laughter.

“Should I be impressed that you know how Satan’s arsehole tastes like?” Luna countered, taking the now empty mug and going back to the kitchen, while everyone laughed loudly and Lucy pressed her lips so not to laugh as well.

“Dumbass…” Amelia mumbled, shaking her head and then getting up “Jin, the food is amazing, but I’m heading to bed.”

Jin chuckled, nodding in agreement. Everyone snickered a little when Jungkook got up as well to follow Amelia like a little puppy. Luna arrived back to the dining room at the same time as the two were leaving. The Alchemist stopped dead in her tracks and watched as they both left, a little devious smile on her lips. And then she turned to the dining table with a grin.

“Well, that one is balls deep, isn’t he?” Luna mocked, followed by the very loud snort from Mina and her laughter, along with Hoseok and Namjoon.

Jungkook watched from his seat on the bed while Amelia was heading to the bathroom to change clothes. He was a little hopeful, now that Luna was here. If that potion would help Amelia live just a little while longer, just enough so he could find that motherfucker of a demon, he was content.

He just wanted her to be with him as long as possible.

When she came out of the bathroom, Amelia made her way to the bed, slowly rotating one of her shoulders.

“What’s wrong?”

“My body was a bit sore, today. It should be better, tomorrow, don’t worry.” She said, settling herself beneath the covers, this time moving a little closer to him. Thoughts of the kiss from two days ago in this very bed, made Jungkook a little stiff and tense.

“Jungkook, there's something you need to know.” Amelia said, pulling him out of his perverted thoughts.

Her voice was so shaky and tiny that he immediately worried.

“What is it?” He asked, frowning down at her.

“When you kissed me…” She paused, blushing slightly, and he couldn’t help but smirk at her reaction “I didn’t stop you because I’m scared of you.”

“I know. Don’t worry about that, it’s fine- “

“No, it’s not- “ Amelia sighed, exasperated, and sat up to brush her fingers through her hair “There’s a reason. That’s what I want to tell you.”
Jungkook frowned, feeling uneasy.

“Okay? You sure you want to talk about it?” He asked, concerned about her comfort.

“I have to. It’s eating up at me… I ended up telling Taehyung and asked him not to tell you anything but now I feel horrible because he knows and you don’t and I don’t want to hide things from you again.” She rambled on, starting to pick up the pace of her words.

Jungkook smiled a little at her demeanor “Whatever it is, go ahead. I won’t be mad.”

“Oh, you will!” Amelia breathed out, trying to find the guts to tell him.

It was strange. At first, she simply did not want to tell him or anyone else what had been done to her. Amelia hadn’t allowed herself to trust Jungkook, or any of the guys in the house for that matter. Now, it felt sickening to just go on without telling him about those two months in captivity. Jungkook had done a lot for her and her feeling for him were growing.

Amelia didn’t want to hide things from him.

“I told you about how they tortured me, right?” She whispered, suddenly scared of how Jungkook was going to react. He nodded, frowning “That’s not all they did.”

Jungkook tensed beside her, not liking where the conversation was heading.

“There was one demon there. He went to my cell every day, sometimes to hurt me, other times he would bring others and just watched as they beat me. I remember thinking he was feeding from my pain the whole time… He was the one that performed the ritual on me, he’s the one that has my powers now.”

“I think the purpose of them hurting me so much was so I was weak enough for them to remove my powers.” Her right hand instinctively went to her left wrist, to the place where the tattoos were supposed to be “Because I was so weak afterwards, they simply decided to kill me slowly. The day before I managed to escape, he came to my cell again…”

Amelia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing. A horrible feeling of dread was settling at her stomach while her throat clogged up with uncertainty.

“He tried to rape me, that night.”

Jungkook got up from the bed with a loud growl, beginning to pace around. His eyes were a very bright shade of red.

“The rape kit came out negative.” He growled between gritted teeth, a blinding rage clouding his mind.

“It’s because he didn’t manage to do anything to me… I fought back.” Amelia whispered, his reaction a little scarier than she was expecting.

Jungkook stopped walking around the room, lowering his head and pressing his fingers to his eyes, attempting to calm himself down. They had touched her. He couldn’t stand the thought of their hands on her… Thinking of the pain Amelia could have endured was already fury inducing on its own. Now that he knew this, Jungkook felt like ripping someone apart. He suddenly wished Mina hadn’t killed the demon in the basement so he could do it himself.

Warm, soft and delicate hands came in contact with his cheeks, softly pulling his head down. He sighed in relief when Amelia’s lips came in contact with his, softly brushing against them.

“I’m okay. I’m here, please don’t be mad.” She whispered into his mouth, nuzzling his nose with her own “He didn’t do anything.”

“You fought back?” He asked, pained and still furious.

“I stabbed his eye.”

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, surprised at her words. A little glint of pride filled his chest, knowing that his girl was more than capable of taking care of herself. He was still angry beyond belief, he was still feeling the need to gauge someone’s eyes out… but he was glad Amelia had been able to defend herself.

“I love you.”

The words simply left his mouth and left Amelia completely speechless, blushing madly and going slightly tense. She wasn’t expecting him to say it so suddenly. Then again, you don’t ever truly prepare for the reaction your body makes when those words are thrown at you.

Unlike what she expected, there were no butterflies, no strange feeling in her gut or stomach. It felt warm. Her chest warmed up, a comforting feeling taking over her completely. She felt her cheeks get even hotter when Jungkook bent down to nuzzle his nose on her cheek.

“You don’t have to say it back, it’s okay. I’m sorry if that was too sudden.” He mumbled, starting to bring himself as close to her as possible, arms surrounding her waist “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could’ve been there to save you.”

His voice shook a little near her ear, as his arms softly squeezed her into his chest. Amelia relaxed fully into his arms. For a second there it almost felt wrong to not say anything back to him, but she needed time to figure out her feelings. Jungkook’s hand passed through her hair once, raising his head.

“Just go to bed, okay? I need a shower.” He pressed his lips to hers for a breath and then moved so he could go into the bathroom.


“Hum?” He turned to look at her.

Amelia smiled, that lively look in her eyes making her complexion seem healthier.

“Thank you.”

~Sass 😘
(I'm writing again!)

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